
the night

The next morning, the sound of footsteps echoed through the living room, disrupting Axe's peaceful slumber. Slowly opening his eyes, he found Leia standing in front of him, her small feet clad in pink fluffy socks. A tray filled with toast, jam, and fresh fruit juice rested in her hands.

"Good morning," she said as brightly as could be expected for seven o’clock in the morning.

Her smile was radiant as she approached him. "A thank you gift," she said, placing the tray on the coffee table.

With a yawn, he sat up and took hold of the plate, pulling it toward him. He took a bite of the bread before reaching to grab some jam and arched an eyebrow in curiosity. "For what?"

"Hmm... For letting me stay the night and not making a fuss about it." Leia

plopped down beside him, leaning over to steal half of his toast. She then took several bites of it. She then proceeded to take another bite and give him the thumbs up. "Which means we're good, right?"

Leia looked at him expectantly. The ques
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