
4. Nightmare Trapped By The Alpha King

Amerta did not feel the sensation of happiness when a beautiful pink dress was on her body. It's not like a party in the kingdom of the Alpha King Robert—his father. There is no happiness in Amerta's heart at this time.

The reflection of her whole body in the mirror wasn't enough to amuse Amerta. Even though various types of luxurious jewelry were affixed to several points of her hair and shoulders, her face was clean, Amerta didn't feel herself.

"You look very beautiful in this dress, Luna." A maid woman at the side, who had just dressed him, was amazed.

Amrita gave a small smile. She gripped the fine fabric of the dress as her heart ached.

She should have worn this dress in the Red Goddess pack Kingdom, her father's kingdom. Not in a foreign kingdom under the absolute ruthless Alpha Fredico.

"It's lucky Alpha Fredico found a woman as beautiful as this to be his luna," said the second maid woman, on Amerta's left side. He's the one who put the jewelry on the head.

"I don't think Alpha Fredico will ever find another mate since that unfortunate incident." The third maid woman looked moved at the other two maid women.

Amrita's brows furrowed. Unfortunate incident? So what happened to Alpha Fredico?

"The most important thing now is that we have a very charming female lead companion!" The first maid woman was overjoyed, her smile growing wide. "I'm so happy because Alpha Fredico can love women again. You will be treated very well, Luna."

Without the three maid women around her noticing, Amerta secretly curved a sinister smile. Only faint and fleeting. Laughing at the words of one of the maid women just now—who looked very hopeful.

'Love? Too bad, he even treated me roughly,' thought Amerta said. If she could say it verbally, it was possible that the three maid women would not believe it.

"Alpha Fredico is very gentle when he loves his mate. Which woman doesn't want to feel in Luna's position?" The second maid woman answered back while placing the remains of jewelry and knick-knacks on the table.

Amerta just lowered her head and chose to pretend not to listen.

"Is he an Alpha who is very kind to the entire court?" asked Amerta while checking the knick-knacks in her hair.

Instantly the three maids around Amerta suddenly fell silent. They glanced at each other with panicked faces. Meanwhile, Amerta, who noticed the silence, looked at the three maid women in turn.

"Why are you two suddenly quiet?" asked Amrita.

The three maid women seemed hesitant to explain. But not long after, the first maid woman approached Amerta.

"I can't say it out loud. He... is the son of an arrogant king," said the maid woman in a very low voice, almost a whisper.

Amerta raised her eyebrows. Without answering, she gave an expression asking for a clearer explanation.

"He really wanted the Alpha title even though the previous Alpha King had already designated him as the next Alpha," continued the oldest maid woman. Then her face turned into a grimace of annoyance.

"I often feel irritated because he likes to give orders as he pleases. His words are hurtful, insulting, and..."

"I guess there is a serious situation here."

Instantly the three maid women around Amerta immediately jerked backwards and clumsily. The voice of someone Amerta knew well, even though they had only met for a few seconds, broke the conversation.

Amerta looked back and saw the figure of Alpha Fredico walking followed by Leo. Alpha Fredico's intimidating aura radiated clearly from the man's eyes.

"What are you talking about?" asked Alpha Fredico, looking at the three maid women in turn. "I see the tension is very clear on your faces."

Leo, one step behind Alpha Fredico, winced slightly because he realized the situation in this wardrobe room. Then he stepped forward and tapped the Alpha's right shoulder twice.

"Alpha, don't begin problem that isn't important. You said you wanted to talk to Amerta," said Leo, who tried to distract Alpha Fredico's thoughts.

Alpha Fredico looked briefly, then sighed exasperatedly. The direction of his gaze was immediately fixed on Amrita. One glance at Amerta's entire body, which was clad in a dress, from head to toe.

Amerta gave Alpha Fredico a sharp and vengeful look. As if to show he had not forgotten the slap he got earlier.

"You all get out. I need to speak to my partners," Alpha Fredico said emphatically.

Suddenly the three maid women lowered their heads and bowed simultaneously to Alpha Fredico. Actually Amerta had already given a sign forbidding them to go, but they were more afraid of the Alpha.

In the end Leo also followed the steps of the three maid women towards the door of the room. At that time, Amerta saw that Leo had looked at her worriedly while holding the doorknob. But Amerta nodded and smiled a little.

Only then did Leo close the door.

Then silence.

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly uncomfortable. Now there are only Amerta and Alpha Fredico. The two of them didn't speak to each other. Silence like this spurred Amerta's heartbeat to beat faster. His blood rippled tensely.

"You already know how the kingdom's situation is, right?" asked Alpha Fredico. His voice was firm and sharp. "I don't want you messing things up later."

Amerta looked into Alpha Fredico's eyes. There is no warmth there at all.

"I never agreed to this," replied Amerta without showing warmth.

Alpha Fredico smiled crookedly. "No one asked your permission," he replied. "You. Must. Do..."

Amerta's steps suddenly backed up when Alpha Fredico suddenly came forward to approach her. Alpha Fredico reached out and stroked Amerta's hair, which was deliberately left hanging down.

"... everything I order," continued Alpha Fredico in between stroking Amerta's hair.

Amerta glanced at the Alpha's hand, then laughed crookedly. He held Alpha Fredico's hand to stop his movement.

"If I stop and don't do as you tell me?" asked Amerta, deliberately challenging.

Alpha Fredico looked at Amerta's hand in astonishment. A little surprised because so far no one has touched her, except for a woman in the past—a long time ago.

"How dare you ..." Alpha Fredico's voice suddenly lowered as his eyes became emotional. "Remove your hand. Don't touch me, one bit."

Amrita was confused. Suddenly Alpha Fredico's emotional intensity increased. On the other hand, Amerta felt awkward because she realized that Alpha Fredico seemed very sensitive to being touched.

"Remove your hand!" Alpha Fredico raised his voice.

Suddenly Amerta's hand immediately released as her body jerked in surprise. Amerta gulped her saliva, her throat suddenly constricted.

"Why are you suddenly angry? I didn't even hurt you," Amerta squeaked in surprise.

"I made you my mate, but you can't touch me as you please," Alpha Fredico warned. His gaze is serious.

"Why are you making me your mate if it's like that?"

"You," Alpha Fredico pointed at Amerta's face, "only need to obey my orders. As a member of the kingdom, don't you know something called 'return of favor'?"

"I didn't ask you to save me," answered Amerta, who didn't want to lose to intimidation.

Alpha Fredico's jaw immediately stiffened. He spontaneously raised his hand, about to hit Amerta, but was held back because he remembered that he could not spoil the appearance of his mate.

"You always argue my words," said Alpha Fredico. "You should be grateful for being alive. You have no idea how many members of your pack died?"

Amerta couldn't answer. The question reminded her of last night's heartbreaking incident.

"You are alone, no one can accommodate you," Alpha Fredico said again, "your life is in my hands now, Amerta. I have marked you as my mate."

As Alpha Fredico's words stabbed her heart repeatedly, Amerta's hands clenched into fists. Amerta tried to hold back the tears that suddenly welled up in her eyes.

"So..." Alpha Fredico grabbed Amerta's side neck, gripped her tight, pulled her closer. He took a step forward and whispered in Amerta's ear. "Your actions towards me determine your life and death. In front of the royal family, be a good Luna."

Follow his orders.

Amerta was instantly silenced as the emotions in her chest grew more intense. She was at a loss for words. Even last night's battle was no worse than her life now.

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