

"DARE!!!" Chad repeated our answers, causing the partygoers to celebrate. I think all the people in this party were already here to witness the war between Khloe and I. Obviously, we got all their attention and I was going to make sure that I'm gonna win. Or else, she would get all the credit. We were throwing this party to gain more popularity— for our cheerleading team to be the talk within the district and it would be ugly for our reputation if I lost.

Clenching my jaw, I gave my opponent a piercing glare. She tilted her head a little and then winked at me. How annoying!

The game was simple yet severe. First, you had two choices: Truth or Dare. If you choose TRUTH, you're going to be the loser automatically, the crowd will mock you for the rest of the night and the opponent will have a one day privilege of being your master.

The TRUTH of being a total loser.

However, if you choose DARE, a sequence will commence. There were a lot of sequences, actually but the crowd screamed for 'Chug' so it was chosen already. The Chug was the most played sequence of all and it was invented years ago by none other than, Marissa Gail. Yup, Arisa's mom. According to my captain, it was made because her mother's close friends were in a fight which ruined their summer break and to get them closer again, she used this game at the beginning of her senior year.

And it's just not a game, it's a punishment.

Basically, we were going to chug five cups of beer and five shots of vodka which already prepared in interval by the help of Xander. We were having a party so it was obvious that it was a place of alcohol already. Three tables had been fixed already near us with five cups and five shot glasses on each. The third table would be for the body shot and it had bowl of sliced lemon, container of salt and a special drink on it— The Death in the Afternoon. One of the most alcoholic cocktail ever. As I said, traditional party was organized strictly so we had all the items we needed.

Damn! I was thinking this was unfair because I already consumed a few drinks since the party started while I think Khloe still had nothing. However, I have to claim the victory.

You can do it, Hilary Damien!

"You know the rules, gals!! Vodkas are the point!" Chad exclaimed while holding the mic. Khloe nodded and then she stretched her body in excitement before skipping to her own table.

I gripped my fist and walked towards my table. Those shots glasses would be the markings so whoever finished those shot first would get a point. So if I drank each vodka before Khloe did more than three times, I would be the winner. And as a loser, she would drink the cocktail and of course, we would do a body shot with it.

Body shot I dreaded to do with her because it would involve thirty seconds lips locking but I had no choice but to get over with it. Nobody would mind anyway because at the first place, this was just a game and people were already drunk.

In summary, 'Chug' was created to bring the two participants closer no matter who's the loser and the winner. But I wasn't planning to be closer with the bimbo near me. Over my dead body!

"Ready, folks!!" Chad interrupted my thoughts and it seemed everything was ready. "Count with me, party animals!!"

The mob started the countdown with loud thumps. I glanced at my enemy and she had this mischievous look on her face as she stared back at me. I gave her a finger, making her laugh before concentrating on my drinks in front of me.

Once the countdown ended, I gave my best shot and chugged the first cup of beer with all my might. I guzzled the beverage as if there was no tomorrow. The beer placed before the vodka points were keeping us slow and that was the main challenge of the game— the more amount of beer you chug into your throat, the faster you get the vodka points. I heard Chad calling for points but I didn't have any idea who was on top. I was too focus on winning this shit I couldn't even hear the audience around me.

When I got to the third shot of vodka, I sensed the dizziness and all I ever wanted is to puke my guts out. However, I disregarded the feeling and grabbed the next cup of beer. The music around me was slowly fading and all I could here was the liquid rolling down my throat.

Downing the last shot, I shut my eyes tight as I leaned my head back and felt the burning sensation it caused inside me and once I slammed the glass on the table, everyone cheered. Chad lifted my right arm and I just realized that I got the most points. Yes, I win!

"Let's give it up for Hilary Damien of Jaguar!!" Chad shouted and the audience hailed at my victory.

I gave the bimbo a side-glance with a wide grin on my face. She watched me in triumph as she wiped her mouth. Khloe looked like she was satisfied with the result which baffled me. Her lips curved up, hazel eyes on mine as if she knew everything about me.

Breaking my eyes from her, Chad tugged me towards the third table and I almost forgot about the body shot. Holy shit! She would be on top me and she has the freedom to do what she wanted to with those lemon, salt and cocktail. Did Khloe planned this all along? Did she let herself lose because she had something in her mind? What did Arisa's Mom had in mind when she created this game? It seemed like it doesn't matter who the winner is because the loser has all the upper hand.

Relax, Hilary! She won't do anything ridiculous in front of all these people. Don't chicken out!

"Time for body shot, folks!" Chad yelled to the crowd while guiding me to sit on the top of the table. Resting my back on the wooden table, I gulped and stared nervously at the night sky. I was glad that I was wearing a denim short but didn't know if wearing an ivory off-shoulder crop top was a good idea.

I felt Khloe beside me so I turned my head to look at her. Her petite face hovered above me and she pinched her chin in thoughts. Damn! It felt like I was in the surgery room and Khloe would chop my body apart to see what's wrong inside me.

Don't be a chicken. Be a jaguar!

My eyes widened once the Bimbo suddenly climbed on the table and stooped above me. Her kneels were both on the side of my legs and the people around me hollered in anticipation.

Khloe had this annoying smirk that I wanted to cut off from her face. Obviously, she was enjoying torturing me. I didn't like the evil smile on her lips but if I backed out from this, it would be considered that the word 'DARE' that came out from my mouth was just a total bluff, making me the loser.

"Honey, relax... It's just a body shot," Khloe murmured while she was holding the margarita glass in her hand. "Bite this," she said and offered me a slice of lemon on my mouth. Tossing her a glare, I just obliged and bit the sour fruit between my teeth. And then I felt her drizzled some salt on my belly and on my collarbone. What the hell was she trying to do?

My eyes literally widened when Khloe sat on my thighs. The audience around us yelled in enjoyment and Chad was clapping enthusiastically. I didn't want her to touch me but I had no say into this and she really was enjoying torturing me.

I was trying to calm myself but her next move freaked me out. The infamous brunette leaned down and licked the salt from my stomach. Shutting my eyes tight, I controlled myself not to jerk up and slap her right there. She was giving me a tickling sensation as her tongue draped slowly against my stomach. Of course, she was supposed to give me a body shot. What did you expect, Hilary?

I grabbed her hair and rested my head back on the wooden table only to be jerked up once she poured the liquid on my belly. My eyes bulged out in surprise, my hands fisted her already untidy hair as she suckled the beverage on my stomach. I tensed up when she licked my belly button and heard myself moan softly, citrus between my lips.

She stared at me with intent and I watched her as a prey. I watched her tongue ran up under my chest causing my top to wriggle up. In a slow motion, her hands found mine on her head, intertwining them before she brought them on the sides. She dangerously dived in, chocolate hair fell like a curtain in the line of my sight. Lips against my collarbone, salt melting in each contact and bodies combined in the center of cloudy night.

Forest hazel eyes rose up into my snow ones. As she released one of my hand, she drank the remaining liquid from the glass. She licked her lips and I witnessed every motion. She headed closer, the forest and snow broke apart once I closed my eyes. I felt her teeth biting the fruit between our mouths and soon the sour taste was filled by soft salty lips.

Khloe Summer was kissing me and all the alcohol in my system stimulated from within. It sparked a fire, burning the veins inside me, causing my heart to pump faster. I was screaming inside and nobody could hear me. Lips on my mouth, the illusion started to play and I felt like I was floating like nothing matter anymore. I wanted more of this feeling— the illusion was beautiful.

I found myself responded as I parted my mouth. Khloe brought her tongue against mine, our breathing were heavy and I felt the intensity she began into my bones. Hypnotized by the touch of her torrid kisses, our lips danced so alive, making me move in surrender all because of her.

However, the illusion faded once I heard the soft sound of her moan, causing me to pull away suddenly. I could feel the tears starting to let go from my eyes as I stared at her shocked. How could she do this?! How did she manage to make me feel that way? Like I was not myself anymore.

Pushing her with force, she stumbled back from the table and the two guys supported her in my dismay. I wanted her to fall on her ass because I hated her so much for doing this to me. Pulling myself up, I walked away from the scene with my head down. I was glad that the people parted a way for me because if they stopped me from walking away, I would give them more than hell.

Running in desperation, I headed to one of the private bedroom at the basement. I looked up to see myself in the bathroom mirror and I looked like I was violated. Heck, my lips were violated with that— oh shit! How did this happen?! I shouldn't shout for a dare. I wasn't expecting myself to feel that way. Damn, I couldn't even name what happened to me back then.

"Okay, Hilary... Calm your f*ck down," I said in one breath, raising my forearms. Shaking my head, I looked at myself again and touched my lips with my fingers softly.

"It was nothing," I convinced myself and laughed out loud. "It was nothing," I repeated, running my fingers through my blonde hair then. I puffed out a breath to calm my heart from beating too fast before heading out of the bathroom. I paced around inside the room for a meantime. I was trying to relax my nerves and breathed properly to lessen the burden I was carrying that moment.

Once I got myself back, my throat felt dry so I decided to get some glass of water. Opening the door of the room, I suddenly jolted back because a tall man and a woman were standing weirdly at the doorway. "Dammit! You scared me!"

The guy with a black military haircut smirked and glanced at the woman with ash blonde hair in amusement. They looked like they were not in high school anymore.

"You broke the 'Chug' rules," the woman spoke which confused me so much.

"What?" I asked in perplexed.

"You're supposed to kiss for thirty seconds but you stopped at twenty-six. You guys are unlucky because we were there to witness the violation you both made. You have total of four as a punishment," the man continued to explain.

And I was still confused about what they were talking about. "W-Wait, I don't understand."

The two nodded at each other and then the man suddenly attacked me by lifting me up on his strong shoulder. Fear consumed me and I forced myself out of his hold but he was strong. The woman just watched me as she followed us. I screamed and punched his back repeatedly.

"Let me go!!!!" I yelled in panic.

I had no idea where they would chop my body and feed my skin to wolves but I gathered that they were planning to kill me here, at the basement of the villa. I could hear the loud sound of the music behind the door leading upstairs so I knew that no one could hear my screams. But still, I was screaming for help.

Dear god, please give me one more chance. I promise to be an angel. I don't want to die!

The man brought me inside one of the basement room with the woman behind us. I was still struggling but I felt myself becoming weak. I already used all my energy and my tears were already streaming down on my cheeks.

"Don't think wrongly of us," the woman said and one of the door on the side of the room opened, revealing a taller man. "You brought her already?" the woman asked nonchalantly. F*ck this! They have another victims?!

The new man with blue eyes nodded. "She's easy to persuade unlike your target."

The one who was holding me walked towards the door and released me out of the blue. I fell back on the carpeted floor and I stared up to them in fear. They were staring down at me in remorse.

The woman saluted at me with a smile on her face. "Enjoy your four hours in heaven."

And without further ado, they closed the door and I heard the bolt clicked, locking me in that tiny place. I nervously stood up and sprinted towards the door. I knocked the woods repeatedly and shouted, "Open this damn door!!! Please let me live another—"

"Geez, you're so loud!!"

A familiar voice made me stop and I turned my head fast I was surprised my neck didn't break.

The owner of the voice was familiar in my eyes. She was sitting on the floor comfortably, resting her back against the low sofa at the middle of what I realized was the room walk-in closet.

With a shocked expression on my face, I gaped down at Khloe Summer who was staring back at me, palms covering her ears and with lollipop in her mouth.

Kill me now!


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