
Contracted To Marry The Alpha King
Contracted To Marry The Alpha King
Author: Jessica Garcia

Chapter 1: A Pact Unveiled

“What are they talking about behind the closed door of the library?” I thought to myself as I slowly crept toward the door to overhear their conversation. However, I had no idea what was waiting for me.

“Samantha must marry the Alpha King, it is important for our pack," my mother said to my father quietly while I stood on the other side, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Hearing what she said, I could not help but want to cry because she should not have pushed for the deal with the Alpha King. I wished that she had stood up for me and told him no. Then maybe I would have had more time to find the mate the Moon Goddess had set out for me.

"But she has always wanted to wait for her mate since she was a little girl," my dad replied to my mother.

Hearing those words, I could not have been happier to know that my father was sticking up for me. I never thought that he would.

At first, the weight of my parents' expectations pressed heavily on my heart. The idea of marrying the Alpha King, despite the pack's needs, felt like an unbearable burden. 

I wished they could understand the depth of my dreams and desires, the longing for a mate who resonates with my soul. The conflict within me swirled like a tempest, torn between duty and the yearning for a love that transcends the boundaries set by tradition. 

As the conversation continued behind closed doors, my determination to resist this predetermined path grew stronger, fueled by the flicker of defiance ignited by my father's unexpected support.

"But, Evelyn, she's our daughter, and we can't just force her into a marriage she doesn't want," my father asserted, his voice carrying a rare defiance that resonated with my inner turmoil.

In the clandestine space outside the library, I struggled to hold back tears, grateful for my father's unexpected stand. The clash between my parents' opposing views intensified the storm of emotions within me.

Evelyn sighed her expression a mix of frustration and the weight of responsibility. "Mitchel, you know the importance of maintaining our pack's stability. The Alpha King's alliance is crucial, and Samantha's marriage is the key to securing it."

Listening to their debate, I felt the walls closing in, caught in a conflict that transcended my desires. The realization that my fate was entwined with the pack's survival added another layer of complexity to an already intricate situation.

As my father continued to argue for my autonomy, a surge of hope flickered within me. Yet, the question lingered – what deal had my parents struck with the Alpha King? The unknown details fueled my determination to uncover the truth, to understand the sacrifices demanded by duty and the uncharted territories of my heart that now lay before me.

Mitchel and Evelyn's hushed conversation reached an abrupt pause, their eyes meeting in a shared realization. The tension in the room hung thick as they turned towards the library door, discovering my presence. Caught in the act of eavesdropping, I felt a rush of embarrassment and vulnerability.

"Samantha," my mother's voice softened, but a hint of disappointment lingered. My father's gaze, filled with concern, met mine, acknowledging the breach of privacy.

Stumbling over my words, I tried to compose myself, "I... I didn't mean to listen. I just... I needed to understand."

Their expressions softened, but the weight of the unspoken truths remained. My intrusion into their private conversation revealed the fractures within our family, exposing the conflict between duty and personal desires.

As the library door closed, I was left standing in the corridor, grappling with the consequences of my unintentional revelation and the uncertain path that stretched ahead.

Determined to escape the suffocating atmosphere within my home, I slipped out into the cool night air. The moon cast its silvery glow, offering a sense of solace amidst the chaos of conflicting emotions. As I walked, the weight of my parents' conversation and the impending arranged marriage clung to me like a shadow.

Lost in my thoughts, I turned a corner and collided with an unexpected presence. Startled, I looked up to meet the piercing gaze of the Alpha King himself. His presence, both regal and imposing, rendered me momentarily speechless.

"Forgive me, Luna-to-be," he spoke with a polite nod, his tone holding a mixture of formality and curiosity.

I took a step back, a rush of anxiety coursing through me. "Alpha King, I... I didn't see you there."

A subtle smile touched his lips. "No need for formalities. Call me Adrian."

Adrian's eyes held a mysterious depth, and for a moment, I forgot the turmoil awaiting me at home. The chance encounter with the Alpha King on a moonlit night hinted at a connection that went beyond the constraints of duty and arranged unions. 

As we stood there, an unspoken understanding passed between us, setting the stage for a journey that would intertwine our fates in unexpected ways. Adrian's gaze held a hint of mystery as if he sensed the conflict.

between my desires and the pack's needs that I was grappling with. Despite myself, I felt drawn to him, to the enigmatic allure that surrounded him.

"Adrian," I repeated his name, my voice barely above a whisper. The sound of it on my lips sent a shiver down my spine.

"Yes, Samantha," he replied, his voice a low rumble that stirred something deep within me.

I hesitated, unsure of what to say next. The weight of the impending arranged marriage and the tension within my family still weighed heavily on me.

"What brings you out here, Samantha?" Adrian asked, breaking the silence.

"I needed some fresh air," I replied, grateful for the chance to escape the stifling atmosphere at home.

Adrian nodded, his eyes thoughtful. "I understand. Sometimes, the night offers a sense of solace that the day cannot."

His words resonated with me, and for a moment, we stood in comfortable silence, the only sound the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze.

Finally, Adrian spoke again, "Do not worry about the arranged marriage, Samantha. We will find a way to make this work for both of us."

I looked up at him, a mix of surprise and confusion in my eyes. "What do you mean?"

Adrian smiled mysteriously, his eyes alight with a glimmer of mischief. "Trust me, Samantha. I have a feeling that our path together will be an adventure unlike any other."

The encounter with Adrian left me with more questions than answers. Was he going to help me escape the arranged marriage? And if so, what did he want in return? Was he sincere, or was this just a ploy to gain more power and influence over our pack?

Despite my doubts, I couldn't help but feel drawn to him. There was something about his confident demeanor and mysterious aura that left me wanting more. As I walked back towards my home, my mind raced with possibilities, the weight of the impending arranged marriage no longer feeling quite as heavy.

When I arrived at my house, I found my parents waiting for me. They looked somber as if they had been discussing something important.

"Samantha, we need to talk," my mother said, her voice filled with a mix of resignation and determination.

I knew what was coming next. The conversation in the library had been about me, and my parents were now going to tell me that I had to marry the Alpha King. But despite my fears, I felt a newfound sense of resolve.

"Mom, Dad, I know what you're going to say," I said, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me. "But I can't do this. I can't marry someone I don't love, just for the sake of our pack."

My parents looked at me, a mix of surprise and concern in their eyes. "Samantha, we understand this is difficult for you," my father said. "But you have to think about the pack. Our survival depends on this alliance."

"I know that, Dad," I replied. "But I can't just give up on my dreams and desires. I want to find my mate, someone I can love and be happy with."

My mother sighed, her expression softening. "Samantha, we want you to be happy too. But sometimes, we have to make sacrifices for the greater good."

"I understand that, Mom," I said. "But I can't sacrifice my happiness and well-being for the pack. There has to be another way, a way that doesn't involve me marrying someone I don't love."

For a moment, there was silence as my parents looked at each other as if silently communicating. Finally, my father spoke up.

"Samantha, we have been thinking about this too," he said. "And we have come up with a solution that we think will work for everyone."

"What solution?" I asked, my heart racing with the possibility of escape from the arranged marriage.

My mother looked at me, a mix of hope and fear in her eyes. "We have decided to give you a chance to find your mate, Samantha. But there's a catch. You have one year to find him. If you don't, you will have to marry the Alpha King."

I felt a mix of relief and anxiety wash over me. One year was not a lot of time, but it was better than nothing. And at least I now had a chance to find my mate, someone who I could truly love and be happy with.

"Thank you, Mom, and Dad," I said, a sense of gratitude filling me. "I will do my best to find my mate in the next year. I promise."

My parents smiled at me, a mix of pride and sadness in their eyes. "We believe in you, Samantha," my father said. "Just remember, the fate of our pack rests on your shoulders."

As I walked up to my room, a sense of determination filled me. I had one year to find my mate, and I was going to do everything in my power to make it happen. The promise of a future filled with love and happiness beckoned, and I was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. His words filled me with a mix of excitement and trepidation. What did he mean by that? And how was he going to make the arranged marriage work for both of us?

As I watched him disappear into the night, a sense of uncertainty lingered. But at the same time, a flicker of hope burned within me, fueled by the promise of adventure and the possibility of a fate that transcended the constraints of duty and tradition.

As I lay in bed that night, my mind raced with possibilities. I had one year to find my mate, but where would I even begin? And what if I failed? The thought of marrying the Alpha King still loomed over me like a dark cloud.

Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, a tapping sound caught my attention. At first, I thought it was just a branch tapping against my window. But then, I heard it again. And this time, it sounded like it was coming from my door.

Curious, I got out of bed and tiptoed over to my door. As I reached for the doorknob, a sense of apprehension filled me. Who could be tapping on my door in the middle of the night?

With a deep breath, I opened the door. And standing there, in the moonlit hallway, was none other than Adrian, the Alpha King himself.

"Samantha," he said, his voice a low whisper. "We don't have much time. You need to come with me."

Jessica Garcia

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