
Chapter Eight

      “Miss Theresa Gray?” The man with the gun harness asked, flashing the badge on his wallet. “I’m Detective Richard Stones and this is my partner Veronica Hade,” he pointed to the woman in the police jacket.

       Theresa nodded as she stared blankly at them, waiting for them to state their purpose. What would the police be doing in her apartment so early in the morning?

     “May we come in?” the woman asked and Theresa stepped away from the door, giving them just enough space to brush past her.

     “We are investigating the death of Mary Johnson and we would like to get your statement.” Detective Stones spoke out when he had taken his seat in the couch.

    “Would you like coffee? I’m sure it must have been really cold out there,” William asked going into the kitchen and Vera eyed him skeptically

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