
11:The Game Plan

The room was filled with the sounds of students who were busy chatting with their friends. Raia, who is now at the front of the door, looked around the room until he saw Osamu looking at him.

"Raia!!" Osamu called him while wearing his big smile. Others looked at Osamu as if it was their first time hearing him talk to someone.

Raia shyly walked toward him. Some of his classmates looked at him too, but he decided to ignore those stares.

"I called you earlier at your door, but it appears you're still sleeping," Osamu began as they sat in their chairs. They are sitting across from each other, with Osamu at the back.

"Ahh yeah, I didn't hear the alarm, that's why I woke up late," he answered, then put his bag on his side. They waited for a moment before their instructor arrived. It only took several minutes before the activity started.

The students assemble in the big and wide gymnasium inside the building. It was located between the dormitory and the research room. Every student, as usual, went together with their partners. Some of them seem to be partnered with their best friend, while the others seem awkward with each other.

June was partnered with Amelia, while Aki was with Kanaye. Of course, the latter was very happy because of his partner. He can't stop smiling but is still trying to act normal in front of her.

The other guys, like Chan Ming, were with his brother, Dae Ming, Rio with Tobi, and Ryota with a girl called Eva Brandes, seem like they were doing well together. And the spice girls are also partnered with each other, Mae with Emma, while Ivy was partnered with Wrenn.

After a second, the instructor, not Mr. Rayven this time, went towards the stage and stood there.

"Everyone, everyone, could you lend me your ears?" He announces, catching the students' attention.

Osamu looked at Raia and then walked in front together. All of them are looking at the guy in the front, waiting for his next words. The guy is wearing an expensive suit that fits his body so well. Anyone could even drool just by looking at him. His fashion added to his charisma which made the girls look at him with attraction. Especially Emma Sutton, who seems to see his next target.

He was wearing a suit and black trousers at the bottom. He also wears an expensive watch that makes the guys stare at it.

"Thank you let me introduce myself first," he said, then let out his wide smile.

"I'm Mr. Gojo, your instructor for today. Maybe you're asking, "Why not Mr. Rayven?" I mean, yeah, I get it. It might look like he's much more familiar with you guys, but I have to do this job or I'm dead," he said to them, joking while wearing a weird smile.

"Anyways, let me give this pamphlet to you guys first," he said, then smiled at them.

He gave them a red pamphlet that had something written on it. June and Co. immediately looked at it and tried to understand, while the others, like Raia and Osamu, stood still and waited for the next instruction.

After a while, Mr. Gojo started explaining the details. The questions in the game were written in the pamphlet. But the instructions will only appear after they enter the specific booth.

The activity will be unlimited, which means they can take it as long as possible until they finish all the tasks written on the pamphlet. Every student will do the task individually, but they can ask for help from their partner. It means they could switch places with one another after every after one level.

This activity is expected to be finished within two days with over 15 levels. Five levels are easy, five are average, and five are difficult. It is the same thing as the BloodyCookie game, so everyone is familiar with the rules already. Aside from one thing,

They didn't expect that there would be such a thing as a twist in this game-like activity. Every one of them needs to write their most valuable friend on paper. They need to think about the closest friend they have here at the university, and he/she will serve as their bet on winning the game.

Or at least someone, in case they don't have any friends.

They could not choose their current partner in the activity, so June had no choice but to choose Kanaye as his "sacrificial friend". Raia, who is not really close to others, chose June, and Osamu chose Rio randomly.

Their choices are kept from each other so that the sacrificial friend will never know that they have been sacrificed. After choosing their sacrifice friend, Mr. Gojo continued explaining the activity.

There is only one student who will do everything on one level. There is no switching until they reach the average level or the difficulty level. That's why it is important to know the capability of your partner, whether he/she could do the task by themselves.

However, as an exception, one may forfeit their chance if they believe they will be unable to complete the task. But this is not recommended. Once you choose to forfeit and switch places with your partner in the middle of the level, it will only mean one thing.

You will let your sacrificial friend die in the line. And once you choose this path, you and your sacrificial friend will not be able to pass the test and will automatically fail to get to the next level, and will never be like Fletcher.

Others find it amusing, while others are quite confused. Mr. Gojo only gave the process of the activity, but he did not mention what the task would look like.

Mr. Gojo answered the student who asked what the task was all about, then he smiled while looking at the students. "See it for yourself, I guess."

He gave the students time to think about the activity and rest for a while. The game will start at exactly 1 p.m. So June and co. went first to the cafeteria to eat.

"But damn, I didn't expect this complicated thing!" Kanaye exclaimed while looking at the table, annoyed. He didn't understand what Mr. Gojo explained earlier, and that made him look like a fool in front of Aki.

"Do you need me to explain it to you again?" Aki looked at him, concerned and wanting to explain things to him. His face immediately turned red, then he looked away after getting embarrassed.

" way! I understood everything about it. It's just that I'm concerned about those who did not understand, "he answered, trying to hide his embarrassment.

June and Amelia just shook their heads since they knew that Kanaye was just making excuses to not look like a fool in front of his partner.

"Anyways, I'm concerned about what these tasks are," Amelia said, changing the topic while looking at the pamphlet.

All of them looked at her and couldn't deny that they were also concerned about the same thing.

"Yeah...I wonder what it is written here, "Aki replied while looking at their pamphlet.

"This shit kinda sus to me, bruh," Kanaye added, as if certain that there was nothing in there.

"Yo, what?" June looked at him.

" I mean, bro, look at it," Kanaye said, then took the pamphlet from Amelia.

"Look, there's nothing here. No matter how many times I look at this, there's nothing to read here!" he said. "I swear, that Gojo guy... he's such a big pain in the ass," he said, convinced of his own thoughts.

"Didn't you hear him say about the lasers that will allow you to see what is written in there?" Amelia looked at him unimpressed.

Kanaye was dumbfounded.

"I-I mean, I heard about that thing, but I don't believe that shit, period," he concluded, as he didn't want to talk and start an argument with Amelia anymore.

June shook his head, seeing his friend get embarrassed in front of Aki. Meanwhile, Osamu and Raia stayed at the library while chilling. Raia leaned on the chair while looking at the ceiling.

"Who's your sacrificial friend, Raia?" All of a sudden, Osamu asked him while still reading his book.

"Hm? Let's see...I don't have anyone aside from you," he said while looking at him.

"But you know, you can't choose your partner, right?" Osamu asked him again.

"Yeah, that's why I chose him," he replied with a lower voice.

Osamu looked at Raia and got what he meant. It looks like Raia didn't intend to tell him who it was, so he chose to remain silent. Besides, he also doesn't want to tell anyone about his own sacrificial friend.

An hour after that, a loud announcement from the speaker was heard all around the building. It only took minutes before all of the students assembled in front of the hall.

"Good afternoon, students," Mr. Gojo, wearing a black suit, greeted them again.

Then they noticed a red light in front of the door, indicating that they could now enter the room in front of them.

"Welcome to Hyakku BloodyCookie culmination. May luck smile on you," Mr. Gojo said to them before opening the door.

The game starts now.

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