

“I’m not just a female to you. I am Luna! And I won’t let you talk to me in such a tone,” he let go of his neck and took a step back, hiding his flame. He knocked the fire from his clothes and looked at me again, but this time with an interested look. “Your friend will just watch everything?” - in the place where the stranger stood before, there was another man in a strict suit with a cane.

“My name is Konstantin Korotkov,” said the second visitor, as if he were only waiting for my remark. — This is Mikhail, my good friend and colleague. And I want to offer you a job

“Hypnosis doesn’t work on me,” I felt someone trying to get into my mind. - Well, or whatever you wanted to do there.

“I just wanted to calm you down a little,” the namesake answered me. - But you agree you are strong, usually no one feels my interference. Misha, he's the perfect fit for your task force.

“Too impulsive,” “Misha” responded. Bear, I would say.

“Just like you ten years ago,” Konstantin assured him.

“You don't seem to have heard. I reminded myself of my presence. - I refused.

Why are you giving up right now? Korotkov asked me. You didn't even listen to us.

- I'm not interested! I snapped, not wanting to have anything to do with alphas. Even if one of them could be useful to me. - Get out.

“I told you,” “Misha” wearily spread his hands.

“Wait,” said his friend in the suit. - Do you want to work with Mikhail?

"Don't you dare mess with my head!" - I flared up again, resorting to the power of fire. 

"I'm a neutralizer," said Korotkov, holding out his hand to me. He barely touched my flame, and it went out instantly. “Maybe we can still talk?” “To hell with you, you got me interested. I thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. Have you seen the Avengers movie?

“Let’s say,” I answered shortly, looking back at Mikhail.

- So, I'm gathering people with superpowers in the special response unit. For, so to speak, not quite ordinary cases. Mikhail is the head of the "physicists" department. And we are looking for them all over our country,” my namesake began to tell me.

Who are "physicists"? I clarified. So lucky, maybe I shouldn't be so stubborn.

“People with superhuman strength,” he explained. - People like you.

“Dial the grays,” I advised with a chuckle. - They are stupid and will not ask unnecessary questions.

"We don't need stupid ones," Korotkov corrected me. We need special ones.

- And if I refuse? I asked him .

“We will erase your memory,” Mikhail answered for Korotkov. Our organization is secret. But you will be constantly under our supervision, as a dangerous individual.

"And I will have to be under his command?" I asked, just in case. Kostya nodded. - Do you need it? We will not be able to get along in the same territory.

"We'll see," the man said thoughtfully. - We only offer, and you choose. Stay here or risk it all and come with us. You can think for the rest of the day. If you don’t come to the Laguna bar in the evening, then the answer is no. You will not see us again, and in the morning you will not remember.

In the evening I came to the bar, and my life changed dramatically. And now, to the question of whether there is magic in our world, I could confidently answer - there is! Witches practicing black witchcraft. Vampires who were banished from all magical worlds because they could not live without blood. Werewolves, too weak for their packs, but strong among ordinary people. And other small evil spirits living in the shade. It was against them that we defended our world. And for me it was a great opportunity to find my father. Where, if not there, could be known about all creatures with paranormal abilities?

* * *

Korotkov created an organization of people with superpowers. And it's all legal! We had special military certificates of the department for combating border violators, department "0", which is divided into divisions. I was among physicists, that is, people whose capabilities are based on physical strength. The head of this division is Mikhail. I felt that we would not be friends. But still, I did not lose hope to find out from him if he had met any of ours in this world.

The second division is chemists, mostly dreamers, telepaths and searchers. In short, these are those that could feel magic and influence a person in a telepathic way. Here they were the least. The best search engine in this division is Pasha. A young guy, twenty-seven years old, a student at the Faculty of Philology. No matter how many times I meet him, he always has a sleepy face. The head of the department of chemists is Korotkov himself. Pasha is his right hand in the unit.

There was also a department of computer scientists. Mostly ordinary people with no abilities worked there. Their administration was not even in a common building. This site was registered under a detective agency. It was from there that complaints from the population about ghosts and all evil spirits came to us. After all, you won’t go to the police if you got a brownie.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

But actually, I was not at all up to them yet. I had to survive the daily training of this sadistic Mikhail. It feels like I was being prepared for a war with aliens. And, most likely, I had to fight alone! I could hardly get home, literally crawling to the bed without any strength. But he wasn't about to complain. Since he called himself the Moon, he should not yield. And so it went on for a whole year. Day after day I did not get out of the training hall, patiently following all the instructions of Mikhail.

Of course, there were other fighters, but Mikhail only harassed me. Although, to be honest, I brought him no less. Not a week went by that we didn't have a dog. Yes, I snapped off notably then, but it was at these moments that I felt alive. I thought that there would be problems with men, after all, after all, but I am an animal and sooner or later physiological needs will come out. No shit. I was so tired that I had nothing to do.

In the end, my body became so strong that if they shot me, the bullet would certainly not pierce the skin. My reflexes were brought to automatism. And at the same time, I have never been selected for tasks or something like that.

I lived in a rented apartment that the department provided me. By the end of the year, I could barely recognize myself in the mirror. I used to be more human and emotional. Now, if he smiled, it was only through his teeth. To be honest, I can't remember the last time I just laughed like that. Yes, I began to better control my power, but at the same time it seemed to me that I was losing something important for myself. I also started smoking like a locomotive. It was the only session during which I could take a break from training.

And for all this time, I have never managed to bring Mikhail to a “heart-to-heart talk”. I was either broken, or he just merged at the most opportune moment ... As if knowing what I want to ask about, he simply left the dialogue ...

* * *

Finally, the first mission and the sortie out of that fucking training hall was announced for tomorrow! What can I say, now I knew exactly who our opponent was and why I was trained like that. Everything is simple, so as not to die on the first task. We flew to a village whose inhabitants complained about the howling of dogs at night. Pasha was in the group with me and this is the first time we said hello, and even talked to him at all. Five more fighters flew in with us, the same as myself. I've seen these guys in the training room before. But then again, I didn't talk to anyone. So, fleeting general phrases. Well, it's time to see what we were prepared for ...

Upon arrival, Pasha quickly found a place where a pack of feral werewolves settled down and we moved out. Naturally, Michael went with us. Pasha remained in the helicopter, since chemists do not take part in the battles.

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