
Chapter 19

“WITH that smile of yours, I knew something happened,” Shari said the following day while on their breakfast. She held a cigarette while drinking a black coffee, “Did you sleep with Vale last night?” she flashed a teasing smile.

“No! Don’t give me that look.” She giggled.

“I don’t believe you. Tell me, is Vale yummy? On a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, where would you put him? How about the girth size?”

Einille laughed, “You’re crazy. Nothing happened. And even if we did, I don’t kiss and tell.”

“So, you’re keeping secrets from me.” Shari blew a cloud of smoke to her side.

“I am just happy, and I deserve this, right?” she drank her tea, “How about you and Mazareno?”

“We’re doing good!”

“Good to hear that.”

Einille told her cousin about Vale’s

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