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Fallen for My Tycoon Wife Chinese Drama & Hot Episodes: Laura's Mission for Revenge and Love Rekindled

Creation time: Mar 22 2024Update time: Mar 22 2024121

Summary of Fallen for My Tycoon Wife


Fallen for My Tycoon Wife is a riveting romance drama mini-series that follows the journey of Laura Sharp, the CEO of SK Group, as she seeks to reclaim everything stolen from her by her sister, Ruby, and her former husband, Mack. Laura's unwavering determination and strategic brilliance drive her mission, leading to unexpected twists and turns in her quest for justice and love. With her two children, Jake and Joan, by her side, Laura embarks on a journey of redemption, revenge, and rekindled love.


This mini-series spans 50 episodes, with a captivating storyline that has garnered 23.0K views and 12.4K followers.


Join Laura on her quest as she navigates the complex world of business and romance.


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Plot of Fallen for My Tycoon Wife


Fallen for My Tycoon Wife opens with Laura Sharp, the formidable CEO of SK Group, concealing her true identity as she navigates the treacherous world of business. When invited to dinner by the Colons, a rival family, Laura sends her assistant in her place, all while plotting her revenge against her sister, Ruby, and her ex-husband, Mack. Determined to reclaim what was ruthlessly taken from her five years ago, Laura sets her sights on acquiring Sharp Group, the company stolen from her.


Flashbacks reveal Laura's harrowing past, including Ruby's malicious schemes and an attempted assault orchestrated by Mack and Ruby. Despite facing betrayal and near-death, Laura finds solace in a romantic encounter with Chase Gray, President of Centum Group. Unaware of his true identity, Laura spends a passionate night with Chase, only to be left wounded and alone, saved only by her determination to survive.


In the present, Laura is revealed to have two children, Jake and Joan, who unknowingly cross paths with Chase. Mistakenly hiding in Chase's car, the children's presence leads to a revelation: Chase is their father. Shocked by the paternity test results, Chase confronts Laura and agrees to be a father to their children for a substantial sum. As they agree to a marriage of convenience, tensions rise as Ruby and Mack unknowingly head towards a confrontation with Laura, setting the stage for Laura's ultimate revenge.


As Laura and Chase navigate their complicated relationship, secrets and betrayals come to light, threatening to unravel their fragile alliance. With each episode, Fallen for My Tycoon Wife delves deeper into the complexities of love, revenge, and redemption, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as Laura's quest for justice unfolds. Will Laura succeed in reclaiming what is rightfully hers, or will Ruby and Mack's deceitful machinations prove too powerful to overcome?


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Main Characters in Fallen for My Tycoon Wife




Laura Sharp is a resilient and strategic CEO of SK Group, driven by a deep desire for justice and redemption. Despite enduring immense betrayal and hardship orchestrated by her sister, Ruby, and ex-husband, Mack, Laura emerges as a formidable force. Her character is defined by unwavering determination and cunning intellect, making her a force to be reckoned with in the business world. As she navigates the complexities of her past and present, Laura's journey is one of resilience, strength, and ultimately, reclaiming her life and love.




Chase Gray is the charismatic President of Centum Group, whose encounter with Laura Sharp sets off a chain of events that will change both their lives forever. Beneath his confident exterior lies a man burdened by his own past and regrets. As he becomes entangled in Laura's mission for revenge, Chase must confront his feelings for her and navigate the complexities of their budding relationship. His character evolves throughout the series, from a mysterious stranger to a devoted father and partner, adding depth and complexity to the story.




Ruby Sharp is the cunning and dishonest sister of Laura, whose betrayal sets the events of the series in motion. As the mastermind behind Laura's downfall, Ruby is a formidable adversary, driven by jealousy and greed. Her character is defined by her ruthless ambition and willingness to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Despite her antagonistic role, Ruby's character adds depth to the story, highlighting the complexities of familial relationships and the destructive power of envy.




Mack Colon is the deceitful and manipulative ex-husband of Laura, whose actions lead to her near-death and ultimate quest for revenge. As the series unfolds, Mack's character is revealed to be driven by his own selfish desires and disregard for others. His complex relationship with Laura adds tension and drama to the story, showcasing the destructive power of betrayal and the lengths one will go to for power and control. Mack's character serves as a reminder of the consequences of greed and deception, adding depth to the overall narrative.


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Fallen for My Tycoon Wife Episodes


Popular Episode: Fallen for My Tycoon Wife Episode 9


The Latest Episode: Fallen for My Tycoon Wife Episode 96


Fallen for My Tycoon Wife Full Episode & Movie




Fallen for My Tycoon Wife is a captivating drama that combines romance, intrigue, and suspense in a compelling narrative that will keep viewers hooked from start to finish. With its complex characters, gripping storyline, and unexpected twists, this mini-series is a must-watch for fans of romance and drama. Laura Sharp's journey of revenge, redemption, and rekindled love is a testament to the human spirit's resilience in the face of betrayal and adversity. As Laura navigates the complexities of business and romance, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, culminating in a satisfying and powerful conclusion that will leave them eagerly awaiting the next chapter in her journey.


Immerse yourself in the thrilling tale of Fallen for My Tycoon Wife and experience the highs and lows of Laura Sharp's journey for revenge and love. Watch all episodes on the GoodShort app now and discover the captivating twists and turns that await you!


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