
Chapter 3

Laura's POV

I observed the source of the blood, it was from Nicholas. He had been injured by a bullet grazing his shoulder while bravely trying to save me. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—Nicholas Brandson had been shot because of me! But was I truly responsible? Nicholas, being a deadly Mafia Lord, surely had a long list of enemies seeking to harm him. I was just an innocent victim caught in the crossfire.

However, doubts began to creep into my mind. What if I wasn't mistaken about the lurking shadow in the darkness? Could the hairs on the back of my neck, standing on end since I left Sonia's house, have been warning me of imminent danger? My thoughts raced like wildfire, consumed by uncertainty.

Bodyguards flooded into the room from every corner, some giving chase to the serial killer. I held tightly onto Nicholas' hand, panic filling my voice as I screamed,

"Someone please call an ambulance," I screamed".

"I won't be needing an ambulance Laura", Nicholas said, trying to get up from the floor. Two of his bodyguards supported him.

"But we have to get you to the hospital," I pleaded, my voice trembling with fear.

"It's just a graze on the shoulder, something my nurse at home can handle," he assured me, gazing at me with a mix of determination and concern.

Then, he posed a question that sent a shiver down my spine: "Now tell me, young lady, who wants you dead?"

His words froze me in place. My eyes widened, and my heart raced uncontrollably in my chest. Dizziness overwhelmed me, and I stumbled, only to be steadied by Sonia, who had appeared beside me during the chaos. I craved the comfort of her touch.

"I... I don't know," I stammered, still bewildered by the events that had unfolded.

Sonia interjected, her voice quivering with fear, suggesting that Santos might be behind the threat. "Remember how he's been threatening you? What if he's finally acting on those threats now that you've left him?" Her words sank into the pit of my stomach. Santos was undoubtedly a terrifying man, but was he capable of murder? How did he know my whereabouts?

Nicholas, fixating his gaze on me with an impassive expression, demanded an immediate answer. "Who the hell is Santos, and why does he want you dead?"

"He is my boyfriend. He had been threatening to kill me if I ever left him," I confessed, shame and embarrassment causing me to lower my head. I felt vulnerable, pouring my heart out to a stranger I had only met an hour ago, a stranger who had taken a bullet for me. I mustered the courage to meet Nicholas' eyes, only to find a deep frown etched upon his face, his brows furrowed as he delved into thought.

Suddenly, our attention was diverted by approaching footsteps. Three of Nicholas' bodyguards, who had pursued the serial killer, stood before us. "We lost him, sir," they reported.

Nicholas glared at them, disappointment and anger evident in his voice. "You mean three of you couldn't apprehend one man? Why do I pay you so handsomely if you can't perform your duties?" His words hung heavily in the air, and no one dared to respond. The silence was deafening as if everyone understood that the question was rhetorical.

After regaining his composure, Nicholas took a moment to think. Then, his eyes fixed on me, and with genuine concern in his voice, he said, "You are not safe. Whoever is after you will come back to finish the job."

Sonia nodded in agreement, panic lacing her voice. "That's true," she added. "You need to find a secure location, somewhere they won't be able to find you. My place is no longer safe."

Fear tightened its grip on me as the reality sank in. My life was still in immediate danger, and I desperately scanned my surroundings, searching for a glimmer of hope or a plan of action. But my mind came up blank—I had nowhere to go, and no one seemed capable of offering me protection in this moment of crisis. The thought of seeking refuge with my mother in Poland crossed my mind, but I couldn't afford the move, and what if the serial killer intercepted me along the way?

Nicholas studied me intently, seemingly able to decipher my thoughts. "I have a secret hideout, away from prying eyes," he revealed, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "We'll take you there immediately."

Overwhelmed by the recent events, I found myself speechless, unable to articulate my thoughts. Nodding in response to Nicholas's guidance, I relied on his and his bodyguards' expertise to protect us through the chaos.

Exiting the room, we were greeted by the weight of tension in the night air. Every step we took was accompanied by a heightened sense of urgency, driven by the need to distance ourselves from the lingering danger. Nicholas's vigilant bodyguards maintained a watchful eye, scanning the surroundings for any signs of potential threats.

We made our way out of the venue, forming a convoy of three Mercedes Benz vehicles. During the journey, Sonia took the opportunity to enlighten Nicholas about my relationship with Santos. She recounted the relentless threats and the suffocating fear that had consumed my life. Nicholas listened attentively, his face displaying utmost seriousness as he absorbed every detail.

"You'll have to provide us with all the information you have on him, especially his address. We need to apprehend him," Nicholas stated urgently, his voice filled with determination.

"I don't think that's..." I began to reply, but he interjected.

"I understand how you must feel about it considering the history you both have together, but believe me, he has the motive to cause you to harm….", he said, his voice filled with a mix of power and concern, "He is our prime suspect, so we must do the needful, Do you understand?".

I nodded my head. How can I not understand when he puts his words so nicely? He has a point, Santos needs to be apprehended.

Suddenly, Sonia interjected, "Mark! I need to call Mark."

"Who is Mark?" Nicholas asked, throwing Sonia a glance.

"He's my boyfriend. We left him at home before coming to the charity ball event. I need to let him know I won't be coming home tonight," Sonia explained, retrieving her phone from her purse.

"I missed a call from Mark about 2 hrs ago", her fingers were now trembling as she dialed his number.

"He's not answering! Mark isn't picking up my calls!" Sonia's voice trembled with fear.

"Please stop the vehicle. I need to get out now," Sonia pleaded desperately.

"Babe, he might just be without his phone. Don't panic," I tried to reassure her.

"You don't understand, Laura. Mark never goes anywhere without his phone," she replied anxiously.

"What if something has happened to him?" Sonia clutched at the door handle as if trying to open the moving car. "I need to make sure he's okay."

Nicholas, observing the distressing situation, suddenly interjected with a sense of calm authority. "Stay calm. We'll make a stop at your place now." There was something about his words that instilled a sense of security for both Sonia and me.

"Radio the other cars. Let them know we won't be heading to the secret hideout right away. We need to make a detour first," Nicholas instructed the driver.

"Okay, sir," the driver responded.

The remainder of the journey was accompanied by silence, interrupted only by Sonia's occasional directions to her home. Upon arriving in front of her house, she promptly opened the car door and stepped outside.

"No, stay close behind us. It might be dangerous inside," Nicholas cautioned Sonia and me, signaling three of his bodyguards to enter the house and ensure it was safe before we followed. Two other guards stood stationed outside.

Approaching the front door, we found it wide open, with darkness shrouding the interior. An unsettling question loomed in my mind; What could have transpired within those walls?

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