
Chapter 2

Xithara's POV

I broke into a hard laugh, one that made my body shake and somehow turned to a cough at the end.

I looked at Xianna and saw that she wasn't laughing like I expected her to. Why isn't she laughing?

"Why aren't you laughing?" I voiced out my thoughts in a small voice.

"Well, because it's not funny. I don't care how you take it but it's the truth, the father of my child is indeed your husband." She replied seriously and something within me snapped at that moment.

"Why? How…..How could you do such a thing to me, Xianna? Please tell me you're lying, tell me you don't really have an affair with my husband." I pleaded with her, fresh tears starting to fall down my cheeks.

"Fine, I don't have an affair with the Alpha, everything I just told you was a lie." She said and I sighed in relief.

But all of a sudden, a shrill laughter rang through the dungeon, sending chills down my spine. What is going on?

"Is that really what you wanted to hear? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, dear sister but your wish can't be fulfilled.

I'm indeed carrying the heir of this Pack in my womb, something you've tried and failed at miserably. You should be thanking me." She said with a grotesque smile.

"Xianna!" I called sternly and received a sharp slap to the face, one that caused my head to snap sideways.

"Don't you dare ever utter my name from your filthy mouth ever again. Besides, I'm not done talking. Since this is the last time we'll ever be seeing each other, I might as well tell you the entire truth. The last favour I can do for you is at least tell you the mistakes you made in life before sending you to the grave." She said and I gazed at her with teary eyes.

Was this really the little sister I loved with my entire heart and had always cared for? She suddenly seemed like a different person, a nasty one.

"First and foremost, I'm the reason why the Alpha hates you so much. You're well aware that I've always loved him from the beginning but you were the lucky one. You were prettier, stronger and most importantly, you had a wolf, something I could only dream of.

You were our parents' pride while I was their shame, the extra. You were favoured by them while I was only regarded as weak and useless and thus I was ignored." She said and I could sense the hurt in her voice.

My maternal instincts once again overpowered my good sense of judgement.

"No, Xianna. It was never like that, our parents loved us equally." I tried to comfort her.

"Silence! Only I will speak and you'll listen." She warned.

"You were also lucky in love. Prince Keith met us for the first time when we were seven and he was ten. He showed interest in you and the Alpha was quick to get the two of you betrothed. Why? Because you were the favourite twin, the only one fit to be Luna while I was regarded as trash, a burden to our parents.

You have no idea how much hatred I have for you, I despise you from my very core. So many times have I had the urge to kill you but I had to hold back and stick to my plans and I'm glad that I had the patience to pull through because now, you'll be killed by the very person you love the most, isn't it just wonderful?" She questioned with a taunting smile and a teardrop fell down my cheek.

Could it really be true? Is Xianna really responsible for everything that's been happening to me? No, the Xianna I know could never do such a thing to me.

This has to be some kind of mistake, a hallucination or a bad dream, maybe.

"Turning Keith against you was easy, too easy in fact. After finding out about my interest in him, you tried to show me false pity by telling our parents to break off your engagement and have me betrothed to him instead but it was just your master plan to win me over but it failed.

You had no intention of giving him to me, you knew our parents would never agree to that, you wanted him for yourself!" She accused me and all I could do was shake my head, hoping she would see the truth.

"Don't pretend to be innocent, I don't need your fake sympathy. You wanted everything for yourself. I successfully poisoned Keith's mind against you and he started to despise you.

He still went ahead and married you according to his father's wishes but I'm sure he made it clear that he had no interest in you. It was all me, that was the countdown to the beginning of your downfall." She said and my lips trembled. 

My brain had gone blank and my lips couldn't form a single sentence.

What she had just said was true, after my mating ceremony, on the day of my wedding night, Keith had confessed that he didn't love me or have any interest in me and that he had only married me to fulfill an obligation.

Though he consummated our marriage, I could understand through the lack of passion that he was only doing it out of duty, so I could produce an heir for the Pack.

If her words are true then that means she's responsible for my marital failure. She's the reason why I've never been happy in my five years of marriage. She made my own husband hate me, but why?

"You were always too kind, even for your own good. You invited me, your worst enemy into your home and when granted access, I did what I knew best, wreaked havoc.

My plans were almost thwarted when I discovered you were pregnant. I knew that if that child was allowed into this world, it could easily bridge the distance between you and Keith and my efforts would be wasted.

Luckily, you trusted me blindly enough to be the first person you told and as expected, you followed my advice and decided not to tell him right away and instead give the news as a surprise.

I'm the reason you lost your child, Xithara. I gave you a highly potent poison, one that not only aborted your sweet little baby but destroyed your womb which would ensure that you never had a child ever again." She revealed with a wide grin and I died at that moment.

Her revelations kept hitting me like bullets till I could no longer ignore them.

"You monster! Why? Why did you kill my child?! You had a problem with me, I was the one who was in your way so why didn't you get revenge on me? Why did you kill my child? My innocent child did nothing to you and you couldn't let him or her be born into this world. You're supposed to be my sister, why did you do this to me?" I raged in between tears, my breath seizing as I tried to speak without choking on my tears.

I had only brought Xianna to live in the palace with me because she encountered a terrible ordeal in the Pack house.

She claimed to have narrowly escaped being raped and had bruises all over her body. I was angry and sad that she had to go through something like that.

We tried to find the culprit but she said she was sure that it wasn't someone from our pack since she had never seen the person before.

I begged Keith to do a further investigation because I wanted the culprit to be caught and punished even if he was just a rogue but Xianna begged me to stop the investigation since it would only stigmatize her further. I didn't want to but I agreed and we decided to forget about it.

I visited her daily in the Pack house and I would always see her crying. She claimed to have constant nightmares of the unfortunate event and told me that she was too scared to keep staying in the Pack house.

She told me that if she was forced to keep living there, she was afraid that she would go insane. I was scared and invited her to come live in the palace with me.

I hoped that the both of us living together would help her get over her trauma faster.

Our parents were thoroughly against the idea as they didn't want the single sister living with the married sister, especially with Xianna's history of affection for Keith but as naive and stupid as I was at that time, I didn't listen. And now I regret everything.

"So you mean you weren't almost raped?" I found myself asking.

"Raped? Who would even have the balls to do such a thing to me, the Luna's twin sister and Alpha's sister in-law? But you have to admit that I make for a very good victim, right?" She asked with another sickeningly sweet smile.

"You really don't have a heart, do you? What are you even made of? You lied about something as terrible as rape just to get into my home in order to steal my happiness. You killed my child and took away my ability to be a mother but you're saying it so proudly, have you no shame?" I screamed at her in rage.

I would have given her a tight slap across the face if I wasn't so wounded and weak.

"Shame? That word is rather foreign to me. And to answer your question, yes, I do have a heart. One that's as black as night and holds only hatred for you. For so long have I plotted your destruction and you don't know just how happy I am to see you in this state. It would be my greatest pleasure to see you killed publicly in less than two hours." She quipped, her eyes glistening with content.

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