
The incident back then.

Pearl looked down. Her shirt was completely wet and her bra was easily visible. She closed her eyes and a tear fell down from her eyes. She has never felt so humiliated. She pulled her shirt close. which was wrapped around her.

She slowly made her way from the rooftop towards her room.

Everyone who passed by her side gave her a sympathetic look.


Pearl closed the door behind her and slid down on the floor. Her eyes were red and her body was shivering.

" You got this. " She whispered.

" Pearl, open the door. "

" Pearl…"

Knock! Knock!

" Pearl.. Are you okay? Open the door! "

She heard Daniel calling for her to open the door, but she couldn't. She couldn't let him see her. Not like this.

" I'm okay.. Just sleepy " She tried to hide her trembling voice with a yawn.

" Pearl.. "

" I know what happened there "


The door opened revealing a girl with red eyes and wet shirt. Her hair was messy and her small body was trembling.

" Oh! Come here " Daniel pulled her in his arms and she broke into uncontrollable sobs.

He caressed her back to calm her down.

" I am so sorry I couldn't protect you " He apologised again and again.

" My dad needed me so I had to go. " He added.

Pearl nodded her head and pulled herself out of his arms.

" He is so scary! " She sobbed.

" He was just targeting me. "

He rubbed her hair while she sobbed in his arms. While the couple were having a moment someone was burning in the flames of love and hatred.

Lucas punched the mirror before him. He wanted to kill Michael, how dare him touch her!

He sat on his bed with his bleeding hand. The blood fell on the white sheet painting it red.

Red, the colour of love and hatred.

He took out his phone and dialled a number. " Get me the information about Pearl Hart. Now."

Half an hour later he sat on his couch staring at the document in his hand.

Name : Pearl Hart

Age : nineteen

Colour : fair.

Hobbies: reading and dancing.

Family members : Lives with Father and mother.

Relationship status: never had a boyfriend.

He continued to read further and the frown between his brows increased.

" Pearl Hart, " He whispered, smirking. " Wait till I make your life a living hell. "

After an hour of crying she finally calmed down.

She looked at the boy before her. He had his eyes shut and his thick eyelashes casted a shadow on his handsome face. His hair was messy from running his finger through them, but it did nothing to his handsomeness. He was tired so he slept while calming her down.

Suddenly she felt guilty. She raised her hand to remove his arms around her but her hand was caught mid way. " Where are you going? " He asked. Pearl's heart skipped a beat hearing his sleepy voice.

" No… nowhere in particular "

She was nervous from his continuous and intense staring.

He pulled her closer and held her cheeks in his palm. " Do you remember what I once told you? " He looked in her eyes and she looked down. Avoiding eye contact.

" Look me in the eye Pearl " He held her chin and raised her face. She looked at him with those innocent eyes of hers.

" Hmm? "

" Yeah.. To stay away from him " He nodded.

" Why did you go there? "

Pearl closed her eyes remembering all the humiliation she had to go through.

" I did not go there. He took me there. " She didn't go there willingly, she was dragged to the rooftop. She was taken there so that he could bully her. She remembered using her phone when her room was pushed open and a boy named Michael entered. He said his boss needed her. She refused to go, but he dragged her there, before that monster.

He was the same boy who tried to touch her.

" You don't have to worry about him anymore. I got this. " Daniel rubbed her hair and she nodded.

Daniel got out of her room. Closing the door behind him softly.

He made his way to the first floor and stood before Lucas' room.

He raised his hand to knock but stopped when he heard noises coming out of his room.

" Ah! "

" Ah! Lucas.. You are the best! "

" Ah! "

" Yeah! "

" Like that! "

" Ah! "

He dropped his hand to his side and turned back to go, but stopped mid way.

" Ah! Pearl! "

" Pearl, do you like it? "

Daniel stopped in his tracks when he heard this. His hands started shivering and his eyes looked murderous.

There was only one girl with this name and it was her!

Lucas continued to moan her name. He was imagining her under him. The girl under him didn't seem to mind it or she was too scared to ask. They continued and their breathing turned heavier and heavier.

Half an hour later the door to his room opened and a girl with messy hair and uneven clothes walked out.

Lucas looked at her standing at his door. "

"Close the door behind. "

She rolled her eyes and walked out.

Lucas stared at the ceiling and her face flashed before his eyes. He closed his eyes, smiling.

His phone started ringing and he picked it up. His smile faded almost immediately after seeing the caller Id.

He moved it close to his ear. " What do you want? "

Lucas's annoyed voice was heard from the other end. Daniel wanted to punch him right at that moment, but he calmed himself down.

" Come to the rooftop. "

After saying this Daniel hung up on him. He placed his phone to his side and stared at the sky full of stars.

Lucas started at the phone screen. He couldn't believe he hung up on him.

" Dam* rascal! " He cursed under his breath and made his way towards the rooftop.

" I don't have enough time to chit chat with you."

Lucas saw Daniel sitting on the floor staring at the sky. He wanted to punch him so bad.

" Do you still blame me for what happened back then? " Daniel spoke slowly.

Lucas punched him right on his face and the two figures engaged in punching and pushing each other on the rooftop.

Pearl slept peacefully without having any idea of the havoc which was created for her.

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