
Chapter 47


                EPISODE 47

                   🔴MAYA 🔴

"What? Kill? Are you out of your mind? Why would that even be your plan B?" I asked in shock.

"Because I don't want to feel insure about fathers throne. You should know Niran and Arjun more than anyone, they don't give up easily." She said.

"Even at that? why killing be the next step? Can't we just banish them or something?" I asked and she shook her head.

"They have done nothing but to hurt us, Maya. Their family doesn't deserve to be alive. Niran never liked me, though I never liked him too. But what if I did?" 

"You loved Arjun but he never loved you and that was why you developed feeling for Kaleb. Isn't he suppose to suffer? You were banned from tge

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