
Thirty Three

“What did you just do?” Hunter asked coming out of the flowers. “You killed your son!” he walked past Ethan’s body.

“Hunter!” Ludo called to him.

“Join us Hunter,” Mr. Hamuumbu pointed the gun at him.

“Aren’t you supposed to be dead, Hunter?” Ludo asked with her breath quickening.

Hunter walked to where Ludo was and stood looking at Mr. Hamuumbu with disgust written all over his face. He didn’t utter a word to Ludo nor look at her.

“You never give up, do you?” Mr. Hamuumbu looked at Hunter. “I also thought you were dead. Ethan and his mother celebrated your alleged death.”

“To kill me, you have to behead me, that’s when you can only be sure.” Hunter said angrily.

“But those policemen found your body in the backyard,” Ludo said confused.

“That wasn’t my body. That was your friend's, Mr. Jabulani,” Hunter told Ludo avoiding her eye contact.

“Didn’t you leave him dead in the car?”

“I went back for the body,” Hunter’s eyes were on Mr. Hamuumbu. “Enough with the questions, I’ll deal with you later. I want to sort out this bastard.”

Mr. Hamuumbu clapped.

“Wow, Hunter! you’re the man. I knew I didn’t have to underestimate you. You know I got tired watching everyone messing up.” He said

“Was that the reason you killed him?” Ludo pointed at Ethan’s body.

Mr. Hamuumbu ignored Ludo.

“So Hunter, here I am. You have been wanting me all these years. What are you going to do about it?”

Hunter sallied forth.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Mr. Hamuumbu yelled. “Not so fast.”

“Don’t test me, old man!” Hunter growled.

“You are all in my den, I make the rules,” Mr. Hamuumbu said looking around. “Ludo this is where you make probably the most important decision of your life.”

Ludo shook.

Hunter looked at Ludo.

“What?” She asked nervously.

“This is how it’s going to be. This man here,” Mr. Hamuumbu pointed at Hunter. “He broke into my house to rob us. He couldn’t manage and in the process, he killed my son.”

Hunter took in a sharp breath.

“That’s not what happened sir,” Ludo said. “You killed your son. You shot him in front of my eyes.”

“I know that,” Mr. Hamuumbu laughed. “Who will believe you though?” Mr. Hamuumbu winked. “I don’t talk nor walk. How could I have killed him?”

“You bastard!” Hunter muttered.

“Hunter broke into the house and killed Ethan, that’s final,” Mr. Hamuumbu was still pointing the gun at Hunter.

“No sir.”

“Your choice, either you get to find out how the manuscript is accurately written or ….”

“Wait…… What?” Ludo jerked.

“You heard me dear,” Mr. Hamuumbu said. “I know the secret behind the manuscript, in fact I’m the mastermind behind it.”

“How is that even possible?”

“So decide, Manuscript or Hunter?”

Ludo was stuck. All the past weeks, she had tried and almost gave up in finding out the truth behind the manuscript. She looked at Hunter who was furious his eyes couldn’t even be seen. The beard was messed up. He looked like he had been through hell and back.

“And Ludo, you’re on our side now, isn’t it?” Mr. Hamuumbu asked.

“What do you mean on your side?” Hunter asked.

“She’s sleeping with Evan.”

Hunter faced Ludo and almost grabbed her when she ran to Mr. Hamuumbu and hid behind him.

“I can explain Hunter, please……” She cried edging closer to Mr. Hamuumbu.

“You betrayed me,” Hunter said.

“No, it just happened and I thought you were dead.”

“Hear yourself speaking, that’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Ethan almost killed you. Evan and Erica tried to kill you several times and now you’re sharing beds with them? You disgust me young girl,” Hunter shouted.

Ludo said nothing but cried.

“Hunter you may leave now; I’m sparing your life. It’s not mine to take but trust me, Evan will hunt you down. You killed his brother. Now leave!” Mr. Hamuumbu yelled.

Hunter looked at Mr. Hamuumbu as he stepped backwards. Ludo hid her face behind Mr. Hamuumbu.

“And one more thing before you go,” Mr. Hamuumbu stopped Hunter.

Hunter stopped.

“What happened that day wasn’t my fault,” Mr. Hamuumbu said.

Hunter felt his heart ache.

“It just so happened I and your daughter got sick at the same time and you know, I had to be operated on first, money talks.”

“She was just a child. She needed the operation more than you did,” Hunter felt a lump in his throat.

“Its money, my friend. Yeah she was supposed to be operated on but I needed that doctor to operate on me. Didn’t you even kill that doctor?” Mr. Hamuumbu nodded. “You and killing people. Respect your child’s memory by just disappearing. That’s the reason I’m sparing your life. Would it be nice to kill your daughter and you? I wouldn’t live with myself.”

Hunter didn’t answer but the muscles in his face tightened. With that, he disappeared as quickly as he appeared.

“Now Ludo,” Mr. Hamuumbu turned to face Ludo. “Get my wheelchair.”

Ludo did as told. Mr. Hamuumbu sat on it.

“Now scream and I hope your acting skills are great. We are about to have a show,” he smiled.

He sat on the wheelchair and placed the gun in his jacket.

Ludo hesitated.

“Do you want to know about the manuscript?”

Ludo nodded.

“Now shout!” He commanded her. “Don’t worry about Hunter, he’s long gone.”

Ludo screamed her lungs out till the security guards came rushing to them. They found her on the ground by Ethan’s body while Mr. Hamuumbu was seated still on the wheelchair dropping tears. Ludo was crying too. The security guard couldn’t believe it was Ethan who was killed. If anything, he was supposed to be the last child standing because he was the fiercest one. One of them called the hospital and then the Police.

Ludo wheeled Mr. Hamuumbu back into the house and sat next to him in the living room. Two policemen came and asked to talk to her. They led her outside. After observing her and making her comfortable, they asked her, “what happened? You were with the old man.”

Ludo thought about Hunter and Mr. Hamuumbu’s words.

“Someone broke into the house and shot Ethan,” She answered.

“Wasn’t he shot from outside?” The policeman asked.

Ludo tapped her feet.

The two police man looked at her suspiciously.

“After breaking in, I think, on his way out that’s when he met Ethan and shot him.”

“Can you describe him?” The officer asked.

“Tall, dark and he has a beard. His eyes are also very dark.”

She knew she couldn’t say she knew him because the moment she said that, she would be implicated.

“Is that all?” The officer probed.

“Yes, that’s all I can remember. It happened so fast.” she said and made to leave their presence.

Ludo went back to the living room where Mr. Hamuumbu was. Before she entered the room, she watched him on the wheelchair. Looking at him, she understood how he had played everyone into thinking he was really sick.

“Cut the crap, we are just the two of us,” Ludo said entering. “Tell me, what do you know about the manuscript?”

Mr. Hamuumbu didn’t move a muscle.

“Come on old man,” Ludo knelt before the wheelchair. “Speak up!” She yelled.

“What are you doing?” Erica asked standing at the door.

Ludo stood up feeling guilty.

“Step aside from him,” Erica told Ludo.

Ludo stepped aside.

Erica walked to her father and checked him.

“What were you doing to him?” She asked again. “Leave now!”

Ludo didn’t say a word but left the room. She got outside and found Evan talking to the police. Evan didn’t see her walk past him. She didn’t want to bother him. She walked to the gate and hoped she would find a cab to take her home. The nearer she got to the gate, the more she got afraid. Thinking about what she did to Hunter made her sick in the stomach. What if he was outside in the darkness waiting for her? She asked herself.

She found the security guard at the gate who just waved at her. The gate was opened for her. She got outside and felt the cold of the night seemingly telling her to go back inside. She walked further getting deeper into the darkness. Whilst walking, she saw someone standing at a pole in front of her. She couldn’t see the person clearly but wondered what they were doing at that time of the night. Anyone could have asked her the same question. As she approached the stranger, she heard her name being called behind her. She turned around and it was Evan running towards her.

“Where are you going?” He asked when he got to where she was.

“I’m going home,” she answered. “I don’t live here.”

“You cannot go like this, let me take you,” Evan said holding her hand and leading her back to the house.

Ludo didn’t say anything but followed. For a man who had just lost his brother, Evan behaved normally like nothing had happened. They got to the house and found Erica on the phone crying. As soon as she saw them, she turned her face away and pushed the door. Evan told Ludo to wait for him in the living room while he got something from his bedroom.

Ludo found Mr. Hamuumbu in the same position she had left him. She walked to him and stared at him. She felt like she could strangle him. She wanted to walk away when she saw a white paper in his left hand. She looked around and got the paper from his hand. She believed it was for her or at least a clue to how the manuscript came to be. She stepped backwards and wanted to flip it open.

“Do it from home,” Mr. Hamuumbu whispered. “Keep your mouth shut otherwise I will have you killed.”

Ludo looked around hoping someone had heard Mr. Hamuumbu speak but there was no one but her and him. Mr. Hamuumbu was clever. Ludo punched the air in frustration.

“Let’s go,” Evan said, coming out from his bedroom.

Ludo quickly walked to Evan and they went to the car. Evan was quiet all the way to Ludo’s place. He didn’t say anything or look at Ludo. Ludo could tell he was deep in thoughts and saying anything could have disturbed or angered him. She decided to also remain quiet all the way.

“Here you are,” Evan said after parking the car.

Ludo unstrapped her seatbelt and opened the door.

“Did you see the man who killed my brother?” Evan asked sighing heavily.

Ludo was caught unaware by the question.

“Did you?” the question came again


“Can you describe him?”

“Tall, dark with a beard and dark eyes.”

“Hunter!” Evan hit his head on the wheel.

“Be careful! You will hurt yourself,” Ludo cautioned.

“Goodnight Ludo, I’ll call you.”

Ludo left Evan in the car. He watched her open the gate and entered. He didn’t want to leave right away. He stayed a while outside her house. He started the engine and put the car in reverse. While trying to check the back, he saw Ludo’s phone on the seat.

“Shit!” He stopped the car.

He got it. Initially, his plan was to stay away from Ludo till he had sorted all the problems he had with his family but he had to give her back the phone. He got out of the car and locked it, went to the gate. Luckily, Ludo didn’t lock it. Evan walked to the front door and noticed it was open. He knocked on the door and Ludo opened it.

“What are you doing here?” She asked startled.

“You forgot your phone,” he handed it over to her.

She grabbed it without saying a word and pushed the door close. Evan pushed it back open.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

Ludo bowed her head and said, “Nothing.”

Evan observed her and noticed she was sweating and shaking. From there, he inferred something was not right.

“Is everything alright?” He whispered.

Suddenly, Ludo was pulled back inside forcefully and the door slammed on Evan’s face. Evan pushed it harder and felt it been pushed with so much force on the other side. He didn’t stop till the person on the other side left it and with all the power he was pushing it, Evan found himself in the house with his face on the floor.

“Damn!” He cussed.

“So much for an entrance!” Hunter said holding Ludo.

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