
Chapter 5

Aleta returned to Dave and came face to face with him. The girl was still trying to scrutinize the figure before her with a sharp gaze that was also full of question marks. The man really had a lot of surprises.

When they first met, Dave seemed like a helpless man who needed help. But in a short time, the man suddenly appeared and showed a different attitude. Then Dave easily finds out everything about Aleta.

"How did you know?" Aleta asked with a cynical look.

"What does it matter? The fact is that you are an orphan and have a younger brother who had to be hospitalized for mental illness. What other facts do you want to hear, I know them all," Dave explained at length.

For the umpteenth time, Aleta was confused by the man.

"You don't have to work in that little shop anymore. I'll pay for all your brother's medical treatment until he gets better. And I'll pay for everything you need. You won't lack anything!" Dave said again.

"What do you want? No one is going to be so generous for no good reason. Nothing is free in this world. Especially for a bad person like you. " Aleta said sarcastically. She had a lot of hatred and suspicion for Dave.

But after hearing the offer about her sister's treatment, Aleta could hardly think anymore. The girl had been working day and night just to be able to support her sister. Aleta was an orphan and had no other relatives or places to depend on.

"I just don't like owing someone a debt of gratitude and a debt of life. You saved my life," Dave replied.

Lies! It's not just a matter of indebtedness. Dave had no choice but to keep Aleta. Dave had to keep Aleta by his side. Otherwise, the girl's life would be in danger. An example is today's incident.

It's a good thing Dave arrived on time. A little late, and Aleta would have been taken away by his enemy's men.

Aleta seemed to be thinking quite hard. There was a golden opportunity to save her sister. But there was no guarantee that her life would go smoothly if she followed Dave's wishes.

"What if he kills me later! He could be so cruel to take someone else's life in front of me. And surely, my life is not important to him," Aleta thought.

"Well, I know you have a lot of pride. I'll give you another option. You can work, as my assistant. And you can quit, once your sister's treatment is over. How about it?" Dave offered again.

Working as an assistant to a sadistic man? Aleta never imagined this would happen. But it was a much better option than having to follow Dave for free. At least her status would be working for Dave. Not a wild girl who was suddenly brought home, tortured, or killed.

"I'll give you one minute to think!"

"What? One minute. You have to give me at least three days to think!" Aleta argued.

"One minute, and it's over. Tell me quickly what your choice is," Dave pleaded in a hurry.

"Alright, alright, I agree. Are you satisfied now? I'll go home and come with you. I'll be your assistant. Only your assistant until my sister is cured!" said Aleta, clarifying the agreement between them.

A big decision had been made by the girl, without her knowing the truth. Aleta, who was so afraid of blood, would be living with someone who dealt with blood every day. Can Aleta overcome her fear if she has to deal with sadistic violence and bloodshed again?


Once upon a time, a nation of wolves lived in the forest. Being the top predator, they spread fear to humans especially every full moon night. Because on the night of the full moon, these wolf people turned ferocious on their own. They hunt, offering holy blood to the ancestors.

But now, times are different. The wolf people have not become extinct. They are alive, surviving in the modern world, blending in with humans. Working like normal people, living a normal life and more able to control themselves and their hunting instincts.

"Davian Ricardo," Aleta whispered as she read the name on some of the items in Dave's car.

Yes, the girl was sitting in the front seat. Accompanying Dave who was driving the car at high speed.

Several times the man almost hit other drivers, ran red lights, and continued to speed blindly.

Under normal circumstances, a girl in Aleta's position would have screamed in terror. But no, Aleta sat relaxed while guessing who the person named Davian Ricardo was, because the name felt so familiar.

"What are you thinking, don't try to think about running away. Or your sister's life will be at stake," Dave said without turning around.

"The owner of this car is Davian Ricardo. Who is that guy, is he your boss? Do you work for someone else, or are you an accomplice of that guy named Davian Ricardo?" Aleta asked. I don't know why she looked like an idiot right now.

"Why are you so curious?" Dave asked back.

"Because that name feels familiar!"

Aleta tried to remember where she had come across the name Davian Ricardo. But Aleta was sure that the name belonged to someone important. A bigwig, or someone dangerous. Aleta kept saying the name over and over again while closing her eyes. Until suddenly, she had a memory.

"Davian Ricardo, CEO of Blue Moon Corp, the company my mom and dad used to work for! Yes... I remember that! And I will never forget it, never!" Aleta said to herself.

"Do you work for Davian Ricardo?" asked Aleta.

"Is that answer so important?"

"Yes... it's very important!"

"What would you do if you met someone named Davian Ricardo?"

"That's none of your business!"

"Well, then let me introduce .... " Dave slightly reduced the speed of his car, then took out an ID from his wallet and showed it to Aleta.

"You are dealing directly with Davian Ricardo," Dave said firmly to Aleta.

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