
Chapter 7

Violet's pov 

"This is the way you hold a sword" Theo told me as he held my hand make sure I do not drop it 

I have already dropped it twice because it is too heavy for my capacity. He should have created a light weighted sword for me. 

"It is too heavy Theo!" I whined and he just smirked 

"I told you sword fighting is not for you my dear sister. You are too fragile for even holding a sword" Theo commented and laughed 


"I will tell father!" I warned him 

"yeah like always you do." He said and I smiled sheepishly 

He is correct. I always do that and Theo gets all the scolding from Father and I? Well I get gifts because I am the one who was always hurt. 

"Grow up sister! You are turning 16 soon. You still behave like you are 6 not your fault though father has his fair share in this great progress of yours. He never lets you see reality and tries to hide things from you. He should let you see everything on your own and let you understand things as well. "Theo said and I pouted 

He is scolding me again. Father does not hide anything from me. He loves me very much and I love him as well. 

" Now do not pout your pout means another complaint against me. Hold this properly.. "Theo said and it went on like that 

For two hours he taught me how to hold it and where to not hold it and all. 

I am so tired after everything. But I have to finish reading my book I need to finish it today. 


Finally I am happy as the book has a happy ending. Both the leads are together and safe now they will stay happy. 

"Princess, would you like to have your dinner now?" Margaret asked 

"No, let father come first then we will have it together." I replied and she nodded her head and left 

Today father is going to give me something and I am really excited about it. Whenever father gives me something that is always unique and beautiful. 

I decided to wear A pretty dress as I do not want to look bad when father gives me that gift. 

I asked Margaret to dress me up and she did. 

"Hello my heart!" I heard father's voice and I turned towards him immediately 

"Father! You came, I was waiting for you for so long." I told him and hugged him tightly 

"I know my innocent baby! But now I am here so your wait is over." Father said and kissed my forehead 

"So tell me what did you learned today from your brother?" he asked and I told him what Theo taught me today 

"Well I do not think you need to learn sword fighting any more. It is enough for you. You will get hurt in this process and I do not want to do that." Father said and my face fell 

I want to learn it but why is father saying I do not have to? Then why Theo should learn this? 

" But I…" "No ifs or buts my star you will not learn it." Father did not even let me finish and decided that I will not learn it 

"Do not be upset my heart, see what I brought for you. I bet after this you yourself would not have decided to learn sword fighting as you would not have gotten time." Father said seeing my sad face 

I looked down only as I was sad! But I looked up immediately when I heard some noise. 

I stared at the reason behind that noise and just could not take my eyes off from it. 

" Is it for me?" I asked him and he nodded making me jump in happiness 

I took him from my father's hand and hugged him lightly. It is so cute and adorable. And not to mention small and write as well. I am in love with him already. 

"What is his name father?" I asked father 

"It is not a him but her my heart and her name will be chosen by you" he said and I stared at my first ever pet who is apparently a rabbit 

"You are so cute and delicate just like a flower everyone will call you blossom from today." I told Blossom who made a sound of approval or that is what I thought she did 

"Now tell me, would you have still learn sword fighting?" father asked 

Would I have? The answer is yes but I will not tell that to my father because he will be hurt if I do. 

"No father." I lied to him for his happiness 

"See, I know my daughter so well. Now let's have dinner then you can play with blossom for some time then sleep." Father said and I nodded 

We had dinner together. Theo also joined us and he was not really happy that father stopped my sword fighting training but did not show that much. 

After everyone left I fed Blossom and then started playing with her. She is so cute and adorable I just can play with her all day. 

"you know Blossom you are my first pet and you will be staying with me from today. I wish I could talk to you, I could understand your language so we would not have any problems. But you are a rabbit, how will you talk to me?" I told her sadly and she sat on my lap like she understood what I said 

" Princess, it is time for sleep!" Margaret said and I pouted 

I did not want to sleep just yet. 

" I will after Blossom falls asleep. She will feel scared if I sleep before her. She is new here and everyone is also a stranger to her. It is not good to sleep like this. Leaving her alone she will feel abandoned." I told Margaret who stared at me without blinking her eyes 

" Oh my dear you are so adorable! I pray that your this innocence stay like this only "Margaret said and caressed my face lovingly 

" But Blossom is cuter, is not she? "I asked her as I find Blossom more cute and adorable then me 

" You both are adorable. "she said and I yawned 

But I covered my mouth with my hand to not let Margaret see that I am sleepy. 

" See your Blossom is sleepy, so I guess you both should sleep. "Margaret said and I looked at Blossom who was almost asleep in my lap 

" aww my dear let's make you lay on your bed. "I told her as I kept her on her small bed and covered her 

" Now sleep princess! "Margaret said and I nodded 

Laying on my bed I wished Good night to both Margaret and Blossom. 

Tomorrow I have to do so many things with Blossom. 

Author's pov 

" Father, why did stopped her training? "Theodore asked his father in a disappointed tone 

" I did what was good for her. Her hand got scratched because of it Theo how careless you were? "King Henry snapped at Theodore 

Theo shook his head at his father's words 

" Father if you remember I had slashed my hand while practising in my initial days. Her finger just got a scratch that was too unnoticeable. She is fine. You need to let her grow up father. You can not keep her away from everything like this throughout her whole life. She deserves to live freely and understand everything. Just because of you at the age 16 I act like 26 and she 6. I am not complaining about me. I am fine with what I have become but she has not grown up at all just because of you. She still lives in her own world. What will you do when she will get married?" Theodore asked without hiding his feelings 

" She will never get married. And I will take care of her throughout her life. We are immortals and we do not die Theodore 

And for the first and last time you talked about her marriage. I will not let her get married and even if she does then i will find a perfect groom for her who will stay with us only. But that is not before she turns at least 30. "King Henry said and Theodore felt like banging his head somewhere 

Making his father understand things like this are impossible but still he tries. 

" No bird likes to stay in a cage throughout her or his life. Father, they wish to fly high in the sky and Violet is that caged bird who will fly away one day. Because the more you try to hold sand in your fist it slips away faster. The much you will cage her she will go away from you that fast. I am her brother. I want happiness for her , not this Imprisonment for her whole life. She deserves to live like a normal teenager just like me "Theodore said to put some sense in his father's head who has lost his mind he feels 

" My daughter will never leave me Theodore never and yes she can not live a normal life you know that we'll so do not argue with me over an useless topic. And tomorrow morning you will leave for the West Side of our Kingdom and stay there until I call you back. The West Side needs guidance and you will do that that as an order from your king. "King Henry said and Theodore nodded with a clenched jaw 

" As you say your Majesty. Good night. "Theodore said and left from there without looking at his father anymore.

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