Semua Bab Chasing My Ex-Wife Back After Divorce : Bab 1 - Bab 9
9 Bab
Today was my wedding anniversary to my husband. I should be happy right? I should be dressed in the most beautiful outfit and looking all glammed up for my husband. Ridiculous!I was here, pacing to and fro, waiting for him to be back so that I could share the good news with him. A good news that was likely to change the course of our lives. A smile curled at the end of my lips at the thought alone.I licked my lips, afraid that if I bit them too much, they would bleed from my nervousness and the excitement bubbling in my stomach. At the thought alone, I gripped my stomach as I let out a deep breath.I was - I looked up as I heard the door creaked open. I tapped my feet impatiently as Brian appeared before me. Brian Knox, the love of my life and my husband. We have been married for two years and I would not lie, it has not always been roses. There were days we never spoke to each other. Days when he would ignore me like I did not exist and there was probably no day he had acknowledged
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I shamefully signed the papers and within two days, I left his house. I did not set my eyes on Brian and I would not lie, I was hurt. Pain had been my pillow since the day he walked out on me with Angela. Angela... The bitch who had returned to snatch my husband.I gripped my bag as I stood before the cab and stared back at the building I had lived in for two years. Brian never showed me love. Never told me how much I meant to him. All he ever did was come to meet me for sex and more sex.I instinctively reached out for my belly and exhaled deeply. I was going to take care of them by myself and I will never let Brian come close to any of them. I will make sure he regrets what he did to me. And Angela… she will pay in hundredfold for taking away the father of my kids.My phone beeped with a message and I clicked it open, hoping it was a message from the company I had applied for a job in but it was from an unknown number. My brows creased as I opened the text and shock coated my face.
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03: Billionaire Mom
Wait, who is the boss? Me?I flinched as I watched the elderly man make his way toward me with concern etched on his face.“Boss, you are finally awake. We were scared that we would lose you.” He said, taking me by even more surprise.“What do you mean by that?” I drawled, hoping I did not sound like a novice.“Oh! Oh! Oh! My bad! How could I have forgotten?” He hit his head as he rose to his feet, bowing slightly. “Sorry for that. Anyway, I am Bishop and I am your personal assistant. The man your father put in charge to bring you back to the Holly Empire.” He said with a proud and bright smile.I narrowed my eyes on him. Did he get the wrong person? I was an orphan. I was made to believe my parents had died in a fatal car accident that happened years ago and I had to get on with living. Even though there were times I felt like I would give up and would even feel jealous of other people for having loving parents. I swallowed hard, shaking my head as the information was too much to ta
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04: Charity Meeting
**FIVE YEARS LATER**“So what is my next on my schedule for today?” I asked Bishop, not looking away from the file I was working on.He shifted on his feet as he scrolled through the iPad in his hands. “The charity event.” He replied, casting me a look and I nodded.“What time?” I asked, still not looking up. I needed to finish this correction of this file before I leave the office today. It was a business deal with a company I was not familiar with. Bishop had been the one handling the deal but when he could loaded with other work, he dropped this for me to finish up.“In twenty minutes’ time. And Felicia and Israel will be having their presentation.” His curt reply came, pointedly in his tone. He knew where to catch me and he used it.He knew I could close the most important meeting to be present to watch my kids do their presentation. I could not even miss it.I let out a deep sigh and dropped my pen. “Can't you just let me finish this up?” I groaned.He clicked his tongue. “Your ch
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05: Meeting His Ex
Brian’s POVShe instantly reached to take Sabrina out of my grip as she took steps back away from me, as if I was some kind of beast who wanted to snatch her away. She held Sabrina tight to her like her life depended on it. She stood there, looking so different and elegant. I was shocked to see her. What was she doing here?My eyes hovered over her again and I blinked, not believing Jessica was the one standing before me. She attempted to hide Sabrina from me and I moved instinctively toward her.It was at this moment I realized how much I had missed her. Five years. Five years since we divorced and I realized how much of a mistake I had made. I was still paying for that. Sleepless nights. Loneliness. I felt it all at once.“Jessica?” I called again, hoping the person I was staring at was my wife... No, I meant ex-wife.The shock that coated her face disappeared and was soon replaced with indifference.“Mommy, this is Mr. Brian and he was the one who helped me with my uniform,” Sabrin
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Jessica’s POVMeeting Brian did not only push me off the balance but also made me go down the memory lane I have so much refused to remember. His appearance and his voice... The way he looked at me and the way that filthy bitch had walked into the scene like she owned the place made me twist my fist in anger.I was scared, I would not lie. Jason had met Sabrina… what if he finds out about them? What If he tries to steal them from me? No, I will not let him. I will protect my children from him at all costs.I cannot let him meet any of them again. I shook my head as I tried to focus on the meal I was making. After I had left the charity event, I made sure Bishop took the kids home first while I stopped at the grocery stores to get some groceries. I had promised Sabrina that if they did well, I would bake them a cake.Due to work and all, I have not been able to sing them lullabies at night so I took it upon myself to do just that tonight. I was going to shower them with so much love tha
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Jessica’s POVBishop made sure the kids were dropped at school as I made my way to the company. I rarely checked my schedule because Bishop does that for me. He just needed to remind me when I needed to leave or do anything.We both walked through the doors as we headed for my office. Settling into my seat, I could feel his gaze following every one of my movements. I knew what he wanted to say but I was not going to give him room for any discussion. He was going to scold me like a father and I did not like it. No one likes being scolded by the way.“Jessica—”“Bishop, can you check what we have on the schedule today?” I cut him off, directing him with a glare and his brows arched, obviously knowing what I was doing.“You cannot run away today, Jessica.” He told me.And yes, after a thousand years, I have finally gotten him to call me by my name.“What?” I drawled. “I know. I could not finish them because I was attending to the kids and —”“Or because you were preoccupied with who you
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08: Holly Who?
Brian’s POVI stared at my reflection in the mirror and let out a deep breath. I'll be meeting with the CEO of Holly Empire today and I've tried to contact some of my business partners to inquire about the kind of person that he was. All I have been getting did nothing to help my anxiety.I recalled the life I once lived as a billionaire who had everything within my beck and call until I divorced Jessica and everything went downhill. Now my only hope was in Holly Empire. To revive my company.After I was done, I exited the room and thankfully, Angela was not around. I did not need someone to discourage me this morning.I stepped out of the building and headed to the car where I stepped in and told the driver where I was going. I occupied myself with flicking through the internet for anything about the CEO of Holly Empire but the only thing that was consistent enough was the man’s pictures. ‘HOLLY EMPIRE ACQUIRES NEW CHAIN COMPANY!”‘HOLLY EMPIRE FUNDS ORPHANAGES AND BUILDS HOMES FOR
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09: Is It A Good Idea?
Jessica’s POVI knew what Bishop said sounded familiar. I had once overheard Brian telling his friend about how he wanted to make his company chained to another. A bigger company, in fact.I let out a sigh as I stared at the file Nelson had brought. “So there is no way out of this?” I asked for the umpteenth time.Bishop shook his head. “There is no way. You must get married and you must have the certificate also.” He noted.I groaned out in frustration. What exactly does Nelson want from all of these?I was Jessica Holly, the legitimate daughter. Why was he after my father’s properties?Maybe I should just give him.“That is not an option,” Bishop said, sending me a reprimanding look and making me realize I had said that aloud.“So what do you suggest I do? I can't marry you, in case you are thinking that.”He snorted. “I know of a man. His wife just died and I would say that he is gentle and would probably want nothing of this.”My brows furrowed. “And who is this man?”“Freddy Desmo
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