
Chapter 4

Henry's POV 

I could not believe my eyes, like a girl just literally resisted my charm? It was so incredible. I clenched my fist instinctively and bite my lower lips. I remained in the room for a while before walking out. I felt bad, I must confess but then, she seemed to look more challenging than other ladies that I have fucked in the past. She won't escape my charm. I already place a bet and I must win it. 

When it was the following day, I sat in class during the first lecture barely listening to the lecturer teaching, it was because I was waiting for Eleanor to arrive. I don't care about whatever time she comes to school or whatever she does with her life until yesterday after she rejected me. 

Someone walked in hurriedly and went to sit, I took my gaze to the person's side and saw Eleanor. 

'My cupcake,' I mumbled to myself as I set my gaze on her. I ignored the teacher who was busy at the front and was looking lustfully at her. 

She probably felt like someone was looking at her cause she turned to me instinctively, our faces met and she looked away expressionlessly. 

I set my gaze back on the teacher and hoping she get done soon. 

As she was bringing the class to an end, she said," friends, as regarding the assignment I gave earlier, I think it's better if we make it practical, I'll pair you all up into twos, you and your partner should plant the seed and monitor it sternly, make a daily report of what you do to it everyday and if at all there were any changes, take note of when the stem springs forth, take pictures of it everyday....I already wrote it all here on the board." 

She walked closer to the students and began to pair everyone in twos, when she got to me, she paired Leopald with George and then said," who do I pair you with now? I paired your two friends already." 

I took advantage of this and looked towards Eleanor, it seemed she noticed my gaze on her with her reaction, I smirked and asked," how about her?" I was pointing to Eleanor when I said this. 

I could see her clench both of her fist and lowering her head, that looks sexy to me actually. 

The teacher looked towards her direction and shrugged like it was nothing, "not bad, you both are paired now." 

She continued pairing others and when she was done, she left. 

I stood at once and walked towards her seat, I stood before her and smiled cockily at her, she raised her gaze at me and said," what are you trying to do?" 

"I'm confused?" I pretended like I didn't understand what she meant. 

"Why did you tell Miss. Smith to pair us together?" She asked, anger clearly written on her face. 

"Because I couldn't think of anyone else to be paired with," I smirked and arched my waist, levelling my face directly towards hers. 

She hissed and looked away. 

"My little cupcake," I said softly and she looked at me angrily. 

"I'm not your cupcake," she said, but this time, her face remained on mine. As though she was seeing something there. 

I hummed and darted my eyes to her pink lips, this lips looked soft? How would it feel like swallowing this blossom lips, devouring them like a lollipop. It will be so sweet. 

"Shall I come to your house as regarding the project?" I asked calmly. 

"No," she answered briefly. 

"So? How do we meet to talk about the project?" I asked, I stood upright and sat on her desk. 

She sighed and shut her eyes for a second before opening it again. 

"We can always meet after school," she said. 

"You mean we will do the planting inside school, take picture of it inside school, monitor the growth inside school? Even on Saturdays and Sundays? How is that possible?" I asked. 

I added after a few moments of silence," you can come to my house if you don't mind. I'm mostly alone so you don't have to worry about anyone else being around." 

"So you chose me as your partner so I can come to your house?" She asked. 

"Sincerely, so I can get to see you often, my little cupcake," I said. 

"Stop calling me cupcake," she raised her hand like she will push me on my chest, she was clearly angry. 

I held her hand firmly and placed it on my chest," push me, baby girl." 

She groaned angrily and looked away, I finally let go of her arm and took her pen, I scribbled the address of my house on the book on her table and said," I'll be waiting for you, princess." 

I smirked cockily and walked away. 

Eleanor's POV 

God! Why does it have to be him? Henry Fred, my partner of all the male students in the school. I had just rejected him yesterday despite the tension I felt at the janitor's room, who knows what else he has up his sleeve. 

'No matter how much you try, Henry, I won't succumb to you. I'm not cheap and you won't have me under your bed,' I mumbled quietly to himself. I looked at his table and saw him discussing gleefully with his friends. 

He's handsome, though. I find myself staring at him for what looked like a long period of time that I forgot when he turned his head slowly to looked at me. 

Once our gaze met, I regretted at once that I was staring at him, he winked at me and bite a side of his lips in a seducing manner, he looked away slowly. 

Damn it! This idiot is too sexy. I looked away and sighed. 

I stood and walked out of the class for a while, I need to give myself some breathing space here. I'm imagining how it will be like being in his house this evening.

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