
Ch 71: The Troubles Of Calder

“Half the camp is in a right state, ready to tuck tail and run. They’re scared, and rightfully so. Most have little, if any, experience with magic, and none have seen the likes of a demon. It fucking blinded a man without even being near him. You can imagine the whispers.”

“And the other half?” Calder continued staring at the candlelit maps before him as his Captain filled him in on the latest reports.

“The other half, well, they’re not so easily swayed. Most are convinced more now than ever that this enemy has to be dealt with, here and now.”

The Prince sighed deeply before finally looking up.

“Do you think half will leave?”

Talib shook his head. “I’ve got Olander and Kashor and whoever else can speak to it trying to convince them not to. But, we should prepare for the worst.”

Someone had to be working against them, spreading fear and doubt, and there was only one person he could think of who would do such a thing. Cal could feel the darkness, it was stronger when Tasha f
B. Cole

Hello Lovelies! I'm so sorry for the long absence once again. Between health issues, the trials of having a one-year-old, and life in general, my computer unfortunately got put on the sidelines for a bit. But things are doing better now and I hope to be back at it as we gear up for the big battle ahead! Thank you for bearing with me! More updates coming soon! Love & Light Everyone!

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