
Chapter 60

Camilla was confused, she collected the envelope without knowing what Is Inside, though any kind of envelope Is not new to her, but It has been a long time she handled that kind of envelope last,

Camilla was with the envelope In her hands, but she doesn't know where to go, and she doesn't know her way out of the farm,

Meanwhile Harley has warned her, and she was scared of loaded rifles,

Camilla made up her mind, and she walked down to the gate, and she came out of the compound, and she started trecking down the lone street, she didn't see any passerby, she walked almost forty-five minutes before she met Roland on his way coming back home, when he saw Camilla In the lone road, he stopped, and he asked, "where are you going?"

"I don't know" Camilla retorted,

"What Is this In your hand?" Roland asked,

"Someone give It to me" Camilla retorted,

"Did you tell dad or you are trying to escape from the farm?" Roland asked,

"It's not what you are thinking, I'm not trying to escape but
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