
You Stay With Me

 Griffin's POV.

 Gloria got up from her seat and came closer to me. I tried to dodge, but I was cornered and couldn't go anywhere. This left me with no choice but to just rebel through kicks or punches even though I knew it wouldn't have a big effect.

 Suddenly I felt something penetrate my skin. My body suddenly went limp and my eyes darkened. Like the curtains being slowly closed at night in a room without lights, I couldn't see anything but darkness. I was conscious for a few moments before finally I didn't remember anything anymore.


 My head felt dizzy and I started to open my eyes slowly. One thing I saw when I first opened my eyes was a hanging lamp with an orange light that wasn't burning very brightly. Feeling very unfamiliar with this place, I tried to move and at this moment I found my feet tied with chains. I couldn't go anywhere, the chains gripped my legs very tightly.

 "Wh--where am I?" I asked quietly, monologuing with myself. "It's like I'm in the basement."

 My eyes looked around. There wasn't much that I could see, but I found a staircase leading up with a closed door at the end. I swallowed my saliva hard, it felt like my throat was so dry and I also felt hungry. I also noticed that there was a small table near me that had nothing on it. This room is not very big and only has one light.

 My two hands that were not attached tried to release the chains around my feet, the chains were locked with a padlock. I can't just open it. At least I need the key to this lock which is most likely with Gloria.

 Instantly I remembered Gloria and what happened before. Most likely I'm in the basement of her house right now. What does she actually want from me and mom? Why did she kidnap me? Have mama done something wrong? I kept asking questions without finding the answer. Suddenly I heard the sound of the door lock being opened, not long after that the door at the end of the stairs actually opened and I saw Gloria there.

 "Hi, Griffin, you're awake."

 "Let me go!" I said immediately. "What exactly do you want from me?!"

 "No, I don't want anything from you." She shook her head, her footsteps continued to walk closer. In her hand was a small tray on which there was a plate and a glass. "Dinner for you."

 "I don't need it." I said coldly. "I just want to go home!"

 "Oh, don't talk too much or you'll get punished." She said firmly.

 Not a word came out of my mouth. She placed a plate of food and a glass of water on a small table close to where I was tied. She didn't say a word, after that she went back up the stairs to return to her house.

 Silently I watched her back move away. My eyes fell on the pocket on the side of her shirt, I saw a hanger sticking out and it was probably a collection of keys that she had. It's possible that the padlock and basement door key are there. I intend to try to take it.

 Glancing at the food and drinks brought by Gloria, I, who was hungry, felt a little tempted. Luckily the table was close enough so I could take it without moving. I ate the food until it was finished. After a few minutes of eating it, all the food and water had disappeared. My hand now holds the empty glass and places it back on the table. If only I weren't tied up with chains, I could escape with the broken glass.

 The basement door opened again, Gloria came in laughing. "You said you didn't need it, but apparently you finished it anyway."

 "I respect you because you want to bring me food."

 "Even though you are still small, you are quite clever at answering someone's words." Gloria took the dirty glass and plate from earlier. "Did Amelie teach you?"

 My head shook. "There was absolutely no one to teach me."

 "It seems very difficult to talk to you." Gloria exhaled and moved away. "This is a blanket to accompany you at night. Good night and sleep well."

 I was silent until Gloria came out of the basement. "How can I sleep soundly in a place like this?!"

 This basement is very boring, there's nothing I can do especially with my legs chained. I can't go anywhere at least to walk around this small basement. Up until then, all I had been doing was sitting, looking at the basement wall and thinking about how I could get out of here. I should be able to do that.

 Images of mother flashed in my head. Now she must be worried about me. Tears started to drip from the corners of my eyes. I miss mom, I want to sleep with her in our comfortable room with a soft mattress. I don't want to sleep here, on the ground without a mattress, let alone a pillow, even the blanket that Gloria gave me is very thin. This won't help much.

 I still feel cold. The ground I slept on felt very cold, the arm I used as a pillow felt sore. I'm really suffering here. Not to mention when I saw several insects starting to approach. With all the courage I had gathered, I stepped on the insects with feet that weren't even wearing sandals or shoes. This is disgusting, but I have to do it so that they don't continue to disturb my night. After killing all the insects, I sat the body on the ground. My chest felt tight, my throat was tight and tears kept flowing from the corners of my eyes.

 "Mom, I miss you. I don't want to be here for a long time. Pray for me to get out of this little hell tomorrow."

 My eyes closed, I tried to sleep even though it felt very uncomfortable. A few moments passed, my eyes closed and I began to fall asleep.


 There's nothing I can see around here, I don't know whether it's morning or night. I still felt sleepy, but I really didn't want to fall asleep anymore. Cold and dry, I feel thirsty, but there is no water here.

 As if hearing the voice of my heart, suddenly I heard a roar like thunder. Widespread rain fell and there were water droplets seeping into the basement. My eyes lit up when I saw it, but the distance between me and the water droplets was quite far. Walking closer, I still couldn't reach it. I tried to lie on my back, but still couldn't get the water droplets. The glass I used to drink from had been brought by Gloria. I looked around, looking for a way to get water to drink.

 "Ah, I know what I have to do." I said, having got an idea. "Please speed up the drip, I'm very thirsty, I want to drink."

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