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A Closer Look into Loving You In Secret Novel: An Honest Book Review

Creation time: May 10 2023Update time: Sep 5 2023912

Loving You in Secret by Debbie Meza is an ongoing romance drama with over 600 chapters. It follows the complex and unfortunate story of Vicky Shaw and Tyler Hart.


On Vicky's birthday, her beloved husband, Tyler, surprises her with a gift that shatters her heart-a text message asking for a divorce. All her efforts just to keep Tyler with her were completely wasted because his first love came back into his life. When Vicky gets into an accident, she loses all her memories, including how much she loves Tyler. Now that she doesn't have her memory of the past, she surprises him when she immediately agrees to sign their divorce papers.


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Debbie Meza is the one who authored this romance drama that has amassed over 50 000 views on the GoodNovel app. Given that it's her first and only work you can find online, she does a great job creating a novel that has tons of readers following its story. She is a raw yet prolific writer who has great potential as she polishes and publishes more works in the future.




The theme of this novel centers on the complicated love of Vicky and Tyler, which explores their past deeds, memory loss, and hidden feelings. Their marriage also taps into the complex relationships they had with other characters as they untangle all the events of their past and navigate through the consequences they face in the present. Throughout the series, more important themes are about to unfold when Vicky gets her memory back.

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These are the characters that are introduced in the earlier parts of the novel and the ones that make up the plot that you have to follow through with:


Vicky Shaw

Vicky is the heroine of this novel. She has been married to Tyler for three years. According to the information that she obtained (when she lost her memory), she just appeared out of nowhere when her family fell from grace and started using all despicable ways just to get Tyler to marry her. And when they got married, she desperately did a lot of petty things just to prevent him from leaving her.


Tyler Hart

Tyler is Vicky's indifferent husband and the CEO of Hart Corporation. From Vicky's perspective, he wasn't happy about his three years of marriage to her since he intended to marry her first love instead. He has also been disgusted with her since the moment she got in the way of him and Sheila. And when Sheila came back, he finally decided to divorce Vicky.


Sheila Young

She is Tyler's ex-girlfriend and first love. She is an actress who used to be a pianist. However, when she saved Tyler in the past, she sacrificed her hands and eventually gave up her piano career. For some reason, she had to go abroad and ultimately split with Tyler.


Sasha Young

Sasha is Sheila's cousin. She has been tormenting Vicky, even though she's not the one involved with Tyler. She keeps doing petty things in defense of doing that for her cousin's sake. But in all truth, she just keeps bitching around because she is jealous that Vicky managed to marry into the Hart family even when the Shaw family has already fallen.


Sasha continuously does horrible things to Vicky, such as pushing her into the pool until she loses consciousness and sinks, slandering Vicky and her people just to shame her among many people, and even refusing to admit her fault even when she's already blatantly caught and cornered. However, she is able to carry on doing that because Tyler blindly sides with her and Sheila every time.


Sebastian Mills

Sebastian is Vicky's childhood friend and was a potential suitor had he pursued her even after her family's fall. However, he didn't do so, especially when he believed the rumors that Vicky slept with Tyler. So he cowardly gave her up and left to go abroad.


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Vicky is waiting for her husband, Tyler, to come home to celebrate her birthday with him. However, he didn't come but surprised her with a present instead-a text message from him demanding a divorce, an unwanted present that once again broke her being. To top it off, she saw the news of Tyler having dinner with his first love, Sheila, instead of her. Hurt and devastated, Vicky leaves their mansion and drives away, bringing all her belongings. And to her worst luck, she gets into an accident when another car crashes into hers, leaving her in a dire state and unconscious.


After a month since Vicky's accident, Tyler finally decided to visit her in the hospital. Thinking that the accident was just another one of Vicky's ploys to keep him from leaving her, Tyler didn't bother to show any sign of concern towards her and straight up asked her to sign the divorce papers. But this time, he is wrong. Vicky has indeed lost her memory and only relies on the information she can piece together from the internet, her personal assistant, and her diary. The Vicky that Tyler faces now is far different from the wife he loved so much. So, he is completely caught off guard when she doesn't hesitate to sign and agree to the divorce that he's been wanting for so long.


The story progresses as Vicky navigates her life without her past memory and re-encounters the people who make her life miserable just because she married Tyler. Should she trust the pieces of information and story she knows, or should she trust her heart and instinct and regain her memories so she can fight for herself against the horrible treatment she's been getting from everyone? Find out more once you read the rest of the novel!


Writing Style


The author's writing style is descriptive and somewhat engaging if it weren't for the generic trope that has been seen in many online novels in the last ten years. The characters and settings are vividly described, so the readers can easily follow through the scenes. You can also understand each character's actions and motivations because of the third-person omniscient point-of-view narration that allows the readers to look into the thoughts of multiple characters while drawing a line from the perspective of a narrator outside the novel.

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Critique & Verdict


Loving You in Secret is a complex romance novel that has been dragged out for too long with its more than 600 chapters. The writer's strategy of keeping each chapter short and opening a loop at the end makes the story too long and slow-paced. Also, the storyline is a cliche that many readers may have outgrown already, while the characters came out to be pretty mediocre, shallow, and unrelatable for something contemporary.


So, if you're a fan of the amnesia trope in romance stories and are willing to read hundreds of chapters to finally get into the plot of the story, then you should give Debbie Meza's Loving You in Secret a try. It is still your choice to engage, and it's not too bad to run into pieces like this once in a while. So, check it out on the GoodNovel app!




Q: What is the Loving You In Secret novel all about?

A: Loving You In Secret follows the complicated story of Vicky, who deeply loved her husband but lost her memory due to a car crash, and Tyler, the husband, who has been indifferent to his wife and is asking for a divorce.


Q: How many chapters does the Loving You In Secret novel have?

A: Loving You In Secret by Debbie Meza currently has 674 chapters and continuously updates a chapter per day.


Q: Where can I read Debbie Meza's Loving You In Secret?

A: You can read Loving You In Secret in the GoodNovel app and website.

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