
Chapter 4

Diego 's POV

I observed in silence as Gabriella entered the house, refraining from uttering a single word. We both understood that we would be occupying separate bedrooms, and thankfully, she chose not to address the situation. The resentment I harbored towards her for daring to betray me by issuing a challenge was not something I would easily let go of. However, at present, I had pressing matters to attend to. Unfortunately, the wedding had caused work delays, which only added to my frustration.

"Boss..." Pedro attempted to approach me, but I swiftly intervened, preventing him from coming any closer. I had no desire to entertain anyone's nonsense at this moment, and the last thing I needed was to be burdened by whatever issues awaited me.

"Diego , Valentina awaits you in your bedroom," Pedro interrupted, halting my steps. Confusion wrinkled my brow, and as I turned to face him, I arched an eyebrow inquisitively. He responded by crossing his arms firmly across his chest.

"I sense your annoyance and the stress weighing on you due to this whole wedding affair. Your wife is being escorted to her room at this very moment, while Valentina patiently awaits your arrival, ready for whatever you desire to do with her."

"You're a lifesaver," I expressed, causing him to chuckle. Observing his amused reaction, I proceeded towards the bedroom, where my beloved, my girlfriend, patiently waited. Rising from the edge of the bed where she had been seated, her eyes met mine, and she hesitated briefly before I approached her, enveloping her in a tight embrace. Although she couldn't fully grasp the pain I experienced from this situation, I was grateful that she understood I had no choice but to comply. Otherwise, I would have preferred to perish than inflict harm upon her in such a manner.

"Did you touch her?" she asked, taking a step back, her hesitation momentarily evident. I shook my head, gazing at her with affection, and enveloped her in my arms, pulling her close in a tight embrace.

I understood how difficult it must have been for her to witness the media frenzy, the wedding ceremony, and the photographs of us together. Nevertheless, I was grateful that she had somehow managed to set those feelings aside and be present here today.

"I haven't touched her in any inappropriate way, and unless absolutely necessary, I kept my interactions with her minimal," I reassured my beloved, noticing her eyes soften. I embraced her tightly, holding her close, and gently kissed the top of her head. "I want you to trust me, my dear. Our marriage is merely a formality. YOU are the woman who holds a permanent place in my heart, both now and forever."

"I understand, but the idea of getting married, making it official... it frightens me. You know? What if one day you grow weary of me? What if she...?"

"For as long as I can recall, my love for you has been unwavering, and I believe, princess, that you should be well aware of it," I expressed, halting her in her tracks.

"The marriage between Gabriella and me is merely a superficial arrangement, a spectacle for the media to revel in and admire. We both know how fickle the press can be. One day, we are bound in matrimony, and perhaps a year later, we can finally dissolve the union. By then, we can ensure that it is she who wanted it or she who has committed an act that compeled me to eagerly seek a separation."

"Would you truly do that for me?" she inquired, eliciting a smile from me as I leaned in, bringing our lips together. In the midst of the kiss, she reciprocated the smile, her hands delicately gliding down my chest. I couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal as her gentle touch stimulated me through my trousers.

"That, my darling, and so much more," I whispered tenderly to her.

We have faced numerous challenges in our relationship, and realizing that this situation was one of them pained me. I felt guilty for subjecting her to such difficulties, but I understood the limitations imposed by my parents. If I hadn't secretly brought her here, I wouldn't have been able to see her at all.

"Please promise me that you'll be patient and stand by my side. I'm willing to give you everything I have," I whispered to her, gently guiding her back towards the bed. Her finger traced along my zipper, slowly undoing it and unbuttoning my pants.

As she pulled away to meet my gaze, her eyes locked with mine. A smile played on her lips, and I playfully nibbled her bottom lip, savoring the moment. I slowly explored her mouth with my tongue, savoring the intimate connection between us.

She let out a soft moan as our lips intertwined. Moving her gently onto the bed, I paused for a moment to remove my jacket and shirt, eager to feel the closeness of her body against mine. Our eyes locked, and she embraced me tightly with her arms and legs, drawing me closer to her. It brought a smile to my face.

"In a world without you, my love, I cannot exist," she whispered, her gaze filled with affection, tenderness, and an enduring gentleness. All the fights, the anger, and the tears she had experienced seemed to dissolve as she looked at me. As she pulled me down for another kiss, we both found solace and happiness in that moment.

"How would you feel if I express my deep affection for you? And in return, you remind me of the profound significance life holds, my dear?" I whispered tenderly, gently sliding my finger inside her pants and softly caressing her through her panties. A smirk played across my lips as I noticed her arousal, and as I brushed my lips against hers, I eagerly anticipated the sound of her moan. Once she did, I withdrew my hand, observing as she reached down to unbutton her pants.

"I think we both need a gentle nudge to remember the true essence of life. Without you in it, my world feels incomplete," she spoke softly, and a smile graced my face.

"My entire being—my soul, life, body, and heart—belongs to you, my darling. If you keep that in mind, I will be forever grateful."

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