
Chapter 4

Kara, Carlos, Lydia, Mrs. Rita and Carlos's lawyer sat down in the living room, Lydia still leaned on Carlos's body and he let her, Mrs. Rita sat down next to them while Kara sat down across the table and couldn’t bear staring at another woman next to her husband.

Kara was heartbroken but she tried her best not to tear up, she just lowered her gaze as the lawyer passed the divorce papers to her, she was desperate, unable to take the hurt anymore, she took the pen and reached to sign the papers.

“The child would be aborted too.” Mrs. Rita didn’t fail to add and Kara glanced at her, she swallowed hard, she did not bother looking at Carlos, he had already turned his back on her.

In just a few hours she was out, he had prepared a divorce paper and cheated on her, it was obvious he wanted her out of his life, and as quickly as possible.

She signed the papers and the lawyer took it and turned to Carlos. “It has been done.” He told him putting the papers into his briefcase.

“Finalize it as quickly as possible,” Carlos told him and shook hands with the lawyer who nodded and left the house.

Kara got to her feet and picked up her handbag. “I will leave now.” She glanced at Carlos who held her gaze briefly, she turned to leave but Mrs. Rita quickly blocked her path.

“You have to abort the child.” She said in a sharp tone. “I don’t want anything linking you and my son together anymore, so abort the baby!” Rita said with a smirk on her face. “I can’t have you leeching off him by keeping that child.”

Kara was furious now, usually, in the past, Carlos had always stepped in between her mother-in-law and her, and he took her side even when he cherished his mother, he had always tried his best to maintain their relationship, but right now, he didn’t bother, he just stood there and watched.

Kara’s mind was engulfed by rage, but she tried her best to hold back the anger. “I am going, I am going to the hospital to get it done.” She clenched her jaw.

“You can never trust someone, can we?” She smirked. “That is why we have to accompany you to the hospital to make sure it has been done.” Rita’s eyes held coldness as usual.

Kara turned her gaze to meet that of Carlos, but just as before, he supported his mother. “We have to witness the abortion, so we would go with you.” He told her and Kara shut her eyes momentarily.

He was talking like it didn’t hurt him at all, fathers should love their children, even if they were divorced, he should have let her keep the child as a payment for being with him for all these years, but it can’t happen now.

“Sure.” Her voice was hoarse, she felt lightheaded and weak, and there was no more fight left in her so she agreed.

In the end, Kara was accompanied by Mrs. Rita, Carlos and Lydia to abort her child. The hospital felt suffocating as Kara sat down in the room, her heart heavy with despair. Beside her, Carlos, Mrs. Rita and Lydia sat in stoic silence.

She couldn’t bear the painful reality she was faced with, she gasped for breath, as the nurses walked over to her and told her they were ready to carry out the procedure.

She got to her feet and looked at Carlos who didn’t even look at her, Lydia still had that victorious smirk on her face, and her mother-in-law felt like she had won, Kara followed the nurses in.

As she lay on the examination table, she felt a wave of nausea wash over her, her stomach churned with fear, she closed her eyes as tears rolled down the corner of her cheek, she wished she could endure the agony of what was to come as the procedure began.

Dr Catherine Hayes, renowned in obstetrics and gynaecology, entered the operating room with a calm expression, she walked over to Kara and glanced at her face, she saw the tears in her eyes and paused her lips.

“Stop!” She ordered the other nurses who looked at her and Kara hearing these words quickly opened her eyes and looked at Dr. Hayes with wide eyes wondering what was going on as her heart pounded in her chest.

“Kara,” Dr Hayes began gently, her voice was so soothing that it calmed Kara’s nerves. “I understand that this is an incredibly difficult time for you, but I want you to know that you have options.” She held Kara’s gaze.

Dr. Hayes had met with Carlos and Mrs. Rita, she felt it was unfair how they had forced Kara to have this abortion since she could remember the smiles on Kara’s face when she heard she was pregnant, and seeing the tears in Kara’s eyes, she just couldn’t proceed without talking to Kara.

Kara’s eyes brimmed with unshed tears. “I don’t know what to do,” She couldn’t hide the pain in her heart. “I feel like I am drowning, and I can’t find a way out.” She whispered hoarsely.

Dr Hayes slowly rested her hand on Kara’s arm in comfort. “You are not alone in this, Kara, and you don’t have to make this decision alone, your child is innocent, and deserves a chance at life.” She said softly.

Kara’s heart clenched at Dr. Hayes's words, she had been so consumed by fear, that she had forgotten the tiny life growing within her, she had divorced Carlos, she didn’t need to lose her baby because she was forced to, she didn’t want to, she wanted to protect her child.

“I will help you if you want me to.” Dr Hayes looked into her eyes and Kara gave her a slow nod and Dr Hayes smiled, she turned to the other nurses. “Move her into a special room.” She ordered and they nodded.

Dr Hayes exhaled sharply, then walked out of the operating room and Carlos, Lydia and Rita got to their feet to hear from her, she let out a heavy sigh and composed herself, in their eyes she couldn’t see any worry, she was glad she had talked Kara out of the abortion.

“Was it successful?” Rita asked quickly when Dr. Hayes didn’t say anything.                               

“Mr. Carlos, Mrs. Rita,” She began and glanced at Lydia who shamelessly stood next to Carlos. “I regret to inform you that the procedure has been completed.” Her voice was steady despite the turmoil raging within her.

Lydia’s lips curved up into a smile and Rita drew a sigh of relief. “What do you mean regret? It’s a good thing that it was successful, now we don’t have to worry about Kara or her using that child to mooch off us in the future, it’s so good, well-done son.” Rita pat Carlos back with a smile on her face.

Carlos looked at his mother and then Dr. Hayes. “Thank you, Doctor.” He murmured, his voice choked with emotion. “Thank you for taking care of Kara.” His shoulder sagged with relief.

Dr. Hayes looked at Carlos, she suppressed herself from scoffing, from what she had heard, Carlos loved his wife so much, but she guessed people do change, and now she didn’t regret lying to them, sometimes the truth was a luxury they couldn’t afford.

Rita sighed. “We appreciate everything you’ve done for her.”

Dr. Hayes forced a smile. “She is in good hands.” She assured them. “She will need your love and support---“

“She is already divorced, there is nothing we can do for her again, she is no longer part of our family or our responsibility, we only came to witness her abortion, now that it has been completed, we would leave,” Rita said with a chuckle. “Let’s go, son, you don’t have to see her anymore.”

Carlos shut his eyes momentarily and nodded, then he left the hospital with Lydia and his mother, as they walked away, Dr. Hayes scoffed.

“They won’t even see her?” She ran her hand through her hair. “Of course, most wealthy people are scumbags.” She tsked her tongue and went to see Kara.

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