

The setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, casting a warm, ethereal glow over the sprawling pack lands. As the day transitioned into twilight, a sense of magic filled the air, mirroring the enchantment that swirled within my heart. The pack hall stood before me, adorned with delicate drapes and fragrant blossoms, like a sanctuary of love and unity.

I stood at the threshold of this momentous occasion, my pulse quickening with each passing second. The gown I wore clung to me like a second skin, its intricate lace and shimmering details embodying the essence of elegance. My eyes, brimming with excitement and nervous anticipation, reflected the soft candlelight that illuminated the hall.

Beside me, my mother, a portrait of strength and love, offered me a tender smile. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears, mirroring the depth of emotions that surged w

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Комментарии (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Tonia Aliu
what became of Leila? what makes August's wolf special?
goodnovel comment avatar
Well felt rushed after so many months of waiting for updates… but at least we have an ending…

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