Code of Seduction

Code of Seduction

By:  Annabella Shizu  Completed
Language: English
23 ratings
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The simple life of Siena Mori suddenly changed when a billionaire, Adalfo Garcia, chose her to become his heiress. The most confusing thing was she had to solve the riddle about the location of Adalfo's assets in five other countries out of USA. Riddle? Exactly, because Adalfo left the clue in form of codes! Alfonso Garcia, Adalfo's own grandson, would not let a stranger claim his grandfather's possessions. He threatened Siena with her past mistake to reclaim what was supposed to be his. Liked it or not, they had to work together to solve the codes. Two persons who despised each other were forced to travel together. The journey became adventure, revealing the pain from their pasts, sweet and bad memories at the same time. Everything became more complicated when the facts were unveiled one by one, while sparks of desire and love started to burn irresistibly between them.

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Code of Seduction is a romance novel by Annabella Shizu with a rating score of 10 with a hate-to-love theme. Siena Mori's life suddenly changes after the billionaire Adalfo Garcia chooses her as his heiress, but first, she must solve the riddle about the locations of Adalfo's assets in 5 other countries outside the USA. However, Adalfo's grandson Alfonso Garcia doesn't want to let the stranger claim his grandpa's possessions and even threatens her with her own past mistake. But they have to work together so they can solve the riddle. Can they do it? Read the novel to discover.

user avatar
Terus berkarya kak. Semangat yah..
2021-11-19 09:26:26
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Natsu Sora
Lanjutkan kakk
2021-09-24 22:25:08
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Good for reading
2021-09-20 22:09:44
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Ntut Roesnawati
nice story sissy ... fighting ..
2021-09-20 22:04:30
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Ursa Mayor
Pengen juga bisa bahasa Inggris. Meskipun aku gak ngerti yang dibahas apa tapi melihat dari dialognya pasti bagus ini alurnya.
2021-09-20 20:52:56
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Iswar Hadiani
good story sist...
2021-09-20 17:41:11
user avatar
woww ceritanya seru
2021-09-20 11:24:00
user avatar
Good story
2021-09-20 09:55:43
user avatar
Semangat terus thor..
2021-09-14 17:28:03
user avatar
So far so good, waiting to see what he's going to plan.
2021-09-11 08:47:56
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Olivia Yoyet
Good story ...
2021-09-10 13:39:39
user avatar
Great story. Cemungudh...
2021-09-06 23:29:08
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jellow Sieenna :v
2021-09-05 18:20:36
user avatar
interesting story, make me curious. next pls.
2021-09-04 13:37:02
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Araya Noona
Suka sih fiks masuk rak udah
2021-09-04 10:21:09
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106 Chapters
1. Prologue
“No one can ever take what belongs to me! Just wait and see, Siena Mori…! I’ll claim back every single thing you have taken from me!” Alfonso shouted in a harsh voice.     “I’ve never taken anything belongs to you, Alfonso Garcia! Mister Adalfo himself left all his inheritances to me. If only you could be a devoted grandson when Mister Adalfo was still with us, this would never happen. Now that he has gone, you suddenly regret and make a big fuss over his inheritance! Shame on you!” Siena exclaimed loudly, unwilling to surrender to the man with Southern Europe look, who stood tall in front of her petite body.     “How dare you call my Grandfather by his first name? Who do you think you are? You’re just the daughter of a nurse! Stop acting too familiar with him!” Fury was clear in his voice.     “Oh, tell me, why can’t I? Mister Adalfo was a very humble man. He had never been arrogan
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2. A Cunning Plan
  “I have checked it, Mister Garcia….”     “Check it again! It’s your job! Do you want me to teach you how?” Alfonso yelled into his cellphone held in his right hand. He was calling his lawyer.     “But the testament is undoubtedly legal. It had been registered by Mister Adalfo’s notary. Everything is in accordance with regulation, there is nothing else that we can sue –“     “Search for more! Anything that can be a flaw! If you can’t use the legal way, use other way!”     “But, Mister Garcia, I can’t go against the law –“     “AAARGH!” Alfonso roared in such a wrath, and slammed his own cellphone onto the ceramic floor, leaving it shattered in pieces.     The sturdy figure standing more than one point eight metres in height threw himself on a leather sofa behind him. T
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3. The Testament
  The garden behind Adalfo Garcia’s luxurious house stretched wide, almost as a size of a football field. During his lifetime, Adalfo was very fond of gardening.   There were different kind of trees and colorful flowers scattered symmetrically all across the garden. Adalfo hired a skilled gardener to take a special care of his garden. A greenhouse was built in the east side of the garden for plants needing specific care, especially Adalfo’s favorite flowers.     Siena was watering the various plants in the greenhouse, when she came to realize that Damien Lambert had been suddenly standing behind her. When she turned around, the twenty nine year old lawyer was smiling at her.     “It seems to me that you’ve made yourself at home, Siena…,” Damien greeted.     Siena turned her gaze to the charming French descent man. His pleasant smile and his warm cho
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4. Absurd Message
  Siena read the attachment of Adalfo’s testament for one more time. Every flower name written was found in Adalfo’s greenhouse, except for one. What was Drumbrazil? She creased her brows again.     It was Saturday, one day after Damien handed over the testament, and Siena was in the greenhouse now. Determined to solve the riddle given by her adopted grandfather, she observed the flowerpot one by one according to its name written on the paper.     She lifted the first stone flowerpot, it was Amaryllis. Was there a message on the bottom side of the pot? There was nothing.     She turned the pot from side to side. It was clear, nothing written on it, except for the carving which was the part of the pot design.     She exhaled sharply. Did she have to pull out the whole plant one by one, to see inside the pot? Was it possible that Adalfo h
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5. Disturbance
  “What are you thinking about?” Damien’s question took Siena back from her drifted mind. They were sitting in a limousine driving them to La Paradise Hotel.     “Oh, nothing, I’m just –"     “Are you nervous?”     Siena bit her bottom lip. “Yes, a little bit nervous….”     Damien stretched his right hand, took Siena’s hands and held them. “Don’t be nervous, you’re a brave girl. Besides, you look so wonderful tonight,” he praised Siena, who was wearing a cherry red midi dress with off-shoulder model.     The dress clung to her body in all the right places, showing her beautiful figure, making Damien unable to turn his gaze away.     Siena found it hard to respond. But something in Damien’s warm touch made her heart skip a beat. He was such a nice person, willing to acco
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6. The First Clue
  Alfonso and Gloria stepped into a white Audi car. Alfonso drove the car quickly, leaving La Paradise Hotel. After silence reigned for a moment, Gloria turned her face to Alfonso who suddenly became voiceless.     “So that was Siena Mori? She looked so different tonight. Huh! She must have spent old Adalfo’s money to afford for expensive cosmetics and glamorous dress. But still, she looked so old-fashioned, not worthy to be a billionaire,” Gloria taunted.     Alfonso remained silent. He rubbed his stubbly chin with his right hand, trying to take Siena’s image out of his mind.     “Honey Bear…,” Gloria started whining again. Alfonso reluctantly turned his face to his woman.     “I saw the way you looked at Siena. You’re not drunk, are you? Don’t tell me that you find her beautiful….”     Alfonso chuckle
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7. A Threat
  Siena zipped her suitcase closed. Everything she needed was already in the suitcase. Now it was time to prepare her sling bag. All she needed were her purse, passport, private stuffs, and the photograph of Adalfo and her mother which she always brought anywhere with her. In two more hours, Adalfo’s private jet would fly her and Damien to Dubai.     Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, as if someone was running to her bedroom.     Knock! Knock!     Siena opened the door. “Lucio? What is it?”     The loyal butler was standing in front of her. His face somehow looked pale and sweaty. “Miss Siena…,” he stuttered.     She creased her brows. “What happen, Lucio?”     “Mister Alfonso Garcia is waiting for you in the living room.”   &nbs
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8. Siena Mori
  Flashback: Two months ago.     Siena walked in a hurry along the pavement crowded by pedestrians, and entered a café at her left side. The glass wall café was dominated by soft pastel colors. It was just seven thirty AM, but the café was already crowded by customers enjoying their breakfast.     “Welcome to Cheers Café!” a friendly voice greeted.     “Good morning, Brian! My order, please…,” Siena replied, flashing a smile to the barista standing behind the counter.     The man with oriental look was smiling warmly, forming a soft crease near his eyes. His lean body was just a little bit taller than Siena. His black hair and black irises typical of Asian combined with his chubby face made the man look warm-hearted and friendly.     “Green tea latte, less ice, ready to go. You’re late
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9. Adalfo's Secret
  Flashback: Two months ago.     Siena arrived at a tenth floor building locating couple blocks from Cheers Café. Angels Daily office was on the eighth floor of the building. Though it was just a small company, but Siena really enjoyed her job here. She also made a good living. Well, not a luxurious living, but the satisfaction was more valuable than the amount of her salary.     “Siena! Hold the door!” A scream was coming from outside, when Siena was already in the lift.     Siena immediately pushed the ‘open’ button. A girl at her age ran hastily into the lift, with a backpack on her shoulders, a paper cup in her left hand, and a plastic folder in her right hand. It seemed like she was having a difficult time to bring all her goods.     “Thanks, Siena Chan! You’re the best!” the girl greeted, chuckling.  
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10. Alfonso Garcia
  Flashback: A month ago.     CRAAACKK!!     Alfonso Garcia smashed his own cellphone onto his desk violently. It was not shattered, but at least the screen would be cracked. He was not even bothered anymore. The pain was suffocating him. He felt as if his heart was burning.     He had just finished reading the article on Angels Daily column, nothing else but the article about Adalfo Garcia’s life story, his grandfather. He could hardly believe it, why would Adalfo willingly reveal his life story on a media like that? It was just not his grandfather’s common behavior.   What made Alfonso enraged the most was Adalfo’s honest confession about how his grandfather had become the reason behind his parents’ separation.     This was Adalfo’s confession:   “It was I who should be bl
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