

Nick's POV

I hit the steering of the car in anger as I increase the speed. I don't want to lose the car in front of me. My heart is pounding so hard like it is going to burst out of my chest anytime soon. 

I didn't expect that convincing Arianna to be mine would be so difficult because she is my soulmate but after seeing the determination on her face when the car came out to meet me in front of their gate, the reality dawns on me that I might lose her forever.

I can't let this happen. I can't lose my second-hand mate. I can't let her go and I will do anything to prove my love for her. 

I never knew she would make things this hard for me. I had persisted, insisted, pleaded, and apologized, all to no avail and now she is going away from New York and from me. I can't let her go.

I step on the brake, darting my eyes around to search for where the car had disappeared to. When I don't see the car, I reverse back quickly and turn to take a short route to the airport. I know the airport she is going to. 

Since I can no longer see the car driving her and her mother to the airport, I guess I will just go and wait for her there or be there on time to stop her.

Her mother had given me an apologetic smile after I saw Arianna giving instructions to the driver when I stood in their way outside the mansion.

The driver had ignited the car into action, making me step away in shock and I watched them go. It took a while for me to recover from the shock, run to my car, and follow them.

I press the horn severally, driving past the policemen who throw a warning sign towards me. I apologize with a curtsy bow and continue my journey. 

Within minutes of the race, I get to the airport and climb down in a hurry, looking around for the sign of the white Mercedes car driving them. No Mercedez is in sight and a feeling of dread fills me up. 

Have I lost them? Why didn't I search for them instead of coming here? Has she gone to another airport? I ask myself inwardly and I run around the terminal, searching for a familiar figure of Arianna or her mother or even the driver. 

I see no one and I curse again under my breath, whirling around in confusion. I don't know what else to do.

With my hands on my waist, turning back and forth, I begin to give up, thinking of how to live my life without Arianna. It will be so hard and I doubt if I can survive this. 

A silly idea is forming itself in my head but I shake my head to brush it away. I am thinking of booking a flight tonight to take me to England so I can go and meet her there but I know I can't. 

My father will be mad at me. 

There will be training tonight which will be geared toward my role as the incoming Alpha. Tomorrow is the full moon and I can't be out on a day like that. Tomorrow is also the day I will be crowned the Alpha.

I sigh in resignation with a sag of the shoulder. I turn to go back to my car when I see her. 

She is hurrying in with her mother and the moment our eyes meet, she stops in her tracks and watches me as her mouth drops open in terror.


Arianna's POV

I am having mixed feelings about all of this. I know I was sad about not seeing him but seeing him now standing in the terminal gets me confused about what I feel. 

Am I relieved that he came all the way here for me? Am I convinced that he is honest? What the hell is wrong with me?

"Ari", mom calls, and I turn to her. She must have seen him too. She is no longer trying to persuade me to accept or reject him. She is giving me the chance to decide for myself. A decision that might ruin me or make me better.

"I will get going", I say to her and walk past him. He calls my name but I refuse to answer until he grabs my hand.

"F***ing listen to me", he growls in anger.

"Do you have any right to be angry?" I demand from him and he let go of my hand. "Go home and stop following me."

I begin to walk again towards the plane. Before I can get out, I hear him shouting. 

"Please, forgive me. I truly love you, Arianna."

I don't know when tears begin to flow down my eyes as I find my way blindly among the crowd. I didn't even bother to wait for my mom or think of what to do. I don't know where I am going or what I am doing. I don't know what I should do or what I can do. 

I am as clueless as f***!

I stand still as I cry, not giving a care in the world. I don't care if I am being looked at.

After several minutes of experiencing the aching of the heart for the first time in my life, I turn back abruptly and begin to find my way out of the terminal. I can't see any familiar figure. 

I can't see mom either.

I don't know where my luggage is but I know my flight is leaving in a few minutes.

The moment I am out, I begin to race out, hoping he is still around so we can talk. I don't see him at first until I am in the lot. 

I see him storming to his car and I shout for him to wait. "Nicholas!"

He twirls around to see my running figure and I can see the uncertainty on his face. Without giving him much time to think about what is happening, I run into his arms, breathing heavily like someone who just did a marathon race. He stands with numbness and I raise my head.

I wipe the tears streaming down my eyes with the back of my palm, nodding my head in acceptance. 

Confusion skates his expression. His hold on my waist becomes firmer and an electric jolt rushes down my spine at the contact.

"I would love to be your girlfriend," I inform him without hesitation.

It takes a while for him to understand what I am saying or probably he was trying to be sure I am being serious.

He opens his mouth to say something and his breath fans my face, making goosebumps appear around my neck region.

He looks more handsome than I have ever thought of him. The absence of a smirk and wicked glint is a factor. 

His straight jaw lines and his perfectly carved nose is making my head whirl around in excitement.

I can't believe I just ditched going to England because of him. Instead of feeling horrible for my decision, all I feel is contentment and my heart racing excitedly.

Suddenly, his face breaks into a smile and before I can think about what just happened, he takes my lips in a searing kiss.

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