
Chapter 2

"Good morning, Maru." The muse from the other section greeted me, I was just smiling at her.

I don't usually talk when I'm not in the mood but I can't stop smiling at them when they greet or talk to me. It's a good thing that I cleaned my shoes properly, even though I was 15 minutes late in my first class on my first day.

The professor wasn't angry because I made an excuse which is a lie but she believes that it's a white lie because if I didn't clean it properly I might be embarrassed that I even existed in this world.

"Hey, Mr. Dashel? Can you properly introduce yourself in class?" She called me so even though I'm not in the mood I can't let them see that. I walked in our prof's direction, she smiled at me too I gave it back to her. Everybody was looking at me and giving all their attention.

"Hi everyone, my name is Maru Kane Dashel. I do love playing volleyball and do some advanced readings, if you want to talk to me about any matters you can just seek and ask me for help." I said genuinely and seeing the sparks in their eyes, I'm about to go back to my designated seat but my professor stopped me.

"Wait, I'm curious, are you related to any noble family?" She asks, making me smile, I don't like to brag about this but she asks so I'll just answer that one.

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm from the Dashel Family, one of the nobles in France and I do have my older sister who's next on the line being the modern duchess of our family." I stated and everyone in the class formed an amazing look and an "o" on their lips.

It was true that I came from a noble family but I don't have any seat that can be on our noble list. I'm quite disappointed when I found out that but I recovered immediately when the day they said our family business will pass on my name soon.

After class that was full of discussion and reading notes I immediately went to Klirro's building, our professor dismissed us early and I think she's just in a good mood. Every step that I made was a student who greeted me. I would have planned to go to our practice after class but the coach said that next week will be the start of our practice and we should focus on our class for now.

I agree about that and now that I'm standing in front of Klirro's room, our professor isn't in the next class so I can wander around. I'm planning to go somewhere with Klirro at this moment.

"Hey." I gave him a small wave to notice that I'm here, he still had conversations before finally approaching me. He's popular among girls in this phase, like me.

"You don't have a class?" He gave me a reason to make my brows furrowed, "Do you think?" I asked sarcastically and he just gave me a laugh.

"Where are you going now?" I ask him while chewing this Ice cream that we bought at the convenience store, yes I chew Ice cream. "Shooting, I was called." He nagged before sipping his Ice cream.

I immediately arranged the bag I was carrying and checked if I had my money and was happy to say that he was there. We were about to leave the store when some girls blocked our way out, they went in Klirro's direction. I just leaned to the side while consuming my Ice cream.

I was still laughing at the actions of his net fangirls, they were so excited to get a picture with him. There's another woman whose ballpen suddenly fell because of the heat. I don't know but I enjoy watching my friend's fans.

"Just wait!" Klirro shouted at me, I just nodded while waiting for him. Small chaos is starting between him and his fangirls but he knows how to handle it.

I was about to finish my Ice cream when I saw a girl just on the side. I think she's drawing something or maybe writing but I think she's holding a sketchbook. She's in her pigtails, she's also wearing our school uniform so basically I assume that she was my schoolmate. I can't see her face clearly because she's just bent over for what she's doing and I think she doesn't care about the surroundings.

It's been a minute long since Klirro finished what he's doing with his fangirls. I'm used to the fact that every time we go somewhere he's always in trouble because of his fans.

 Now we're heading to his shooting place, it's just near the school so we got there quickly. I prefer to hang out here while doing my readings, maybe I'm the opposite of every student. I can't focus when my study place is quiet, I want to study when there are people or noise around me.

"Klirro, long time no see!" A guy approached him. He was a familiar artist, he was the one always portrayed to be a villain but a good guy in person.

Klirro gave him a small hug as he smiled, the man also looked in my direction as he waved. "Maru? Is that you?" He asks and I just nod for an answer.

"How are you? Where did you stay? Does your sister know how to cook?" He asked every question he had, so I laughed. "I'm fine Mr. Aunzo, and I'm staying with my sister, then nothing has changed in my sister's cooking skills," I replied to each question he asked.

"For the Hades sake Maru, how many times have I told you to just call me Kuya Bren. Mr. Aunzo is so formal. I feel like I'm too old." He hissed so I smiled, I just said goodbye to him when Klirro called and showed me where I can study.

Mr. Bren Rivera Aunzo was a friend of my sister and also mine, we've met in the states before and because of my sister's chatting skills when it comes to other people. They became friends which is the reason for him to be my friend too.

Now, I'm here in one of their blue tents. Klirro is also here and he's been doing some retouching with his stylist who likes him. He's just reading and reviewing his script while I already decide to read as well for my next subject.

I've already finished reading a few chapters of Clinical Tales, these books were about sacks of documents about strange and fascinating cases that other graduated and professional psychologists already faced. This is the best part of psychology, the book we're reading was actually interesting but sometimes it just really hits me as they called the reading block.

I looked at my watch and noticed that only 45 minutes had passed but I already had many chapters. I decided to go to Klirro’s shooting area to watch him act.

I wasn't disappointed to see that the camera was rolled, he was wearing an unofficial soldier's uniform as their costume.

 As far as I know, the story plot of this new drama they are doing was about two lovers who made a promise to each other but the girl broke it up believing that his boyfriend (Klirro's role) can't come back after the war and decided to make a new family with someone, but she didn't know that her boyfriend manages to came back only holding their promise but ended up in a tragic love story of a soldier who made his best to come back to his girlfriend that his assuming that waits for him but already gave up.

This drama was proving that promises are meant to be broken. If you can't do what you promise just don't do it, that word was too precious for me and even deities can't hold a promise to their people.

I admit that I'm playing girls over my palm but none of them I promised. I hate someone who's breaking their promises and that is the reason why I don't give anyone a promise.

I was kinda shocked when they started the heavy scene. Klirro cried so real, making me believe that it happened in his life.

"I was too late huh?" He almost muttered the script line, I can see the tears that he's holding back waiting for it to fall for the right angle time of the scene.

The female lead actress was also gathering all the emotion she can to throw it back on Klirro's role, she's shivering by this moment.

"I-i thought you won't come back." She shuttered with all the emotion she had, with that confused and shocked look in her eyes.

"Yea, of course. I've been gone for over 6 years. Who am I to assume that you are still holding our p-promises?" Klirro's role started and tears from his eyes are now falling as the second male lead comes out who has the role of the girl's husband.

"Who are you?" That guy asks and Klirro looks at him with those painful eyes he has.

"Me? I'm just the guy who believes that a promise should be kept and that was the most pathetic part of my life— I believe that the girl I love the most will keep the promise that we made when we are at our worst. " Words from him that suddenly struck me, that was so deep.

I couldn't believe that they were just acting, as I heard the director shout, "Cut!". All the crew and staff in this shooting area were giving their applause to Klirro's performance as well as his co-actress and actor.

"Well done everyone!" The director compliments them. They have been talking for several minutes about the shoot they made before Klirro walks in my direction.

"That was good ?!" He asks me even though he knows that it was, "No, you cried like a crocodile who's done eating their prey." I said before walking away from him.

I know he knows that he did his best, and that best he has was good. I just don't want to express myself in front of anyone. He was just following me from behind, we decide to go back to school cause we still have our next classes.

We're heading back at our campus when I suddenly remember that girl I bumped this morning, I noticed that she was cute though— fuck what did I just think ?! She was the reason why I am late and she steps my new shoes with fucking shit of something then I think about that ?!

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