

“Where is he?” asked Ashton as soon as they reached the hospital and found a staff at the reception counter.

Selena had followed him without any questions when Jake had phoned to tell them that Uncle Devin was hospitalized. Devastated by the news, she had been worried sick because they had no more information than that and she knew Ashton was equally worried since he was very fond of Uncle Devin too.

But there was something terribly wrong. Ashton was not only worried; he was angry too. Very very angry and Selena had no idea why. She wanted to comfort him but felt awkward now that they were back to reality and suddenly she resented the fact of having to return back so soon. How could she be so selfish?

It was then that Selena knew it was too late to protect her heart; she had already fallen head over heels in love with Ashton. As her heart absorbed the full impact of the shock, she had to maintain a semblance of normality as they rushed to the room where Uncle Devin was admitted.

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