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My Stay With The Alpha Hot Chapters: A Vibrant, Romantic and Mysterious History

Creation time: Jan 23 2024Update time: Jan 23 2024141

My Stay With the Alpha is a werewolf novel written by Domunique White that tells the story between Cleopatra, a human woman who by the vagaries of fate has lost her family and her husband, and Valenzano, a powerful and mysterious alpha who claims to be her mate. Together they will have to face the dangers and secrets hidden in the supernatural world, while discovering true love. This novel has a total of 303 chapters. It has more than 354K views and has received great support and praise from readers, who say it is an exciting and captivating story.


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Cleopatra is a human woman who has lost everything she loved. But one day, her best friend Jazz invites her to a party where she meets Valenzano, an alpha werewolf who tells her that she is his mate. But she is afraid of werewolves, their world and their laws. Valenzano is not willing to give her up. He claims her as his own and takes her to his mansion, where he gives her thirty days to fall in love with him.


During those thirty days, Cleopatra and Valenzano will live an intense relationship, full of passion, tenderness and conflict. They will have to learn to trust each other, to overcome their differences and to face the dangers that threaten them. In addition, there is a secret surrounding Cleopatra's origin, a secret that could change everyone's destiny.


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Cleo, as everyone calls her, is the protagonist of this novel. She is a human woman who has suffered a lot in her life. At the age of 16 she saw her family die and at 28 her husband abandoned her without warning. She is a strong, intelligent and loyal person, but she is also afraid of falling in love again and losing someone else. Her life changes when she meets Valenzano, an alpha werewolf who claims to be her mate.



He is a powerful and mysterious alpha werewolf. His lineage goes back to the first werewolf ever created. He has lived for 335 years and has given up hope of ever finding his mate. He is a respected leader, brave and protective, but he also has a dark and vengeful side. However, his whole being changes when he finally meets his beloved.



Hot Chapters


Chapter 1

This chapter is exciting and intriguing for readers. Cleopatra suffers the abandonment of her husband, a businessman who was unfaithful with an employee. So after that, she resigns herself to meet other men, but unexpectedly she meets Valenzano at Jazz and Dante's party. He tells her that she is his partner and claims her in front of everyone. Cleopatra is frightened and tries to escape, but Valenzano chases after her and catches her. He tells her that he will take her to his mansion and give her thirty days to fall in love with him.


Chapter 5

It's a revealing chapter but also hilarious, can you imagine waking up and having the mark of your fated mate on your neck without warning? That's exactly what happens to Cleopatra, when she wakes up in Valenzano's bed and realizes she has a mark on her neck. He explains to her that it is the mark of his mate and that it means that they are one. Cleopatra gets angry and tells him that she does not want to be his mate. Valenzano gets upset and tells her that she has no choice, that she is his and no one else will touch her.


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Main Theme

The main theme of the book is the love between two different beings, who belong to opposite worlds and who have to overcome many obstacles to be together. The book explores the idea that love is stronger than hate, fear or revenge, and that it can change people's destiny. The book will make you vibrate with the love story between Cleopatra and Valenzano, two souls who meet in the middle of a world of war and betrayal. They will have to face their own fears, their own enemies, their own doubts, in order to be together. The book will immerse you in a fantastic world, where magic, mythology and eroticism intertwine to create an exciting and thrilling adventure.


Author Introduction

Domunique White is a writer dedicated to the romance and fantasy genre, creating stories full of adventure, mystery and sensuality. Her most famous saga is Thirty Days With the Alpha. In this saga, Domunique introduces us to Cleopatra and Valenzano, two characters who are brought together by destiny and who will have to fight against the dark forces that threaten their world. Domunique is a lover of reading, cinema and music, and she loves to invent fantastic worlds where her characters can live unforgettable experiences, trapping readers in fascinating ways. If you want to know more about Domunique and her books, you can follow her on her social networks or visit her website.


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Writing Style

The author has a romantic and fantastic writing style, combining love and magic. Her stories are set in supernatural worlds, where werewolves and other creatures exist. She uses a first person point of view, where the characters develop the plot from their perspectives and emotions, creating an atmosphere of connection between the story and the readers.



My Stay With the Alpha, an intrepid, thrilling novel that will take you on a roller coaster of emotions. Valenzano faces the most difficult battle of his life. He has to fight against his own sister, who wants to kill him and take away his power. He is not alone. He has at his side Cleopatra, his beloved companion, who is willing to give everything for him. Together, they face their enemies and defeat them. But the triumph has a bitter taste. Cleopatra is stabbed in the chest and falls to the ground. Valenzano takes her in his arms and carries her to his mansion. There, he waits in anguish for her to wake up. But there is something he ignores. There is a secret surrounding Cleopatra's origin, a secret that could change everything. What surprise does fate have in store for them? Find out for yourself! You won't regret it, once you start you won't be able to stop.




1.What genre is the book?

This book falls under the genre of romance, werewolf, fantasy, drama and comedy.


2. Who is the target audience for the book?

This book is intended for a juvenile audience, 18 years and older, as it contains some explicit and lustful scenes.

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