
Chapter 15: The First Fight

One of the things that I hated about being in a relationship is having to fight. Who doesn't, right? Apparently, it's part of the package, which is why I was avoiding entering into one.

But Blake is different, he's special. One might say that he is worth the fight. Unfortunately, as of the moment, he feels less special right now. He had no right to barge in like that. Now, I know I have my fair share of fault too, as to not being able to update him of my whereabouts.

At the moment, we just finished eating our very awkward lunch. "What time are you going back to work?" I asked, breaking the silence between us.

"In a few minutes. Are you headed home next?" He asked, still worried about me. I find it very cute but I waive it off as my pride is still having its way.

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