

Regular customer

THE cold breeze blew my hair, making it messy as I realized what my thoughts were earlier. I am still stuck on my feet while I stare at his back for a long time, trying to erase what my mind desires.

Suddenly, my eyes widened when he turned to me, his eyes were still cold and it was as if he was going to kill me, giving me a don't-mess-with-my-sister-look. I don't know why I turned around having my chest heavily pounding.

He's gonna give me a heart attack at a young age. Does he think he can control his sister? He can't just stop her from flirting with me. That's for sure. His kiss is just on my list, but it doesn't mean that I'll do everything he wanted, including about Lea.

The time passes quickly after my heated conversation with Leon. The classes had started earlier and I really did my best to cope up with my professors even though it bores me as hell since it was one of my to do list as well. When it was lunch time, my friends and I stayed at our usual spot. Fortunately, I convinced Ricky and Johnny not to cut class, that's why we're also here together.

"You look pissed, Iris. They already let you buy in the cafeteria so, what's with the face?" Ricky chuckled and nudged my shoulder.

I heaved a violent sigh before I jabbed my fork into my strawberry cheesecake. Of course, they will let me buy from now on. I already talked to the president of student's affair, Ivan. He better fulfill our deal. I aggressively bit at my cheesecake and closed my eyes to savor it. I am just feeling mixed-emotions.

"I have a lot of things to do," I answered and rubbed my face.

"Come on, dude, we never have a lot of things to do like what you've said, remember? So, be cool." Johnny shook his head and drank his soda.

"Just don't mind me." I snorted and gave him a death glare.

He raised his hands, signifying that he surrendered. "Okay, chill bro." He chuckled. "What if we just go to a club and party? You can bring Lea with you if you want—"

"No, from now on, don't take me to clubs. And I can't hang out with you starting from now. I also have a job and it's gonna be my first day today," I nonchalantly told them that and their reactions were quite unrealistic, as if it made their world crumble.

"Are you fucking serious, dude? Iris Rodríguez is working?! That's absurd!" Ricky's being exaggerated again.

"You're working as what?" Johnny then seriously asked.

"A waiter and a barista later on. I still don't know though, but it's at Ivan's café." I shrugged.

Ricky didn't move on and clapped while shaking his head slowly. "Wow. . . what's happening? Is it the end of the world?"

I smirked arrogantly before I shifted on my seat. I held my hands together and placed it on the table. "I'll tell you what. In two months, everything that I wanted will be mine, including a new sports car. That's certain."

Johnny gave it a chef's kiss. "We'll be waiting on that, dude. Good-luck on your life as a commuter though."

They laughed together and my smile fell not just because I got offended by what he said, but because of the despicable man entering the cafeteria. My jaw automatically hardened when I saw him with Lea. Most of the girls here were caught off guard when they saw Leon. He always gets their attention, huh? What's with these women these days?

Tsk. Well, of course, they don't know what his true colors are that's why they get easily attracted to him. He may look soft and seemingly beautiful with his upturned blue eyes, but he's manipulative and an asshole with a bad attitude on the inside.

I resisted the urge to curse under my breath and stood up without a warning before I even caused a commotion. I ruffled my hair in frustration. He's clearly doing this on purpose, right? Now, he always sticks to his sister so I can't get close to her? Is this why Lea did not call me today? Well, I'm not giving up.

If this is one of his games, then I'm on!

I spent the rest of the time in my class. We have an activity project to do and it's due next week. Normally, I would just pay my group mates so I can still have a grade even though I won't do anything, but it's different now. I let my leader assign me something to do with our work in order to have a mark. Well, it wasn't still sincere, I just don't have a choice, all against me 'cause I don't want to disappoint Ivan.

When the day ended at five, I made my way to the bus lane at the front of the university to go home. Usually, my friends and I would go straight to a club riding in my car to party and get wrecked throughout the night thenI would just go home at midnight without letting anyone at home know. But right now, I am here, waiting in line and it was so slow.

After a few more minutes, it's finally my turn. I was about to step on the stairs when my phone suddenly rang. My forehead creased when I saw Ivan's name. It took me seconds to sit around, asking myself why he was calling before I collected my senses together. . .

"Fuck!" I hissed.

I shoved the people away without hesitation and ran as fast as I could, hoping that I could make it on time. I just remembered that I have to go and work at his café. I checked my wristwatch and saw that it's just five minutes before the time of work. Damn! I'm doomed! The café is just a walking distance and within ten minutes arrival, and yet. . .

"First day of your job and you are already late, Iris."

I thought my heart was going to burst when I heard Ivan's voice beside the entrance. I clicked my tongue and scratched my nape.

"I forgot. . ." What a lame excuse.

"Really? I thought you're onto something good. Dad was even asking about you." His eyes narrowed.

My eyeballs dilated in nervousness. "W-what did you tell him?"

Dad is the scariest person I have ever met, so if there is someone that I don't really wanna get mad at me big time, it's definitely Dad.

Ivan fixed his eyes-glasses, pushed the glass door, and made his way inside the café without answering me. It made my heart twitch, thanks to my adrenaline rush that I immediately followed him to the personnel room.

"Dude, did you tell Dad about it? You already sealed our deal! What's going on with you? Just because I am late—"

He raised his hand, signaling me to stop, but it did not refrain me from frowning.

"You know what, Iris? You are talking too much. It's unappealing."

"No, I'm just proving my innocence here," I rebut.

This is blackmailing!

He chuckled. "So, you're a lawyer now?"

"I'm dead serious, Ivan."

"Well, I'm sorry if I find you hilarious right now. You act so defensively," he said, still plastering an amused look before he threw me some clothing fabric. "If I were you, I would just start working now before I would really tell Dad everything about you."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Does that mean you didn't tell Dad about the thing. . . ?"

"Of course, Iris. What do you think of me? I am gonna keep my words. In fact, I am rooting for you, can't you see? I personally brought your uniform to you and went here to see you work. So, go and change now, or else you're fired." He gave me a warning look before he turned his back and left me inside the personnel room.

I went to my locker and got changed immediately. The black long-sleeves just perfectly hugged my body. I fixed my collar and wore the apron. I just styled my hair and put on some strong perfume. I stared at my reflection in front of the mirror. Damn, I can't help but smirk. I look so damn fine. I bet many girls would ask for my number on my first day.

"This is Maria, she's going to train and teach you what to do. For now, what you need to do is simple, just serve the orders. That's all. It isn't hard, right?" Ivan's eyebrows rose up.

"Hi, Maria." I winked at her that made her cheeks red, ignoring Ivan's words.

"Iris! Focus! Don't flirt here." Ivan almost flipped me back.

"Yeah, yeah! I got everything. I know what to do. I'm not a kid. Tsk."

"Whatever you say. You may start working now. I'm watching you." He even gestured to me to go.

Whatever too.

I secretly sneered at him before I went to my place. My hands were below my stomach, holding each other while waiting for customers. Most of the people inside were students from our university and some were so loud while talking that I couldn't focus. It's triggering me.

I saw on my peripheral that someone is coming inside after minutes of standing up, doing nothing. Finally, I can show off my fake skills in customer service. I prepared myself for the new customer and let out a sweet smile to welcome our guests wholeheartedly. Yet, the familiar scent welcomed me instead.

No fucking way! Of all people?

"Welcome, Sir. Good evening," Maria greeted him with her brightest and cutest smile.

"Good evening," Leon greeted him back while I froze.

Maria slightly magnified her eyes, signifying me to make a move. "U-uh, good evening, Sir." The corner of my lips twitched a bit.

His expression suddenly changed. He did not even give me anything in return and just walked straight to sit down. I snorted in my imagination. My eyes met Ivan's and saw a ghost of a smile on his face but it vanished when he saw me looking at him with a confused look before he continued doing something at the counter bar.

"I'll take his order, Iris, then just serve it to him, is that alright?" Maria asked in a demure way.

"Yeah, totally." I smiled a bit.

"Perfect! Let's move!"

We both separated our ways and made my way to the counter. I surreptitiously looked at Leon's way and my heart jumped when I saw his eyes were already all on me already, as usual with a cold gaze. I just pursed my lips and watched the baristas as they made different flavors of coffee.

My brother's café is quite prominent in Washington since he started this when he was just in high school the moment he reached eighteen years old. I rarely visit his café since I much prefer going to clubs more, but the ambiance here is appealing and relaxing, I must say, and just perfect for people who want to study or low-key hang out with friends in an aesthetic way.

The sound of the coffee machine is really entertaining as the water was pushed by the pumps through the tubes and so. The others were making frappes while the others were making hot coffee. My lips slightly parted when one of the baristas started to create an art into the cup of coffee. I was amazed, I wanna learn how to do it.

"You're spacing out, Iris." I just saw Ivan's finger clicking in the air.

I blinked twice and closed my mouth. "Sorry, I was watching them."

"Haven't you heard the bell ring? Iris, when you are working, you need to focus on your definite job. If it's not your work, then don't get easily distracted or you'll mess up, is that clear?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Good. Now, it's your turn to serve this to. . . well, Leon Johansson." He faked a cough.

I swallowed. "Yeah, right."

"Better not to cause anything. I told you I'm watching you," he warned.

I stopped. Does it mean Ivan knows that I hate him?

My eyebrows almost met if only I didn't resist it. Never-mind, I just wish Leon doesn't always go here and that this is just a coincidence. I don't wanna see him often while I'm working here.

"And mind you, he's a regular customer here, so you'll be seeing him as much as you never imagined."

My jaw dropped. I don't believe this! "Are you being serious right now?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding? And that's in favor of you, right? Remember the list?"

Fuck it!

"You don't have to remind me, I know what to do," I said in an uninterested, lousy tone.

He tapped my shoulder. "Very well. Now, serve his latte. . . and be careful on your way."

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