
Chapter 15

I was in my room and I stared at the two guabula flowers that were sitting on top of a marble nightstand beside my bed. Ponpon was beside the flowers, staring at them thoughtfully as well. Yes, as if he had a brain in his metallic head.

I lay down with my arms crossed under my head. I crossed my ankles and looked up at the marble ceiling. My bed was soft, which was made up of preserved flower petals and foamy materials that were wrapped with silky cloth. It had a nice smell and comfortable.

I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep. However, that stranger’s words came back to me. I wondered how bad the recruitment could get in the morrow.

“You just keep this and bring it with you tomorrow. I’m sure that this will help.”


The sun wasn’t on the horizon yet but I was already up. I put on my fighting suit of black and red color, almost the same shade as my father’s uniform but of different design. It was stretchable and

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