
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I stomped my feet repeatedly, waiting for our class to end. I've been itching to get out and find our new instructor ever since I saw him earlier. I never thought I'd see him here. Of all the places I've been to, seeking for him, never did it ever cross my mind to see him in school. It was as if destiny itself made way for our paths to cross. I couldn't help but shudder at the thought.

When class was over, I stormed out of the room, but was also stopped when I saw the sea of students spread across the corridor. I couldn't figure out where to go. I turned around and struggled to find any traces of him. Maybe he just got out from any class he's taught. If only we hadn't really had a class earlier after his,  I could've approached him already.

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard the voice from behind me, so I turned back, it was Rita.

"I'm on my way to Mr. Sarmiento's office." I grinned as I faced her. She chuckled and shook her head.

"The handsome syndrome again, huh?"

"Well, you can say that," I joked.

We just laughed and decided to start finding our instructor's office. Rita also liked our instructor but unlike me, she just want to see him. I'm an expressive person. When I like someone, I will show up and tell. There is no room for hiding feelings. In remorse there is, but I don’t want to go in there.

When we reached the front of Mr. Sarmiento's office, we decided to knock. It opened immediately and spat out a woman. It is Ms. Ramirez, one of the university’s young professors.

"Yes? Do you need anything?" she asked with her hands on her waist.

"Is Mr. Sarmiento inside, Ms. Ramirez?" Rita asked with a smile.

The woman raised an eyebrow at us and scanned us with her eyes from head to toe. Then, she shook her head and flashed us a look with a hint of disgust. I couldn't help but notice how rude it is.

"If you're looking for him for academic purpose, then he isn't around. But if you're looking for him for other personal purposes, then I'm sorry to tell you that you will not pass, " she said, belittling us.

"Oh, are you Mr. Sarmiento, ma'am? How did you know that?" I shot back.

I saw how annoyance passed through her face. She thought I would just keep quiet and let her words pass.

"I am not Mr. Sarmiento, but I know that he likes professional ladies. Look at you, you're still studying and don't even know how to comb your hair properly," she pointed out my hair with disgust.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Even my hair?

"Okay, ma'am. You're a professional lady and you comb your hair perfectly, does that mean Mr. Sarmiento like you?" I asked, pretending to be excited.

She paused for a moment as if having difficulty speaking. My eyebrows rose before I smiled at her.

"Good luck with that, ma'am," I said before we turned back and walked away from the office.

We quickly walked back to our next class. We just bought a sandwich for lunch and continued on our class.

Time ran fast until we finished class. I even tried to find the man after class but it looked like he had already gone home, so I just decided to also head home.

A few meters from the apartment I could see daddy just coming out of the building.

"Dad!" I quickly got out of the taxi and stopped him from getting into his car.

"Oh, you're here," he said, finally acknowledging my presence.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, smiling and hoping that the answer would be because of me.

"I had a meeting nearby and just decided to pay your annual rent in full. Anyway, I'm going now."

Who am I kidding?  I know that daddy will never be here because of me. He doesn't even visit me on my birthday. Then I expect him to visit out of nowhere? That's a big joke, Aurora.

I just waved him goodbye and went inside the building. When I entered my unit, I quickly threw myself on the sofa and checked my social media accounts. I suddenly regretted that I opened my account just to see how happy mommy was with her new family. I stared at the post. I would have been the one smiling with her. But I'm here, bitterly smiling at the sight of my mom having the best days of her life that she failed to have when she was with us.

I was the product of a no-love-involved marriage of my parents. They lived and stayed with each other for years, but even so, I already felt an invisible line drawn between them even before. When my mother's parents died, she decided to finally put an end to their relationship. My father agreed without even asking me or even just thought about how I would survive without a complete family. When my mom moved out, I was left with my Dad. She did not even care to say goodbye to me.

At first, my life with dad is just fine, not until a new woman entered our lives. Dad married her and let his daughter suffer from the hideous step-mother. I couldn't take it all, so I decided to just live on my own. My father, knowing how he also doesn't care about me, agreed and even find me an apartment himself. They were all determined to get rid of me. My mother refused to take me and my father wanted me away, who else would choose me but myself.

I bit my lips, stopping myself from shedding tears, especially when I saw another post of my father with his new baby. It's been 8 years since they abandoned me and never have I ever remembered them, asking me how I am. They haven't even called me once.

This is one of the reasons why I want people to like me. I couldn't bear it if other sees me like how my parents do. I flirt with guys, make them fall for me, and eventually leave them in the end. I want to do exactly what my parents did to me to other people. I want to experience being loved, but I don't want to experience being left. Before they could do such, I leave first.

I buried my face on my pillow wanting to hide my tears that couldn't take its heaviness anymore. I will be fine someday. In the future, I will just reminisce this exact moment and laugh at how I cried over it.


Like nothing happened, I went to school all dressed up. I spend hours fixing my outfit and hair. I also put light shades of make up on my face to appear glowing. If it's just the same old days, I wouldn't make an effort making myself look the best.  But today's different, and the next days.

I sat straight when Mr. Sarmiento entered the room. He's sporting a formal and neat look with his polo and slacks. Unlike yesterday, the first button of his polo was not intact, revealing his protruding Adam's apple and a bit of his collar bone. I can't help but to gasp at his breath-taking handsomeness. Maybe God spent longer time creating this man.

I couldn't listen to his discussion. His face distracts me from all the topics that are explained. With my jaw on my palm as my elbow rest on my table, I stared at the man talking. I love how his voice matched his face, both are beautiful. 

I just finished the class and learned nothing because I was staring straight at the man the whole time. But I wasn't embarrassed even for a bit. In fact, I even planned on walking with him towards his next class.

Unfortunately, before I could even do that, student flocked outside again and drowned the sight of the man. I sighed and declared a defeat.

I walked along the corridor swaying my book, consumed by the thoughts of our instructor. Am I obsessed? Probably. I just really want to get close to him. Just that.

My eyes widened when I saw him in the field walking towards the parking lot. I immediately ran the distance between us to catch up with him. But because I was an enemy of luck, he got in his car before I could even get close. I wanted to cry when I stopped and watched him leave. Why is it always like this? I let out a sigh and just walked out of campus. I need to cool down first. I plan to go to the convenience store first and go for a walk.

I happened to walk pass at one of the most famous universities in our place, the Manila Sports University. It is said that the best athletes in the Philippines study here. I suddenly turned to one of the vehicles parked across the campus. That blue car parked near the space caught my attention. It was Mr. Sarmiento's!

Out of curiosity, I decided to run over the parking lot. I scanned the car and found out it was really his. What is he doing here? Does he have a girlfriend at this school? I jumped in shock when I saw him walking out of the gate. But I was even more surprised to see who he was with, the son of the convenience store manager! I ducked and hid behind the car beside it and watched them leave. What’s up with those two? Could it be .....

I snapped out the impossible thought and stood up. Maybe they are close to each other. Suddenly, a plan sparked in my mind. Why don't I use that guy to get close to sir? I grinned at my evil thoughts.

Okay, so here's the plan. I'll befriend that guy and ask him to introduce me to Mr. Sarmiento. Then, I'll be able to hang out with him, have some fun, and eventually make him fall for me. I screamed at my plan, making all the students around turned to me, weirded out by my actions. I covered my mouth and chuckled beneath. I immediately ran my way to the convenience store, slightly jumping like a fool.

I halted at the sight of the store. Before I went inside, I made sure I flashed my bewitching smile. No one had ever resisted this smile. I mentally laughed.

I pushed the door and let my hair swayed in sync to my walk. I glanced at the counter where he's busy doing something. I intentionally made my stomps loud to make him turn to me, and he actually did. But that was only for a moment, he, then, turned back to what he was doing. I smirked. Acting like a snob, huh? Well, I admit he actually is.

I went to the expensive chocolates section and grabbed three bars. He would really thank me buying these stuffs. Or will he?

"Here," I said and placed the chocolates in the counter.

Without looking at me, he grabbed the chocolates and scanned its price. He did not even give me a glimpse. I mentally want to slap him. He really has a way of making people feel like they're nothing. But I'm competitive, I won't let this day end with just that.

"I noticed these chocolates aren't that popular. Look, they're still in tact like the last time I was here," I initiated the conversation.

But to the cold-hearted that he is, he only started wrapping my food. I heaved out a breath and stopped myself from exploding. I need to do this.

"Maybe it's because of its price, right? What do you think?" I asked again.

I finally made him divert his eyes to me, but it was an unusual look. It made me feel like I'm weird.

"What do you think?" I reiterated, smiling.

He put my food in the counter and gave me a questioning look.

"What do you want?" he asked, annoyed.

"Nothing, I'm just asking."

His brow rose as if I'm spewing the lamest reasons of all time.

"You don't usually ask me things before. Do you really think I'll believe it?" He, then, stapled the plastic bag and handed me my chocolates.

"Whatever you're planning, keep it to yourself. I don't like girls like you," he said, making my eyes wide.

What the hell!

"Ew. How dare you say that?! There's no way I'll like someone like you too!" I immediately turned my back and stormed out of the store, bringing the bag of chocolates with me.

I shuddered in annoyance at the thought  of what just happened. How can he even think that I'm flirting with him? That's the craziest assumption he could ever make. Me, really? And what exactly does he mean by girls like me?

"Hey!" I heard his shout even when I'm already far from the store.

"Hey!!" he called again, making me turned to my back. I saw him running towards me. I suddenly felt odd. Is he going to apologize now?

"What?" I shot back giving him my deadliest glare. If eyes can kill, then he's probably lying down now with all his blood dripping out of his body. That's a strange thought, but I don't care.

He chased his breath when he stopped in front of me. I just watched him have his inhale and exhale session. I crossed my arms without taking away my glare at him. He shook his head when he saw it and put his hands on his waist. He looked at me like a joke, but I fought back. Glare fights, this is nothing compared to all the struggles I've won in life.

"I wonder if that glare will remain exactly as it is, when I tell you why I ran all the way here," he calmly said, making my forehead creased.

"This glare suits your sight!" I retorted, throwing him another glare.

He chuckled and slowly nodded.

"Really? Even when I tell you that you just took away your chocolates without paying?" he asked and motioned his eyes to the plastic bag I'm holding.

I gripped it tight and processed his words in my mind. What did he say? I forgot to pay? My eyes slowly widened when I realized I really haven't paid earlier. I turned to him and caught him smirking. My face heated up with embarrassment, especially when a chuckle went out of his mouth.

The fury, I've been keeping, exploded. I threw him cash, more than enough for my chocolates.

"Have it your self! As if that could kill me!" I snarled.

I immediately marched away after, not letting him to respond or I'll really lose my mind. I might have to consider making another plan because there's no way I will be friends with that guy.

Who would ever like such a guy like him? Is Kelly blind?

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