
Chapter 6

Laura's POV

After pondering for a while, I responded, "I can't think of anyone, honestly."

He looked at me intently and urged, "Think harder, Laura. Anyone who may have felt offended by your actions, no matter how insignificant you believe it to be. Just give me a name to work with."

As I ransacked my memory, I replied, "I really can't recall anyone. Maybe it's Charles, my manager? But I highly doubt it. He doesn't have the audacity," I said, trying to reassure myself, but confusion flickered in my eyes.

"No, it can't be him," I continued, attempting to dismiss the thought. "There's no motive. It must be a misunderstanding. We had a disagreement at the studio when I questioned him about my late monthly payment."

"Why do you think your manager would want you dead?" he asked, his expression serious.

"I have no substantial reason to think that way," I replied. "It's just my own misinterpretation. Charles isn't capable of something like that. It's not in his nature."

"You never know," he retorted.

"People you believe wouldn't harm a fly can surprise you with the extent of their actions, the lengths they can go to inflict harm upon you," he said, his words tinged with pain.

"Have you experienced something like that?" I asked, gazing at him with concern.

"Don't worry about that, my dear," he said as he rose from his chair. "For now, anyone you may have crossed paths with is a suspect. My associates will investigate Charles to ensure he is innocent," he added while heading towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I inquired.

"You don't expect me to have dinner with your boyfriend's blood all over my shirt, do you?" he smirked.

"He is no longer my boyfriend," I retorted, my voice laced with anger. Hearing him refer to Santos as my boyfriend stirred something within me. It affected me in a way that was different from my usual reactions. This man was starting to grow on me, and his attractiveness only complicated matters. How could someone be so powerful and yet so charming at the same time?

He placed his hand on the doorknob and glanced back at Sonia and me. "I'll have my butler call both of you in an hour for dinner. We'll dine together, so get ready," he instructed. I simply nodded, and he left.

The room suddenly felt empty once again, even with Sonia by my side. Since Mark went missing, she had become a shadow of her former self. She barely spoke to me and seemed gloomy all day long.

"Sonia, you need to cheer up," I said, holding her hand in mine. "We will find Mark; Nicholas promised."

Forcing a smile, she replied, "It's alright, babe. I'll be fine."

"Good. Now, let's get up and dress appropriately for dinner," I said, filled with excitement as I made my way towards the wardrobe.

"Dress up for dinner?" Sonia questioned, surprised. "Aren't we having dinner downstairs with Nicholas? Are we going somewhere fancy that requires us to dress up?"

"Uhmmm..." I paused, realizing she had a valid point.

"Don't tell me you've fallen for him, Laura," she said, a genuine smile finally gracing her face. Her smile warmed my heart, and I was relieved that I could momentarily divert her attention from thinking about Mark.

"Fallen for Nicholas? Me? Never!" I exclaimed, watching Sonia burst into laughter.

"It wouldn't be such a bad thing, you know. I'm your best friend, and I've noticed the way you look at him..."

"I haven't fallen for him, Sonia," I interrupted, cutting her off mid-sentence. "I just momentarily forgot that we were going to have dinner downstairs," I lied, trying to brush off the topic.

"If you say so," she replied, looking at me and shaking her head.

Sonia understands me like no one else. She has the uncanny ability to see through me, just as I can see through her. Our bond is incredibly strong, and it comes as no surprise that she has picked up on the attraction I feel towards Nicholas. I will try my best not to let him see through me as she does.

I approached the wardrobe and surveyed the clothes I had packed for both Sonia and me. There were quite a few outfits, enough to last us about five days. I had hoped that everything would have settled by then, and we would be safe again. I chose a red top and a pair of jeans, and made my way to the bathroom.

As I walked past Sonia, she gave me a mischievous look that seemed to say, "I know what you're up to," and smiled. I ignored her and headed to the bathroom, quickly showering and slipping into the red top that hugged my body and the skin-tight jeans.

Studying my reflection in the mirror, I was pleased with what I saw.

Returning to the room, I approached the wardrobe again, grabbing my expensive perfume to envelop myself in its scent. It was a good thing I had remembered to bring it despite the rush.

"Laura, what's gotten into you?" Sonia asked in astonishment.

"Are you trying to seduce Nicholas?" she pointed at my chest. "You're not even wearing a bra, my God," she exclaimed, holding her head in her palm as if she were stunned by my behavior.

"I don't wear bras when I'm at home, Sonia, you know that..."

"I know, but this is different, babe. You're acting desperate," she remarked.

"I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm dressing up for myself, and nobody else. Anyone who doesn't like it can go fuck themselves," I replied, and we laughed it off.

There was a knock on the door.

"Yes? Who is it?" I asked.

"It's the butler, Madam. Mr. Nicholas sent me to call you both. Dinner is served," he announced.

"Okay, we'll be there in a moment," I replied.

"Very well, ma'am," he said, and I heard his footsteps recede.

I glanced at Sonia and said, "It's time."

Shaking her head, she stood up, sensing my excitement. It was unlike me, and even I found it surprising. Why was I behaving this way? I pondered. It was as if I were a schoolgirl whose father had called her to come and receive a treat.

As we descended the stairs and made our way to the dining area, I stole a glance at Nicholas, who was already seated. He looked impeccably clean and incredibly handsome. His gaze upon me sent thrilling shivers down my spine. He appeared irresistible, a man who could have any woman he desired.

"I don't particularly enjoy being kept waiting," he remarked, his gaze fixed on me as he took in my entire figure, eventually lingering on my aroused nipples. Ah, the Nicholas Effect, I thought to myself. My body seemed to have a mind of its own, reacting to him involuntarily.

"Well, I suppose I can overlook that, considering I'll have the pleasure of dining with two beautiful ladies," he said, glancing briefly at Sonia to make her feel welcome.

We took our seats and served ourselves from the trays of delectable food arranged in the center. A variety of sumptuous dishes were presented before us. I wasn't surprised; this was the lifestyle of the wealthy.

Taking a bite of the food, its delightful taste compelled me to close my eyes and savor it.

"This is absolutely delicious," I exclaimed, looking up to find Nicholas's green eyes fixed on me. He appeared amused.

"Of course, I only associate myself with the best," he responded.

"I wouldn't expect any less," I replied.

We continued eating in silence, occasionally exchanging glances. Sonia observed the situation, but she pretended not to notice. After finishing the food on her plate, she excused herself, creating an opportunity for us to have some privacy.

"Alright," she said as she stood up, "I'm going to call it a night now. I need to freshen up and get some rest," she feigned a yawn, acting as if she were tired, and left.

Nicholas and I exchanged a knowing look. He clearly understood what was unfolding.

"She isn't trying to set us up, is she?" he seductively inquired, taking a sip of his wine.

"Why would she want to do that?" I asked, watching him rise from his seat and approach me slowly.

He leaned in, his lips grazing my ear as he whispered, "Perhaps she's trying to assist you." Our eyes locked together, and I suddenly stood up, attempting to break the intense connection. Yet again, my body acted on its own accord. My knees weakened, and I lost my balance. His strong hands quickly steadied me, preventing me from falling. 

Our bodies were intertwined, and I could feel his arousal pressed against me. I was consumed by heat, yearning for him. Only he could quench the burning desire that overwhelmed me in that moment. He looked into my eyes, then at my lips, desire emanating from his gaze. And then he kissed me. Like hungry animals, we devoured each other's lips, lost in a whirlwind of passion. Suddenly, he pulled away, a smile playing on his lips.

"Careful, princess. I know you desire me. I've noticed the way you look at me," his eyes bore into mine. "But I must warn you, I don't engage in anything serious. It may be you tonight and another lady the next night," he nibbled on my lower lip. "There's enough of me to go around." He said seductively.

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