
Chapter 4 Thinking Back

Rayna once again, blocked the number. Two years ago, Kaine’s producer hired her company to do choreography for his newest hit song. He had flirted with her every minute they were together. She kept it professional, and after the song routine was done, he pursued her even more.

He was relentless. She had told him of her rule of not dating clients and not dating celebrities. Eventually, he wore her down and she agreed to go out on a date. The excitement was there for her, and she was very attracted to him.

He was hot, handsome, and yes rich and famous. Even though she knew better, but she gave in. The first year and a half it was fairy tale like. But then he started getting irritated that she didn’t want to go public with their relationship.

The biggest thing was he wanted her to go public with her business. She now saw it was so he could boast to his friends about how he had such a successful girlfriend. A hot, successful, famous girlfriend, that is if she had gone public with her studio.

They used to dance in her condo, and she’d sing along to songs as he would. He always told her she had a beautiful voice. For months he begged her to do a duet with him.

Finally, she agreed to do one for his birthday with the strict promise that it would never be published or released publicly. He lied of course. He went on and on about how if the public knew about her, she could grow her business much larger than it was.

He couldn’t understand her not wanting to be in the public eye. The business did well as it was. She had enough money to live how she wanted to. Her savings account was well enough for her.

Her convertible sports car for her 27th birthday was bought with cash and she still had money in the bank. One night at a fancy restaurant he did the down on one knee marriage proposal. It was breath taking, but the fact she wasn’t jumping for joy or immediately saying yes gave her warning bells.

Instead, she smiled and asked if she could have time to think it over. He had smiled and said yes as long as she at least wore the ring while she was deciding. She knew it was a bad idea but agreed. He was overjoyed.

Two nights later Gabbi had called her to turn on the television. She said Kaine was in an interview talking about them. Her stomach churned as she watched him talk about their relationship.

He mentioned the proposal and while he didn’t come out and say she said yes, he did say she was wearing his ring. But the biggest bomb shell dropped was the release of their duet. She had a major panic attack, something she had not had since a teenager.

She nearly passed out before she got herself under control. While that was bad, the worst was yet to come. Over the next several days women came forward telling that they’d been sleeping with him the past 2 years while they were supposed to be exclusive.

The conversation her and Kaine had was mostly her ranting and raving like a mad woman and him constantly saying he did it for them. He denied sleeping with the women, and most of them were probably made up, as none of them showed proof. There was this one woman that when the interview was played, he acted guilty as heck.

It’s just one those women’s intuition things that you just know. In the span of 48 hours her life got turned inside out and upside down. She broke up with him and told him she never wanted to see him ever again. He betrayed her and cheated on her.

Those were two things she could not accept. He kept calling and coming to her condo and studio. She had to put him on the “do not allow” list. She blocked his number, only to have him get new numbers and call.

The worst part was the paparazzi camping out in front of the condo and studio. Security had to be upgraded at the studio and guards hired. There were several lost clients due to the paparazzi and reporters hanging around the studio.

The high-end clients who were celebrities didn’t seem to mind it. Those mostly dealt through email or phone. But those that came there who weren’t famous, didn’t like the added security. They didn’t like the tons of reporters hanging around they had to go through.

She contacted all her customers and explained what happened. The famous clients understood and were fine with it. Afterall they’d been dealing with it their whole careers, nothing new for them.

After that call and stroll down memory lane, she decided to stay in the penthouse the rest of the weekend. Binge watching some movies on vudu. She was sure she’d gained 5lbs also.

On Monday she gets a text message from Mary asking where she had been. She really didn’t care, as she didn’t even let her answer. Mary went on to talk about how that guy had finally come up to her and talked to her.

She said his name was Liam, and that he had asked about Rayna. Ok does she seriously not think this is weird? He finally talks to her, just to ask about Rayna.

She went on to tell how she told him where she was staying, about her man problem, name, why she was here, and what she did for a living. And she could see how none of that was wrong! They got into a heated argument.

Rayna told her she didn’t want anyone knowing her business. Mary could not see anything wrong with it. Then she accused her of wanting him to hit on her otherwise Rayna shouldn’t care about him knowing she’d sworn off men.

She eventually apologized and then asked when Rayna was coming back to the bar. She got the feeling it was because without her there, Mary was not getting any attention. She wasn’t being conceited, it’s just an observation.

Finally, Rayna agreed to meet up the following night. Just to get her off the phone. She was starting to get really irritated.

On her jog this morning that tingling feeling on the back of her neck was back. Along with the feeling of being watched.

“I don’t know what this is, but it’s driving me crazy.” She thought. “Oh, come on, paranoid much? And yes, I’m talking to myself.”

She finished her jog and the rest of the day and leaves for the bar. She decided on some floral jeans, a lacey tank top, and light blue button-down shirt. Tonight, she’s going for the cute look.

“I think I’m rocking it.” She thought.

She arrived at the bar after 8 and Mary hollers at her from her seat at the bar. She sits down and the bartender comes over to get her order. She ordered a Fuzzy Navel.

“Coming right up sweetheart” He winked.

He always calls her sweetheart. It sounds so sweet coming from him. She smiled at him and he smiles back and winked again.

“Oooh someone likes you”, Mary said.

“Give it a rest, Mary, Not interested.” She retorted.

“But he’s really hot, and maybe you could go out with him and hook me up with Liam?” Mary replied.

“Sorry but that is not happening. You want a date with Liam, then you go ask him and do it yourself. Do not drag me into it. I am not dating a guy so you can hook up with his friend. I don’t play those kinds of games.” Rayna retorted.

“Whatever, I would do it for you! Some friend you are, can’t help a girl out.” Mary replied.

What is her deal? Is she that desperate to date the guy? I mean you can’t make people like you nor date you. Rayna excused herself to the bathroom.

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goodnovel comment avatar
PR Brady
Reviews, comments and gems greatly appreciated!!!...️...️
goodnovel comment avatar
PR Brady
Who else thinks Mary is unhinged???

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