
MAMA 02- Missile and Wild Fantasies


IMG 771 was one of the best airliners Chloe had ever seen. Everything was nothing but luxury from its intricate modern minimalist interiors and amenities down to its mouthwatering set of cuisine. The prominence, as well as the exuberance, were fair and legit. The supremacy was lit! Of course, that was not her first ride. It was just now that she recognized the grandeur of his private jet. She was too groggy before to even appreciate this beauty. Shame on her, yes. 

They were ushered into an eight-seater VIP lounge by a gorgeous red-haired cabin crew named Defne. The accommodating staff later became her chatmate throughout their flight. She'd rather talk to her and not with the cranky Ira who was slumping like a drowsy cat across from where they were seated. That's right, they better not talk about the hot kiss they shared yesterday back in his limo. 

"Do you want me to pour you another glass of smoothie?" Defne politely asked, looking at the empty highball glass in her hand. 

Chloe shook her head, smiling. "I'm okay. I guess I'd turn into a pufferfish if I take another sip."  

The staff smiled back civilly and replied, "As you please, madame." 

"Drop the formality. My friends call me Chloe and you can call me that too. I don't mind." She shrugged.  

Defne turned her head towards Ira. She was anxious about the fact that her boss certainly heard them. Not to mention the awkward smile spread on the latter's lips when she looked back at her again. Chloe made a face, instructing the latter not to feel uneasy and just ignore her husband. The employee could only have to harmonize with her stint.  

"Where were we again?" Chloe questioned afterwards. 

"I think you were asking about missiles," answered Defne. 

Chloe snapped her fingers in the air and yelped, "Yeah, that's it! I'm dying to know if it's true." 

"Yes, it is. This plane is custom and equipped with an anti-missile system," Defne confirmed enthusiastically. "Aside from that this also carries a stable for transporting horses and the like, a full-choked bar, a gym, a garage space, a compact chapel, and a large jacuzzi bath decorated with LED lights inside Mr. Greyson's pad." 

Her mouth formed into a big letter O. And she thought she had heard and had seen everything. Albeit she was born with a proverbial silver spoon in her mouth, but hey, her family's wealth was shaking. They're well-off but not as much as this man could provide. Ira's generous assets gave her goosebumps; she was stupefied!

"Such a deep pocket billionaire," she murmured absent-mindedly. 

"Exactly the kind of man you married," Defne pressed on and stood up. She carefully arranged the glasses on the bar cart.

"You're leaving now?" 

"Duty calls. You don't want me to get fired by my boss, do you?" 

Chloe sighed. As much as she wanted to extend their session, she couldn't. She wouldn't want Defne to lose her bread and butter. She bid goodbye as they exchanged friendly smiles with each other. Then the staff swiftly walked to the aisle, pushing the cart forward. 

"I had a great time chatting with you. See you around, Defne." 

"Likewise, ma'am. Enjoy the rest of your day." 

"Thank you." She answered effusively. 

Defne nodded to both of them and finally left. She didn't want to do small talk with Ira, so she might as well take a nap. Unfortunately, her bladder was too busy to even grant her a single wink. So then, Chloe rushed into the restroom and did her thing in a flash. Little did she know, Ira quietly watched her from his peripheral view. Had she looked at him she would see the devilish but fascinated grin on his lips. 

FOUR HOURS and fifty-one minutes had flown before they finally reached their destination. The plane touched down in a massive helipad with a connected hangar. It was one of Greyson's high-rise skyscrapers located in the Southern part of the country. Sukrru and Defne went separate ways. As for them, they were met by two good-looking uniformed men who took all of their luggage and guided them to the main hall. 

"I need to use the bathroom," Chloe said as they were in the VIP lift. 

With his forehead scrunched, Ira turned his head to meet her gaze and asked, "Why? What for?" 

"I need to pee," she snapped in breathless urgency. 

"Again?" he grumbled in obvious irritation. "Didn't you have enough of that when we're on the plane?" 

"I don't and I have to go now," she insisted, eyes fixated against the blurry panel in front. 

The doors split open and Chloe rashly went out of the elevator. But before she could take a bigger step, Ira's large palm clenched against her slender arm, riveting her to the spot. His semi-tight grip disturbed her senses. She couldn't help but whine inwardly. He was starting to get on her nerves, yet she did her best to calm down. 

"Care to tell me where the restrooms are?"

"Just a hint, lady, you need to work hard to fool me," he silently roared against the shell of her ear. "You're not going anywhere. Not under my watch."

But she was persistent, so she promptly strode past him. However, Ira was relentlessly clutching onto her arm, hastily following her numbered strides. What? Was he getting paranoid again? She mentally hissed, studying him.

"I'm not gonna scamper away if that's what you're worried about. Hands off, mister." Her eyes rolled heavenwards. 

"What the! Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He scoffed, hauling her onto the cold wall. They were three steps away from the latrines. 

"Yes!" Chloe bit out. "Just so you know, I've been holding this for a while. You don't want me to overflow my sh*t here, don't you? Now, if you'll excuse me, sir." 

"I'm not gonna let you get in there. Stop making up lame excuses just to run off."

This time she looked at him incredulously before blowing a frantic sigh. Seriously? Did he have no idea about a woman's pregnancy? Of how they could make a best friend out of the toilets, especially in the first trimester? And she thought he was a whip-smart student back then, or maybe those articles circulated on the internet about his academic achievements were all fabricated. Hubristic handsome fibs just to make his impression deliciously decent. 

So much for that brainstorming just to get to know each other well. And why in the world would she run away when in the first place she had nowhere to go? She had no courage to face her family after everything that's happened. Ah, whatever! The last thing she wanted to do was to finish her thing or else she would make a mess right there. 

"This is absurd. You're being unreasonable." She batted her arm away from him. Ira let out a disgruntled sigh as he massaged his aching nape. 

"Cautious," he interjected, "that's what I am, Chloe. Besides, I need to protect my money," his gaze dropped onto her belly, "and the baby."

"My God, Ira! Your paranoia will be the death of you." Chloe shook her head furiously, leaving him behind all at once.

Ira sighed in resignation. He raked his long fingers against the strands of his inky dark hair while throwing some daggers at her. His jaw clenched and she had a glimpse of it. 

"Fine. Turn left and you'll see the restroom."

She heard him say as she paced through the corridor. How she wanted to whack his handsome face! If only she could do it. Shortly after she went straight into the cubicle and hurriedly slammed the door closed. It was as if she finally found her throne as her eyes drifted shut; soothing herself with contentment. 

"Oh, this is heaven," Chloe whispered, taking her precious time finishing her thing off. 

Thus the moment she vacated the cubicle, she was startled by his presence. Why the hell not? The bastard was damn relaxed while leaning against the marbled counter. Both hands were inside his pocket. Chloe shook her head frantically as she walked to the sink. She washed her hands solely before pulling some tissue from the dispenser.  

"Are you done?" Ira asked her right away. 

"Are you a psycho?" she shot back heatedly, wiping her fingers one by one. "Just because this is your hotel doesn't permit you to barge into the ladies' room any time of the day."

"But you're not some lady. Don't forget that you are Mrs. Ira Greyson now. I have the freedom to do whatever I want to. That includes prying into your private sessions as well as making love to you until you can't even lift a finger." He gave her a once-over glance that sent shivers down her spine. 

Chloe almost choked on her saliva. His statement was direct and bold; it seemed dirty in her ears. He's a rascal creep masked with plausible facial features! That's what she had in mind as they gazed at each other. Thanks to his ringtone which trimmed their staring game off. He fished for the phone in his pocket and swiftly ended the call. The next thing she knew, Ira trapped her hand in his, drew her closer to him and left the place pronto. 

"We don't have all the time in the world, babe. They're expecting us to be there for our family breakfast." 

"I thought you don't like that endearment," she sneered, "what's with the sudden change of heart?" 

He made a sideways glance but didn't react; just kept a straight face. Chloe could only bite her inner cheek and keep up with him. Ira seemed deadly and dangerously hot whenever he was silent, cold, or stoic. She'd rather prefer him grumpy. Soon, they halted at the end of the corridor where Ira tapped a silver card against the metal gray door. She assumed it was his private suite. He tugged her inside, leading her to a huge room painted in a monochromatic palette.  

"Freshen up and change into these." He commanded, pointing to a striped tweed dress and some accessories resting on the bed. 

Chloe peered at those and quietly appreciated their marvelous layout. Then her eyes roamed around before falling onto the crisp bluish-grey sheets along with the big pillows neatly pushed back against the tufted headboard. She wondered how it would feel sleeping next to him. His steely arms draped around her waist; his sturdy chest pressed against her sexy back. She pondered how she would handle those slabs of muscles squeezing against her bare skin. Oh, yes, she would not reject his well-toned thighs curled onto her smooth, shapely legs. 

Her throat became dry, her whole body was smoldered sensuously by her illicit thoughts. She felt like a barren woman who needed to be satiated. Her face flushed; she was sure it was as red as a ripe tomato. You and your wild fantasies! A small voice at the back of her mind suddenly chastised. Chloe mentally shook her head, collected herself, and held her chin up. 

Therefore she concluded being pregnant comes with a lot of emotions she never thought she would have. She's a virgin momma, but not a prude one, indeed. However, she won't allow herself to be humiliated even more. She heaved an ample amount of air before checking her randy face against the oval full-length mirror beside the white Scandinavian night table. But it was a wrong move because she caught him leering at her. Too late for her to realize. Damn. 

"How long do you plan on checking out the bed?" His voice was sharp and raspy thick as he removed his coat, clipping it on the rack. 

She bravely met his enticing eyes and grumbled, "I'm not even checking it."

"After you glanced at it with so much interest? No, thanks." He taunted, grinning, and his arms went akimbo. "Ah, are you still upset that we didn't make it in the penthouse?" 

"Whatever you say, Greyson." She walked to the bed and hoisted the dress just above her bust. 

The bastard was referring to their supposed lovemaking. She could feel her face burning as she pulled a throwback. They were both horny as f*ck when they arrived at the penthouse, unfortunately, it didn't push through. Thanks to Defne and her boyfriend making out in his very kitchen. Since then she learned that Defne was not just a mere FA, but his secretary for almost seven years now. 


One of her bushy, well-shaped brows lifted as her eyes shifted back to him. Chloe knew he was enjoying himself, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. No freakin' way! 

"Take off your clothes, Chloe," he dominantly rephrased his statement. 

"Sure. But you have to head out first. You don't expect me to parade my body while you're here, do you?" She looked away in a deliberate snub. 

Ira's mouth curved into a nasty grin and stayed still whereas she counted from one to five. And when he didn't bother to move, she instigated the deed. Chloe sauntered towards the nitwit before purposely pushing him to the doorway of the bedroom, urging him to leave. Of course, his reflexes were fast, but he was too pleased by the moment to even castigate her. 

"Hey, you don't have to do this. This is my flat. Goddammit!" 

"I don't care! Just get the f*ck out of here!" 

"Watch your words, babe. It doesn't suit your pretty face." 

"Lousy compliment, eh? Out!" She shut the door straight into his face. 

He was left with nothing but to shake his head and laughed hilariously. Ira went to the living room, sat on the divan, and looked up at the ceiling. He never knew being engaged in a contract marriage would entertain him to the point of doubting his own sanity. So for all its worth, he might as well earn the benefits of their sexy time… and the perfect place would be the Casa Alcantara. 

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