
Chapter 3 Unwanted Attention

She put her hand in her purse and finds the can of mace and keeps it in her hand until the valet arrives with her car. Her car arrives and she gets in it and heads back to the resort.

Monday again and time to set up a new routine. She starts with the usual jog, shower and breakfast, then goes look for the events coordinator to check on renting the ball room to work on dance routines for the special clients.

She finds the manager and makes sure the room is soundproof and has locks.

“My work is very confidential. I have access to songs before they are released. I need to rent it from 12:30-5:30 Monday through Friday.” She explained.

She filled out the paperwork, paid the deposit, and got the keys. Tuesday morning is the start of her new routine. Starting the day with jogging, shower, breakfast, and then check emails and paperwork until lunch.

After lunch it’s ball room time to work on routines for the songs she’s currently working on. Afterwards it’s dinner at the restaurant and a couple of times in the evening she visits the bar.

Every time at the bar she gets that same tingling sensation on the back of her neck, and now also during her jogs. However, during her jogs she never sees anyone or anything.

She plays it off as the stress of the last 2 months, with being followed by the paparazzi and reporters.

After a few days she decided to change jogging paths, and that seemed to help, or maybe it was her realizing she was being paranoid.

Saturday night rolls around and she’s going to the bar. She now feels more comfortable there. She still must refuse drinks and advances from the men there, but it’s not very bad, and so far, everyone has been nice. She did make one friend, a lady named Mary.

Although she thinks Mary is only hanging around because of all the male attention she seems to get. She’s good looking, but the guys don’t seem to look twice at her. Maybe it’s because she is a local girl and I’m the new shiny toy?

Tonight, she wants to feel sexy, so she puts on some skin tight ripped jeans and a crop top that is mesh with what looks like a sports bra under it. Curling her long brown hair, and she even puts on some light make up. She arrived at the bar and Mary has saved her seat at the bar.

“Hey Rayna, how are you?” Mary asked.

“I’m good, how are you?” She asked.

“Oh, can’t complain, glad you came tonight. Can I ask you a question?” Mary asked and continues on. “Are you into men or women?”

Laughing, Rayna replied. “Men, definitely Men.”

“Ok good, I was kind of worried, as you seem to tell every guy no.” Mary replied.

“Let’s just say I’m off men for a while. I just went through a bad breakup and I’m not looking for any type of relationship right now. Right now, I just want some me time without the guy trouble that seems to go with the territory of dating.” Rayna told Mary.

“Ahh”, she starts, “I see, that’s fine, more guys left for me.” She laughed. “Actually, I have my eye on one in particular, and have for a while, but he doesn’t seem interested in me.”

She asks her which one she means. Mary points to the other end of the bar to this gorgeous hunk of a man. Rayna doesn’t think she’s ever seen a guy so gorgeous. He puts the bartender to shame and that says a lot!

He’s in a black dress shirt and slacks. You can tell he is well built, under his clothes. Dark hair and blue eyes that are looking right at her now. Her face blushes from being caught checking him out.

He raises one eyebrow and smirks at her. That’s how she’d describe the tilt of his mouth, only one corner moving. Mary’s head is turned towards her so she doesn’t see him notice Rayna.

“Him and the bartender are good buddies” Mary replied.

Rayna finally realizes she’s talking to her. So, she just looks at her and nods like she knows what she said. Deciding right then not to look his way again. Not only was her face hot but other parts of her body were heating up as well.

That is a distraction she doesn’t need. He spells pure trouble with a capital T. “I cannot allow my mind to travel that route.” She thought,

“He seems cocky. Like the type that knows he’s good looking. Not my type at all. Have you tried talking to him?” Rayna asked.

“Once, and he barely uttered a few words. He seemed uninterested, so I gave up.” She sighed.

“Sorry to hear that, but you’re probably better off anyway. Hey, do you like to dance?” Rayna asked.

“Yeah, but I’m not very good” Mary replied.

“Well, if you dance with me, I’ll show you some hot sexy moves that will drive the guys crazy! I love to dance, but I’m too chicken to dance by myself. And I don’t want to as it invites guys over when you dance by yourself.” Rayna explained.

They went to the dance floor and she showed Mary some nice dance moves, along with some, sexy drive the guys crazy, moves. She feels lots of eyes staring but ignores it. She’s missed this kind of dancing. It’s been so long since she’s been to a club and danced.

“It’s been a year and a half to be precise. Someone was too jealous to allow me out with the girls, and due to his celebrity status, we couldn’t go to public clubs anyway.” Rayna told Mary.

“Wow you were right, guys are staring” she says. “OMG he’s staring at me!”

Mary just totally ignored what Rayna had said and was as usual focused on herself. Rayna looked to see the guy she showed her earlier staring alright, but not at Mary.

He’s staring at Rayna and gives her a wink. She decided to keep that to herself and look away, and smiled at Mary like nothing happened.

“I am so not going there. Nope not looking again, and not even thinking it. Ok I lied, I am thinking about it, way too much.” Rayna thinks to herself.

The following week goes about the same. She has her set routine. However, when Friday arrives, it ends the week horribly. Her cell phone rings with an unknown number.

Even though she has a bad feeling, she answered it anyway. Sometimes her clients get new numbers, so it’s always a possibility it’s one of them.

“Hello” she asked.

“Hey beautiful, please don’t hang up, hear me out!” He begged.

“Ka..ine?” she stammered.

Her heart is racing and jumps into her throat. The sick nauseating feeling returns to her stomach.

“Yes, it’s me, please don’t hang up, I need to talk to you. I need to apologize again, and you need to hear me out. Please I am begging you with all my heart, baby, please forgive me and be my fiancé again. I still love you and only you, it’s always only been you.” He begged.

“LOOSE my number! Don’t call me again! We were over and done with over 2 months ago. I may forgive you one day for my own peace of mind, but I will never forget what you did to me.” She retorted.

“You made my life a living hell for your own personal gain. And I know you cheated on me. Lie all you want, but I KNOW!” She screamed at him and hung up.

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