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Sour Souls The Morningstar Series Book 6 Review: An Unexpected Love Between a God and a Banshee

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"Sour Souls: The Morningstar Series Book 6" is a paranormal Werewolf novel by an author known as Kj that follows the story of Emilia, a resilient werewolf who's been through the wringer with a tough life filled with abuse. She's got the weight of the world on her shoulders, raising her little brother while enduring daily beatings from her stepfather. One day, she taps into this incredible power and ends up accidentally taking out her stepdad, landing her in prison and enduring years of torture. Eventually, Ares Morningstar swoops in for the rescue, and it turns out that he's Emilia's mate. Amidst the rescue, they stumble upon an investigation into supernatural sex trafficking, while Emilia also has this whole revelation about her true self as a banshee.


This is a completed novel that dips its toes into the romance subgenre, spreads across 58 chapters, and has garnered over 30K views.


Delve deeper into the thrilling mysteries and romance as you read the rest of the story of "Sour Souls: The Morningstar Series Book 6".


Author Introduction


Kj is the talented author behind "Sour Souls: The Morningstar Series Book 6," which is part of her larger series, The Morningstar. She's a simple woman who loves deep conversation. Her other works include erotic romance stories like "Betrayed by Everyone, Loved by Four", "Naughty CEO's Secret", and "Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister."


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The novel's central theme explores the enduring power of resilience in the face of extreme suffering and adversity. Emilia has been through the wringer, from losing her mom to dealing with her stepfather's abuse. But here's the thing: she's got this amazing inner strength that keeps her going, no matter what life throws at her. Her journey, spanning her captivity, self-discovery, and the pursuit of justice, serves as a testament to the theme of resilience.


As you follow Emilia's journey, you'll see her confront the darkest aspects of her world, all while trying to figure out who to trust and what her place is in the supernatural realm full of secrets and danger. It also highlights the notion that, even in the most challenging circumstances, individuals can summon inner strength to endure and seek justice. In doing so, they reveal the indomitable spirit that resides within them, exemplifying the unwavering nature of human resilience.


Main Characters


Emilia is a young and tenacious werewolf who has weathered a life filled with numerous challenges. Under the care of her stepfather, Dave, and bearing the weight of being labeled a "bastard child" within the pack, Emilia's journey to adulthood begins at the tender age of 10, when she takes on the role of caring for her newborn half-brother, Noah. Despite the relentless abuse and mistreatment she endures, Emilia strives to be a devoted sister and daughter.


Her life takes a drastic turn when her latent powers awaken, leading to the accidental death of the Beta, and the next thing you know, she's stuck in the pack's dungeon and her subsequent imprisonment in the pack's dungeon. Emilia's got resilience in spades, along with some serious inner strength and an unwavering sense of responsibility. Despite the challenges of her upbringing, she remains resolute in her commitment to safeguarding her family, even if it means she's the one making the sacrifices.


Ares Morningstar

Ares is the Alpha of the Blue Water Pack and one of the godly figures in the supernatural world, with his agelessness and incredible powers. However, he's got his own set of relatable human emotions and wants. Ares has this thing about him where he kind of envies how his siblings have found love, and he's itching to find his own mate. The catch is, he's not really in a hurry, 'cause, well, he's got all the time in the world, being immortal and all.


Ares has a softer, more caring side too. It's just that he's not all that keen on being a dad to his siblings' kids. Protective and sweet, yeah, but not the fatherly type. When it comes to romantic stuff, he's more of a "keep it simple and easygoing" kind of guy. You know, he's got this witty and cheeky way about him that's just charming. It really shines when he's cracking jokes and having good old family banter. But here's the kicker: there's a bit of mystery around Ares. He's got these dreams and experiences that drop hints about some deeper, undisclosed purpose or destiny.


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Emilia's Sufferings

Emilia's life is a harrowing tale of suffering and resilience. Her mother's early demise occurred shortly after giving birth to her little brother, Noah, who is the rightful heir to the Beta position in the Blue Water Pack. Emilia's stepfather, Dave, driven to the brink by the loss of his mate, insists that she raise Noah, unable to carry on alone. At the tender age of ten, Emilia takes on the monumental responsibility of caring for her infant brother, enduring daily abuse from her stepfather. As a "bastard child" in the pack, she is ostracized, and her suffering goes unacknowledged, with no one offering assistance or care.


Emilia's story takes a sinister turn when she turns 16 years old, while Dave attempts to take her little brother away. Overwhelmed by fear and panic, Emilia unknowingly unleashes a dormant power, resulting in the accidental death of Dave, the Beta of the Blue Water Pack. Following Dave's murder, Emilia is cast into the pack's dungeon, where she spends five long years. During her imprisonment, she was subjected to torment, torture, and repeated attempts at assault in an attempt to awaken her latent powers. Despite her valiant efforts, Emilia struggles to control the enigmatic white flame inside her. While in captivity, she eventually connects with her inner wolf but is never permitted to set foot outside.


Ares's Imprisonment

After five years of imprisonment, Alpha Ares becomes the target of a Bureau of Occult Crimes (BOC) investigation. He is suspected of involvement in the supernatural human trafficking that has plagued the world. While imprisoned, Ares astonishingly discovered that Emilia was his mate. With Ares's intervention, Emilia is rescued, but numerous questions linger unanswered.


With the support of Ares, Emilia embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind the supernatural kidnappings and locate the missing children. As investigations proceed, Emilia discovers more about her own identity and her painful connection to the same creatures who once abducted her-Banshees. In her search for answers and justice, she must grapple with the challenge of determining whom she can trust in a world filled with danger and secrets.


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POV & Writing Style


This novel's storytelling is through a first-person narrative that immerses the readers in the world of the protagonists, Emilia and Ares, in which the story is presented from both of their perspectives, giving you a close-up, immediate look into their minds and hearts.


The writing style is simple and straight to the point. The characters talk and think just like real people-no sugarcoating or filters. It's raw and honest, which really makes the story feel genuine. The author's writing style effectively captures both Emilia and Ares's voices and inner worlds, so you can totally relate to what they're going through, what they want, and the hurdles they face as they navigate life's twists and turns.


Hot Chapters

Chapter 7


Ares has a lot on his mind as he looks back on the whole war with the gods and watches his siblings get used to their newfound powers and love relationships. As he does so, he starts to feel a twinge of jealousy. The thing is, he's got all the time in the world, being immortal and all, but he hasn't found his own mate yet. As time is a funny thing for a god like him, he's hoping it's about time he meets his soulmate soon.


Chapter 58


This chapter is a little teaser from the author's new book, just for her awesome readers. Akeehla's just waking up, but there's all this anxiety and fear swirling around her. Meanwhile, her wolf, Nexi, is sending out all these hopes and prayers that Akeehla wakes up all right.


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Final Thoughts


"Sour Souls: The Morningstar Series Book 6" is one thrilling ride of a paranormal romance novel. It's got that perfect mix of drama, mystery, and romance that'll keep you hooked. The way it explores the supernatural world, where a super-powerful alpha like Ares is destined to be with someone like Banshee Emilia, is really interesting. Readers are sure to be swimming in questions the moment they step into this series. And the only way to get all those answers is to jump right into the story and see where it takes you!


If you're eager for more mysteries and romance, you definitely want to keep reading the rest of Kj's novel. The story's just getting started, and there are plenty of twists and turns ahead. Get ready for an exciting journey in "Sour Souls: The Morningstar Series Book 6".



Q: What is the "Sour Souls: The Morningstar Series Book 6" all about?

A: "Sour Souls: The Morningstar Series Book 6" revolves around the fated mates Emilia and Ares as they are caught up in an investigation of the mysterious disappearance of children who are being trafficked in the supernatural realm.


Q: Do I need to read "The Morningstar" books in order, or can I just start on Sour Souls?

A: According to the author, you wouldn't necessarily have to read the books in order, but the characters' personalities might seem a bit off.


Q: How many books comprise "The Morningstar Series"?

A: "The Morningstar Series" currently has eight books, starting with its first book installment called "Sugar Blood".

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