

My gaze was dark as I continued to run on the treadmill. The memories of the last night affected me way too much. I didn't know I had such an intense desire for her until I kissed her last night. How she glared at me in that tight green dress and challenged me made me feel some way. My mind went blank when I lost control and felt her soft lips against mine for the first time. The way they moulded perfectly against mine made me insane and I craved them even more. But when she lost consciousness in my arms, it made me freeze, and for the first time in my life, I got scared.

Knowing her for the past month, I was damn sure that she wasn't someone with low alcohol tolerance since we've been together at so many parties. There was something else that caused her to pass out. For all I could claim is that she was perhaps drugged. 

My jaws clenched in pure anger. So Mancini was playing a dirty game to bring me down. 

But the most important thing to find out was who had the motherfucking guts to betray me. My club has very strict rules and terms regarding membership, and only high-class people are allowed to have it. On top of that, the security system is immensely tight and I would know in the brink of an eye if someone tries to do something dirty. I am very cautious regarding what I do since it also concerns the reputation of my family. And if someone was there who was betraying me, I promise myself that once I catch that person he won't be seeing the next sunrise. 

I increased the speed of the treadmill and thought of the options to tackle this situation. If I hadn't been there at the club then Mancini would have gotten Aurora. The blood in my veins turned cold at this thought. 

Nothing should happen to her, and I will make sure about that.

My phone rang and I stopped while panting heavily. Looking at the caller ID, I didn't even wait for a second to pick it up. It was Martha. 

"Hello," I spoke as I drank water, trying to ease down after such heavy running. Martha replied in a worried tone causing me to chuckle a bit. She is no less than a mother to me. 

"Young Master, are you okay? Why are you breathing so heavily?" 

"I was exercising. I am okay, how is Aurora?" I cleared her doubts and asked about the one who was the sole reason for making me insane in less than 24 hours. Martha exhaled deeply which somehow made me concerned but I decided to keep my cool since I didn't want her to get any idea of me feeling something towards Aurora. 

"Young Madame is fine, I called you to inform you about this since you asked me to" Relief rushed through my veins as her words passed through my ears. Thank God she was fine, the drug didn't affect her health. Guess it was a minor one just to make her unconscious. 

"Okay. I will be there as soon as possible" I hung up the call and prepared myself to go home. I needed to see her and make sure that she was okay. It's not like I don't trust Martha, but as long as I don't see her from my own eyes my heart won't stop beating this fast. God. What the heck is happening to me? It looks as if I am the one who was being drugged. I hated this so much but at the same time, it was getting impossible for me to not care about her. She better take responsibility for making me feel this way! 

I entered the house but was met by immense silence. I furrowed my brows and searched for Aurora only to find no one. And again, that fear from earlier came back and my heart started to beat fast. "Aurora?" I raised my voice and roamed my eyes around the penthouse in the hope that she would come running up to me in her usual casual pyjamas with her glasses on and a phone in her hand. When did I remember what she wears at home or what her habits were? I don't have a fucking clue and it doesn't even matter because she was not here and my mind started to fill with worst-case scenarios.  

I dialled her number and placed the phone near my ear, only to go straight up to her voicemail.

Okay Armando, don't panic.

I consoled myself and pursed my lips into a thin line. I cannot even ask her parents or her brother if she has gone there considering our history and I lowkey don't wanna engage with them. I again called her and the same thing happened. 

Why is it so hot here?

Where is Martha? I searched for her and my body jolted when the front door of the penthouse opened. "Aurora?" I called and went towards that direction but my expression displayed disappointment when I met Martha's eyes who had a bag full of groceries in her hands. She gave me a puzzled look and tilted her head. 

"Young Master-"

"Where is she?" I asked in a serious voice and watched her walk towards the kitchen. She placed the bag on the counter and casually answered my question, completely unaware of the rising chaos inside of me. I was very close to losing my calm. 

"Young Madame is at work. She was supposed to attend a meeting and left in a hurry" The panic from earlier vanished and I closed my eyes, feeling a bit relieved. So she is at work. That's good. But why the heck she was not answering my calls? 

"You look stressed" Martha's words snapped me out of my thoughts and I fixed my composure. "I am not stressed, just curious" I replied in an unbothered tone, ignoring the way she gave me a side glance and continued with her work. "Of course, I hope your curiosity is satisfied by my response. She is okay by the way, you don't have to worry" 

"I was not worried" I replied quickly as my eyes darkened but that didn't have any effect on the old woman. 

"Sure, Young Master" Her lips curved up from the side and I glared at her while she ignored me. 

She knows way too much about me, that's insanely dangerous!

I scoffed and turned around to get ready for work. After finalising the deal with Mr Smith, it was important to keep track of my company's activities and I also needed to find out who drugged Aurora last night at the club. 


"Sire, here is the footage of the CCTV from last night" Marco placed the laptop in front of me on the desk and I watched carefully from the time Aurora entered the club with her friends, how three of them sat down and talked. Nothing seemed suspicious for now. I also watched the footage of the bar area, and again, nothing suspicious. Were my interpretations wrong and perhaps Aurora had low alcohol intolerance? Or did she drink too much last night? 

"So frustrating" I mumbled under my breath and was about to close the footage but stopped when I noticed something. "This can't be" I carefully watched the screen and my jaws clenched in response. So I was right. She was drugged by someone. "Marco, there is something I require you to do" I spoke as my eyes never left the screen. Aurora has the right to know about this, maybe after knowing the truth she would care to listen to me and act responsibly in future. 

As soon as Marco left my cabin I called Aurora, only to go into her voicemail again. I fucking hate this! Why is she not answering my calls? She couldn't be that busy not to even look at her phone! Or was she ignoring me on purpose? I scoffed at this thought. If she was ignoring me then it was childish. To what extent she would ignore me? We live in the same fucking house and I won't stop confronting her until and unless I discuss this matter with her. 

I decided to call her again for the last time. "You have reached the voicemail-" That's it! I stood up and took my coat with my car keys. I will face talk to her, and if she has decided to run then I will chase her until one of us decides to give up and that's going to be her. 

Armando Russo never loses. 

I parked my car in the parking lot of Lumina Event Enterprises, Aurora's company. Leaning against it, I took out my phone to check for any updates from Marco but there were none. He must be trying his best to find out the information. I decided not to call him and gave him some space. Marco has never disappointed me, and I trust his way of working. But that's not enough, I have to entrust more people to help me find a weakness of Dominic Mancini. It was very important to win this unspoken war. I have to get to him before he gets to me. 

But before this, I had to deal with the one with green emerald eyes. My gaze got stuck on Aurora who came out of the building while talking to someone on the phone. All of my worries, fears, and other thoughts vanished into thin air as my sole attention was on her. She looked beautiful in that blue blazer and pants. I never noticed how enchanting she was until last night. Was it because I had an image of hers in my head because she was a Vero and she turned out to be the exact opposite? Or was it because these feelings were already present inside of me from the start? 

I continued to watch her as she hung up the call with a smile on her face that made my heart beat fast in a certain way. Get a grip, Armando! 

"So your phone is working after all" I spoke while leaning against my car and watched her as she turned around to look at me with surprising eyes. Of course, why would she expect my arrival? I never visited her office and always ignored her. A twitchy feeling emerged in my chest but I shrugged it off and walked towards her. She was just staring at me with those captivating eyes of hers and the urge to feel those lips against mine increased within me. 

Get a grip Armando for God's sake! You are not a teenager! 

"Why I have a feeling that you were not planning to go home?" I raised my brows and asked.

"I have a meeting with a friend. Excuse me" She replied coldly and took out her car keys. Heck no. You are not escaping this time little dove. I thought to myself and snatched away the car keys from her hand before she could even get inside her car. Her eyes stared at mine in pure rage.

"What do you want from me, Armando?" She raised her voice and passed me a glare. 

You. I want you. 

My inner voice yelled from inside which made me surprised. 

"Why were you avoiding me Aurora?" I was very serious when I asked her and ignored what she said before. I don't know why, but I was bothered by her ignorant behaviour towards me. I wanted answers. After what happened last night between us how can she act like that? 

"Why do you care?" She questioned me back and my eyes darkened. Why do I care? Because you are mine! 

"Because you are my wife. Isn't this reason enough?" I rephrased what I originally thought to answer with frustration. Can she not act like this and talk to me calmly for once? Was that too much to ask for? I had been concerned about her since morning and this was how she was repaying me. Great. I didn't even have to do such a thing and focus on more important things like Mancini and my deal but no, I am here like a hopeless romantic guy who is asking his wife why she ignored him. 

"Correction Mr Russo, I am your wife just to show the world, but in private we are strangers. I thought you knew well" I closed my eyes and muttered some words under my breath while massaging my forehead. It was hurting at this point.

"Look, I do not have time for this. My friend is waiting for me and it won't look nice if I am late. He has been busy lately and-"

"He?" All of my frustration went into oblivion when she mentioned her friend who was a guy. Who the hell is he? And what was the reason for her to meet this so-called friend of hers at this hour? Could it be one of Mancini's tricks to get to her again? 

"Are you- never mind. I am not obliged to answer you. Give me my keys back I am getting late" She stuck out her hand in front of me and waited for me to give her the car keys. I scoffed and let out a bitter chuckle. 

"You are obliged to answer me because you are my wife, little dove. Your safety is my responsibility. If this meeting of yours is that important then fine, I will come with you" I said with a look of determination and passed her a sweet smile. She stared into my eyes with nothing but silence and I didn't wait for another second and hopped on the driver's seat of her car. 

Because if I had waited any longer and stared into those green emerald eyes of hers, my heart would have exploded. 



Armando is a simp! Hehehehe!

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