
The Fire Girl

Noah POV

Shit. I can't believe this was only the first day. Though everything was mostly to catch up with old friends or allies or make new acquaintances. I didn't know how I was going to get through five whole days of this. One of my hopes was that, by some stroke of luck, I would come across my mate. However, with the number of women that were introduced to me, I am fairly certain we can go ahead and kill that dream.

I was introduced to every Alpha's available daughter, literally dozens of girls. Some I would even question if they were of age, they all looked terrified. On the other side of the field, some daughters came on to me, even with their fathers right beside us. I would normally be all about this, I love a woman who is crazy in bed, but I had to set an example for my pack.

However, there was one young woman who was not presented to me, Evelyn. After the initial introduction to Alpha Kent, she made herself scarce and hid away pretty well for the rest of the day. Though I don't know who could blame her. The guy looked ready to force himself on her right then and there, regardless of her parents' presence. Kent was literally the definition of a brute. He took what he wanted and did not care who he hurt along the way. I doubt the man had ever been told no, everyone saying yes mostly out of fear. No one said it, but it was clear that everyone in the room felt bad for Evelyn. Everyone except her mother and Kent that is.

I'm still shocked that the Blackwater pack even showed up for the Council. They were invited of course, because they are within the Council's region, but they have never come before. There was even a whole day allotted to how to plan for defense against the Blackwater pack, should they threaten an attack. Probably going to have to move that meeting to a secret location and time. It's not like they're actually here for purposes of alliances. No, they came for an exchange of goods, Evelyn. Evelyn was being sold off for the price of peace between the Alpine pack and Blackwater. Watching their interactions throughout the day, it became more clear that this new friendship was primarily the making of Alpine's Luna, Sasha. All the while, Alpha Alexander looked resigned and occasionally sent apologetic looks to his daughter every chance he could. I wonder how she was able to sway him into giving up their daughter to that man. Sasha was a formidable woman, but Alexander always used to be the clear leader of the two. Perhaps it's old age?

Still, all this is not the only reason I am exhausted and wound up at the same time. Griffin has been going off in my head all day long about feeling our mate but not seeing her. Which we both know is not possible, something I re-explained to him all day long. I can't help but hope he's right though. I want to meet our true mate so badly. If I didn't have a better hand on my emotions, I might even be moved to tears with how desperate I am.

I tried to put all this out of my head so I could finally get some rest. Throughout the night I dreamt of the smell of vanilla and honey, but my brain couldn't put together where we had smelled it first.

The next day.

After a much-needed breakfast, I went out to join the first of several meetings of the day. There were no words for how grateful I am to not have to lead all these meetings. Previous hosts made it apparent that hosting all the outside members and their accommodations was enough work, that we shouldn't also have to lead all the meetings.

After the first meeting though, I found that I desperately needed a break. Who knew having so many Alphas in the same room would be so dysfunctional? Even when we are pushing for the same goal, people couldn't help but talk over each other, which leads to yelling, which leads to scuffles. I managed to keep myself out of any physical arguments, but I was ready to punch something. And lucky for me there was a training activity being held for the children of the Alphas and Betas. Keeping young people attentive was hard, so let's let them hit each other. That'll keep them focused.

As I neared the training grounds I could hear a lot of excited cheers and people talking over each other. Everyone, including the trainers, had created a large circle enveloping a single person and one of our wooden targets. Getting closer, young women and men stepped to the side to allow me through and what I found about knocked me off my feet.

Literally. The flames came so close that we all had to jump back. After a moment or so the stream of fire between the now obliterated dummy and the individual, I could make out the source of the flames. Evelyn. She stood there with a bashful smile as everyone cheered and clapped for her. Some of the younger boys were already running up and begging her to "burn something else up!". With a grin on her face, she tried to calm them down and promised to show them more if it was allowed.

Hearing this, all the trainers looked at me for direction. Was more allowed? I struggled to keep the grin off my face as I stepped forward into the ring.

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