


As my restraints come unbound, my body collapses like a marionette with severed strings and my relief is overshadowed by the overwhelming weight of fatigue. In a haze between consciousness and oblivion, I teeter on the edge of awareness, my senses dulled and my movements sluggish. I feel myself slipping as my strength wanes.

In the midst of my descent, a firm yet gentle presence intercepts my fall, arms wrapping around me with an unexpected steadiness- becoming my sole anchor in the swirling abyss.

Though my vision blurs and my mind swims in a fog, I sense the solidity of his embrace, a lifeline tethering me to the realm of wakefulness. There's a fleeting moment of relief as I lean into his support, my body finding solace in the warmth of his touch amidst the numbing chill of semi-consciousness. Yet mixed emotions surge within me - fear of what lay ahead, anger at my helplessness and a profound sense of determination to escape my destined fate in this hell hole.

His face -etched with concern and masked with inscrutable intentions- is my final focal point just before the darkness claims me completely.

As the first light of dawn filters through the delicate fabric of the curtains, sunrays infiltrate the unfamiliar room like playful sprites, casting a soft, golden glow upon the slumbering world. Each beam dances across the floor, painting intricate patterns of light and shadow that ripple gently with the morning breeze.

The gentle warmth of the sunrays caresses my skin, coaxing me from the depths of sleep with their gentle embrace. I bask in the soft radiance that envelops me, a sense of tranquility washing over me and banishing the fragments of the previous day's darkness with each gentle caress. With a groggy sigh, I blink away the remnants of sleep as my eyes adjust to the unfamiliar furniture and foreign decor bathed in the soft, golden glow.

As I tentatively rise from the plush bed with a groan, the sunrays follow my movements, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow across the room. With hesitant steps, I approach the window and part the curtains to peer at a world that is both strange and beautiful.

From the vantage point of this hilltop abode, my gaze sweeps out across the panorama of the city sprawled at a distance beyond acres and acres of greens, a breathtaking tapestry unfurling before me. Bathed in the golden hues of the rising sun, the cityscape glimmers like a jewel nestled within the embrace of the surrounding landscape.

Towering spires of shimmering glass and polished stone that reach towards the heavens, their reflections dancing upon the surface of tranquil lakes and winding rivers that meander through the heart of the city. Clusters of verdant trees dot the landscape, their emerald leaves swaying gently in the breeze. And overhead, the sky stretches out like a vast canvas, painted in hues of blue and gold.

It is a landscape waiting to be explored, one I wish to explore.

I step away from the window with a sigh and turn on my heels, letting my gaze sweep over the fairly large bedroom.

Aside from natural luminance, it is lit dimly by two tall lamps which stand by either corners of the door, the lampshade is a milky white and decorated with swirling undulating patterns of gold. Its once shiny lustre all but lost and hidden behind a thin coat of dust.

The color scheme of this room gives it a soft, tranquil vibe; a simple cream with an occasional heathered shade of lilac thrown into the mix as seen in the case of the upholstered stool tucked into the vanity table and the bedcover.

This room is my cage for the time being.

The air feels heavy as I inhale and exhale the musky air... suffocating.

The ticking sound of a grandfather clock hanging off one of the four adjourning walls resonates, the singular notes furthermore increasing my ever rising anxiety.

A warm bath, I think suddenly as a familiar itch begins to bloom at my upper arms and feet.

My eyes do a clean sweep of the bedroom; jumping off various objects until it settles firmly on a door which I can only assume conceals the bathroom from view.

With that somewhat distracting task in mind, I weave my way towards the mahogany door to my left and reach for the polished brass handle. The door swings open with a soft creak, and I am greeted by a sanctuary of serenity.

The bathroom is a haven of tranquility, with the walls lined with cream colored tiles and bathed in soft, diffused light that filters through the windows.

A trimmed and tasseled privacy curtain tied back by one end is held by the aid of ceiling hooks to a slanted wall, the white lace material aiming to provides a sort of coverage if one wishes it to.

The centerpiece of the room is a clawfoot bathtub, its gleaming porcelain surface invitingly deep and wide. Crystal-clear water cascades from an ornate brass faucet when I twist it open, filling the tub with a gentle murmur that soothes my frazzled nerves. A delicate aroma of lavender and jasmine hangs in the air, mingling with the steam that rises from the awaiting tub. Plush towels and fragrant bath oils are arranged neatly on a nearby shelf, promising comfort to whoever seeks them.

I step into the inviting warmth of the bath, sinking beneath the surface with a sense of relief that washes over me like a tide. As I recline against the porcelain, my mind drifts back to the events of the night before; more memories of my father clawing their way to the surface of my consciousness like tendrils of darkness.

The sting of his words and the heaviness of his fists replay in my mind's eye, each blow leaving an invisible scar upon my soul. Tears mingle with the water that surrounds me, as I struggle to choke down the pain that threatens to engulf me.

I hate the mysterious man in black for making me relieve the past I'd strived to erase in that fiery pit. I hate him for reviving these emotions I'd buried away for years.

The water licks my skin, its heat caressing every inch of me and soothing my wounds. Gripping the foamy sponge tightly, I scrub my body, working it over every inch of me in an attempt to rid myself of every ounce of filth till I'm red and left neater than a babe.

Dirty. So fucking dirty.

Each stroke is harsher than the last when the sponge bloated with water and soap meets my skin, the color of the water changes- no longer as transparent.

Refusing to allow myself the pleasure of indulging in the bath more, I rise and drain the tub, wrapping a towel around my body.

The first thing I notice when I exit the bathroom, the door clicking behind me, is a pale yellow dress laying on the now neatly made bed. I glance at the door, seeing it is locked in place and the crease between my brows deepens. Nonetheless, I gingerly pick up the dress.

Something drops to my feet as I unfold the material, a flush crawling from my neck all the way up to my cheeks at the sight of a black bra and matching cotton panties. Shaking my head, I quickly put on the attire; the bra is a size bigger than what I usually wear but the dress fits alright and falls past my ankles, sweeping across the floor.

I spend the rest of my time reading a random book I'd found. I grow bored of the words printed in ink quickly tho, and instead settle in front of the vanity; brushing my unruly curls and braiding haphazardly. I mumble incoherent wordings under my breath as I work, cursing like a sailor to stop tears from spilling over.

As much as my ego bruises to even admit the fact, I know there's no possible way out of here... not unless they let me go that is. I highly doubt they will and the truth I desperately try to waver brings reality settling in.

Resting my chin on my hand and observing the sullen faced girl who stares unwaveringly back at me in the mirror; her once vibrant green eyes mirroring mine are now tired and red rimmed, an endless maze of pain and suffering. Lips in a permanent scowl, she forces the edges to curl upwards yet the smile looks forced... bitter.

My scowl deepens as my thoughts run amuck, and the girl in the reflection's expression mirrors mine.

I force my eyes away from the disturbing image and move to my feet, finally deciding to pay attention to the monster growling in my stomach.

My surprise is pretty evident when the door; contrary to what I expected, opens and the aged wood creaks in protest. Peaking my head from a small space, I survey the broad hallway, finding it empty.

My teeth digs into my bottom lip -contemplating- and holds it's place on the soft, cracked flesh so blood rushes there and it turns it pale rose color.

The instant my bare feet cross the threshold and steps out into the hallway, I find myself face to face with a lady who suddenly materializes out of thin air.

Draped in a pristine white button-up shirt that hugs her curves with elegant simplicity, she exudes an air of effortless allure. Dark, loose trousers, folded at the ankles, cascade like silken shadows around her slender frame, hinting at a grace that defies earthly bounds.

But it is her skin that truly mesmerizes me, a canvas adorned with intricate black inked markings that writhe and coil like serpents in the moonlight. Against the backdrop of her silky caramel complexion, they seem to come alive, tracing a map upon her flesh.

Her hair, shaved close to the scalp, reveals only the faintest wisps of brown strands that cling to her head like whispers of a forgotten melody.

And those eyes... murky white, like the depths of a forbidden ocean, swirling with currents of curiosity. They hold me captive, ensnaring my senses in their hypnotic embrace, leaving me powerless to resist their call.

Adorned with an array of silver bangles that peek from beneath the stained fabric of her attire, her hands and feet seem to shimmer with a divine light. And as she stands before me, a vision of otherworldly beauty and beguiling charm, I find myself utterly entranced.



With a graceful motion, her lips part like the unfurling petals of a flower, and her voice drifts into my ears like silk, weaving a spell that entwines my senses. Enchanting as a siren's call to wayward sailors, her words compel me to follow, my feet moving of their own accord as if drawn by invisible threads.

Her hips sway with each measured stride, a hypnotic rhythm that guides me through the halls of the labyrinthine mansion. Despite the warning whispers of my subconscious, my mind remains ensnared, my body moving forward with relentless determination.

As we descend the spiral staircase, a sensation of suffocating pressure tightens around my chest, as though imaginary vines coil around my limbs, binding me in their grip. Yet, I am powerless to resist, my breaths coming in shallow gasps as I stumble onward.

Finally, we reach the dining table, where she gestures for me to sit with a coy smile playing upon her lips. Despite my inner protestations, I find myself sinking into the chair as if under a spell, unable to defy her will.

Seated across from me, she reclines with an air of casual elegance, her arms crossed in silent amusement. A knowing grin curves her lips, betraying the mischievous delight that dances in her murky white eyes.

"בוקר טוב יופי שינה."

[Good morning sleeping beauty.]

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