
Chapter 2

Roscoe's POV:


      Two days have passed. Today I'm gonna go and check on the rogue.

    My wolf has been on edge, urging me to go to the pack hospital. To be honest, I found it a little suspicious but I didn't voice that to my wolf. Why he was behaving such, I don't know. To top it off, my mum had been urging me to choose a new Luna, a wish, I definitely wasn't gonna abide by. But in all honesty I was starting to lose hope that I'll ever find my mate again. 

     I have so many questions that are needed to be answered. I wanna know why she ran from me. Why? With muddled up thoughts, I got ready and left for pack hospital. The moment I entered an intoxicating scent greeted me, taunting me, urging me to follow. Anastasia seemed to have noticed me entering and rushed to my side. Quite ironically she was on the top of my mother's future Luna list and I never seem to understand why. She was a good pack doctor, one of the best we have but I never saw Luna qualities in her. 

  "Roscoe." She tried to purr but it came out as a choking of a dying cat

"It's Alpha Cedar to you. And how many times do I have to tell you that I'm gonna wait for my mate no matter how long it took?" I said with Alpha command clear in my voice as any day

   "Yes Alpha." She bowed her head in submission

"I have got something to look for then I'll go check on the rogue." I said

  "Yes Alpha. When you're done looking for whatever it is, you know where to find me." Anastasia said and left

   I followed the intoxicating scent. It attracted me just as much it taunted me. It was a sweet scent of lavender mixed with cherries and strawberries with a clear breath of forest scent but apart from this it also had a scent mixed that worried me and had me increasing my pace. It was a clear scent of blood.

  After passing many doors, taking couple of turns and some pair of stairs, I finally reached the door where the scent was most intoxicating. I opened the door and went in, taking a sharp as I took in the sight in front of me. My wolf clawed in my mind wanting answer, wanting to know who had done this to his mate. I would be lying if I said I was any better. My mate was lying in the hospital bed with God knows how many tubes and pipes attached to her with Alaric, Rigel and Harmony on either side of the bed. Harmony was holding one of he hands. She was no where close to healing. Soon, the three stirred awake. They saw me and sat up almost instantly. 

  "What happened to her?" I asked worry, fear and slight anger laced in my voice

"So she is the one, huh?" Alaric asked

  "Yeah.." I said softly

"She seems to have been abused in every way and form for years now. She doesn't have enough strength for her wolf to heal her on its own accord and her injuries are way too severe as well." Harmony answered

  "She is anorexic which doesn't help the situation but we can't feed her too much, she won't be able to stomach it." Rigel added

  As if on cue, my poor mate started waking up. Instead of opening her beautiful eyes, she started sniffing the air. She looked quite adorable doing that. Slowly, adjusting to light, she opened one eye and the other followed. Her eyes took in the surroundings before landing on me. She seemed to panick at first but it didn't take long for her to calm down. Hesitance and uncertainty filled her beautiful bluebell eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but was stopped by Alaric before she can get a word out.

  "Don't speak." Alaric softly commanded

"Why?" I asked him

  "I'll tell you later. Here use this, if you wanna say anything. I don't know if you know sign language or not but this should work for now, hopefully." Alaric said handing her a small mobile whiteboard with a whiteboard marker and duster

  She took it hesitantly. Studying it before writing anything on it. She seemed quite unsure of whether it was safe to use it or not but once she figured it was she used it.

  'Mate.' She wrote 

  I gave a slight nod

'Sorry?' She wrote tilting her head slightly with a small pout 

  "For what?" I asked

'Run Away.' She wrote

  "Why did you run?" I asked

'I Afraid.' She wrote hesitantly as if fearing the consequence

  "Of what?" I asked

'You.' She wrote after a very long pause

  Ok, gotta admit that my mate confessing that she is afraid of me before I even touched a hair on her head hurt like hell to be honest and it made my wolf howl with pain and anguish but it did seem to make sense of as to why she ran away. I wanted more answers but right now I was more concerned about her health. She looked like she would die with the slightest of touch and it worried me to no end. 

  "We'll talk when you get better. Alaric, why can't she talk?" I said not moving my eyes from my mate

"Wolfsbane and silver was found in her throat. If she stresses even a little to speak, she might end up making it worse. She advised not to speak at all until her throat is completely healed." Alaric replied

  "Who could do something this cruel to anyone?" I growled

"We don't know, mate. We will handle the pack stuff, if you want to spend time with Luna and take care of her." Harmony said

  "That'll be great. I'll inform Dad that I found my mate again later." I offered a small smile

   Just then something hit me in head, I looked to see it was a whiteboard duster. I looked at my mate to see her holding out something written on the board.

   'Will you stop talking like I not here?'

While looking at us with a small pout

    I blinked and gave her an apologetic look, then went and took my seat at the chair beside her bed. Just then Anastasia walked in.

  "Alpha, I thought you were suppose to find me when you were done looking for whatever it was, so I can give you a detailed report on what is her condition." Anastasia whined

      "I can do as I please and it's none of your business, Anastasia. You are a great pack doctor but you don't have what it takes to be a Luna, get that in your head. Now, if you're planning to give me the report." I all but growled at the whiny tone she had used

"She is abused in ever possible way. Her back is covered with slashes, her arms and legs are covered with scars and her throat is seriously damaged. She is adviced not to speak at all until her throat is completely healed. Her wolf is not strong enough to even help with the healing process, and until her wolf gains enough strength to do so, she will heal very slowly and be under heavy medications. She will have to take her medications on time, rest well and eat to get better and regain enough strength for her wolf to help heal her. She under strict bed rest for a week at minimum." Anastasia said in a monotone, and it made my wolf mad, it wanted to find the person who did that to my mate and make him experience the same tortures if not worse but he was more concerned of our mate's health so he restrained

  "Can she be shifted?" I asked

"Yes, but I wouldn't advice it." Anastasia replied

   "I want her shifted to my room immediately. I don't care how you do it, I want it done. I will look after her personally, if I have to. I want these dozen pipes and tubes reduced. See to it that it is done, Alaric." I commanded

  "Yes Alpha." Alaric replied

Rigel, Alaric and Harmony left to get the arrangements done for their Luna to be shifted, leaving a very furious Anastasia. 

  "I want her doctor changed to Madeline instead of you." I said in Alpha tone

"Yes Alpha." Anastasia replied and left

  Now, it was just me and my mate, I went ahead to caress her cheeks but before I can even touch her, she fliched causing me to retract my hand. I just held her hand, my thumb running circles at the back of her hand. Soon, after she fell back asleep, Madeline entered with some sedatives which had me lowly growling.

  "We have to sedate her or it would cause her too much pain when we try to move her Roscoe." Madeline explained

   Not wanting my mate to be in pain, I let Madeline inject the sedatives in my mate. Madeline and I had been close friends, we had grown up together, she is like a sister to me, and if anyone, it's her I trust to take care of my mate. Once Madeline was done injecting the sedatives and strengthening medicines, a stretcher was brought in with a special set up so a couple of IV can be attached to my mate along with the breathing mask. I watched as they placed my placed her on the strecher and attached all the IV tubes and breathing mask to her and took her away.

  "She is our Luna, isn't she?" Madeline asked

"Yes." I gave a curt reply

   "I hope you find whoever has done this to her. I would like a part in making them pay dearly once you find them." Madeline said with a look of utter rage and determination which promised to make sure her words came true

"I won't keep you from it when I find those bastards, Mads. I wish she gets well soon." I replied

   "Roscoe, don't force her to eat more than she can, she'll end up throwing up most of it. She is anorexic, make her eat small quantity of food at random times until she starts feeling hungry and approaches food herself before making her eat full meal three times a day but before getting to three meals a day make sure she has a big enough appetite to swallow it all and keep it in or it will be no use. Be patient with her. She is broken and traumatized. Don't go Alpha at her at all, keep your wolf in control or you'll end up scaring her before you have a chance." Madeline explained

  "Alright Mads. Is there anything else?" I asked 

"Yeah, she seems to like milk so make sure to give her that instead of water, at least until she is recovers completely. Keep a fruit bowl around at all times, so if you don't know what to randomly feed her, you can just give her fruits cause even that will help a lot. Keep switching between fruit and potato salad alternatively, keep light snacks around along with chocolates and other candies. If you can coax her into drinking some fruit juice every once in a while it will help a great deal. She is on a lot of medications, so make sure to give her all her medications properly without missing out even one. I'll give you an extra list of medications and timings just in case. Be gentle, don't force her, show her that you care. She is scared that you're gonna hurt her , but it's normal. Just make sure she eats and rests well and is given all the medications on time. Once she gets better, I'll have to do a couple of tests to see if any other medication is required or not. Right now, I'm estimating her recovery time to be at most two months which is if her wolf gains strength to help her, then along with medications, she will be healed faster. I'm sure Luna will make it through. Just be strong for her and yet don't neglect your duties completely. Keep switching with Alaric and Rigel, so someone you trust is taking care of her whilst you complete your Alpha duties. I'll stand by you if your mother protests and I'm sure your father and pack would do the same. Make sure to tell them about our Luna." Madeline explains while handing me two copies of my mates medications and their timings

  "Thank you Mads." I replied

"Oh, and I'll come and weakly check on her, and make sure to change her dressings often to avoid any chance of infection. Changing her dressings is gonna be painful, so if you can give her some pain killers beforehand, it'll be great." Madeline added

"Alright." I nodded as I left

   I'm really worried about my mate and so is my wolf. We bought extra medications, and went our way knowing Alaric, Rigel and Harmony have already stocked up the house with food and fruit and also milk. Harmony had told me that she had bought clothes for my mate along with Alaric and Rigel, the clothes are bigger in size so they don't stick to her skin in any way. I reached my room in the pack house to find my mate already set up with all the IV tubes, they seemed to have removed the breathing mask. The sedatives hadn't wore off still. I kept the extra medications in a cabinet in my room. Sat by my mate and held her hand. I just realized that I didn't even know her name.

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