


                                                                                 AMANDA JOHNSON. 

It's ten o'clock in the morning, the cafeteria is crowded and people keep chattering, despite having a lot of work to do, my mind can't stop thinking about one thing. I'm alone now, fucking alone. 

Katherine left last night, with Steve, her rickety boyfriend with the scary curly hair. She decided to live in my father's luxurious mansion, from the man who denied my mother help, companionship, loyalty, absolutely everything. But, at the end of the day, I don't hate anyone, I just want them a million feet away from me. 

-The handsome gentleman at table six is ordering his sandwich with double cheese and strong coffee, can you take it to him? 

I nodded and took the tray, Hannah usually jokes with our frequent customer, one who, always tends to come in at this time of the morning ordering the same thing.

-Good morning, here is your order, I hope you are satisfied.

-Thank you, Amanda.

I was petrified at the sound of her voice, placed her plate on the table, and hesitantly asked: 

-Excuse me, but how do you know my name? 

I swear to God, your voice is very similar to the call made by that stranger yesterday. 

-It's on your uniform my dear.

Shit, can you get any more idiotic? My cheeks lit up with embarrassment, of course, he sees me every day, I give him his order every day, of course by now he knows my name very well. 

- Oh!" I let out a nervous laugh and put my hands behind my back, "Right, how careless.

-No problem.

I spun on my heels and cursed a couple of times, of course it's not him, what made me even think it? You can tell he's one of those men who has a lot of women after him, why would he want to be after a waitress? Oh my god, I want the earth to swallow me up right now, she can get too silly at times.  

-Wow, you look flushed, did something happen? 

Gina, one of my coworkers, looked at me with a certain mockery on her face, she didn't like me at all, so, instead of explaining the reason for my embarrassment, I decided to raise my cheek and make a gesture of disinterest with my shoulders, I won't give her the pleasure of seeing me uncomfortable. 

-Table seven has been waiting for ten minutes for their order Gina, you should hurry up. 

-You're not my boss Amanda, mind your own business and I'll mind mine. 

I rolled my eyes and sighed, I wasn't going to waste my energy on this daughter of a bitch, she has made my job a stressful place, and I guess, I shouldn't add fuel to that Immaturity of hers. 

After about three minutes, the order of the man in the suit was ready, my hands trembled a little when I went to take it to his table, but I held back as much as I could, and how could I not be nervous before his grayish gaze? This man shows so much momentum and character that it is difficult for me to keep my sanity when my eyes connect with his eyes.

-Here is your order sir ....

-Blackwell -He answered with a sideways smile- My name is Azael Blackwell, it's a pleasure, Miss Amanda.

Holy Christ, I bit my lips, I don't know what was wrong with me, my jaw seemed to be trembling. And the thing is, I've seen a lot of handsome men in my life, but, this man, he seems to be wrapped in an enigmatic air of mystery and power, and that, I can turn the face of any female, even, man.

I backed away nervously, I don't know why I'm acting like I'm a sixteen year old teenager, but, I guess that's the effect men like him cause. 

My day went quietly, I would have liked to continue sharing with Hannah, but, she had to take over the cashier, leaving me with the insufferable and shallow Gina.

I reviewed a bit for my calculus exam, although, I honestly didn't feel like doing it, I didn't want to go to college and put up with my classmates and much less my professors, ones that, are not very empathetic with my situation. 

I looked at the clock, it's thirty minutes past eleven, I won't leave until it's break time. I look around, the cafeteria is a bit empty, should I leave earlier, of course not! The boss lately has his eyes on all of us, as if he were a damn bird of prey, waiting for our slightest fault in order to deduct our income. Like every millionaire son of a bitch. 

I sighed and leaned back from the counter, only the handsome man remained, with two gentlemen with beards and tattoos, he hasn't left, that was strange to me, too much in fact, but, as they were consuming the service, I didn't allow my mind to continue scheming idiocies.

-You can tell he's one of those guys with a lot of money, I've seen him come and go in a fancy ranger rover, I don't know why he hangs out here a lot.

I was a little startled, but, I relaxed when I found out that it was Dustin, the skinny kitchen guy. He usually comes out when the order tide goes out, I smiled at him and he smiled at me. He's a very nice guy.

-Yes, you can tell he has a lot of money, his suit looks like Armani.  

He let out a laugh and made a gesture with his shoulders, Dustin is a guy barely twenty years old, he had the bad luck to fall into a shitty home, almost as broken as mine, on occasion, he often talks to me about his life, I on the other hand, make the rest think that I'm not heartbroken and I don't want to die. 

That I'm fine, I'm always fine.

-Well, excuse me. I'd like an order of bacon, the sooner the better, I have to leave in a few minutes.

The handsome man dressed in Armani spoke to us with a certain authority, his voice sounded imposing, so, Dustin ran to the kitchen as fast as he could, I on the other hand, held my hands and swallowed saliva, the way he looked at me was as if flames were coming out of his eyes.

-Can I get you anything else?

-Later we can talk about it.

He turned around and walked towards his table, my brow furrowed completely, what the fuck did that guy just say to me, did I hear that wrong, did he say later, fuck, I feel like my body temperature has gone up a thousand percent.

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