
When A Bully Falls In Love
When A Bully Falls In Love
Author: ADISAX



The deep bass reverberating from my Aventador's subwoofers was enough to dissuade others. The adventure lay cocooned behind those tinted, blacked-out windows, cloaking it from prying eyes as moans transformed into hushed whispers. No one dared to intrude by peering inside. After all, I savored my morning feast as the uncrowned king of this college—I am a bully.

​​As the glass slid open, fresh air rushed in, dispersing the warmth inside. Listening to the sound of my partner's exhausted breath, a sense of contentment washed over me. A grin crept across my face as I glanced at the rearview mirror, pondering the moment. The girl stuttered my name in a shaky voice, "X... X… Xander." With a firm grip on her hair, I pulled her close, my intent clear. "Remember, it's sir, not Xander," 

She gasped when my fingers closed around her jaw with a single, firm grip. Intimidation, my strong suit. "Sir, may I go?" she asked, averting her gaze.

"I trust you've understood the lesson well," I replied.

She nodded without lifting her eyes. With a scowl, I signaled for her to vacate my car immediately. She complied like a submissive puppy, adhering to protocol. I establish the rules for both freshmen and seniors. No freshman is permitted to make direct eye contact; instead, they must avert their gaze to the third button of their own shirt, symbolizing complete submission by lowering their head while addressing a senior.

After she left, I adjusted my jeans and snug-fitting black t-shirt, accentuating those biceps destined to steal hearts. Stepping out of the car, I let out a relaxed breath, ready to embrace whatever the day at college might bring.

I'm Xander Baston, the affluent, indulged scion of the Baston family. My mother is of Greek descent, and my father boasts Viking lineage. I embody the perfect fusion of looks and strength. When it comes to chiseled good looks, 'tall, dark, and handsome' barely scratches the surface. With a sculpted physique radiating power and prestige, I'm a living masterpiece, with glossy brown eyes. Every girl on campus desires me, despite knowing my ruthless nature.

Stretching my arms and raking my fingers through my thick black curls, I surveyed Saint Xavier College of Business Management like a king overseeing his domain. I'm the self-proclaimed ruler here, calling the shots without hesitation. Even the staff recognize my authority, partly due to my mother's significant contributions and esteemed role as a trustee.

Locking the car door with a press of my thumb on the key fob, I couldn't help but groan, 'I'm starving.' A sigh escaped me, dissipating into the chilly air as I headed towards the college canteen, eagerly seeking relief from hunger.

In no time, my sycophantic buddies tagged along. Their presence was always tied to the little favors they hoped to receive by sticking close. It's funny how well I understand their motives now, considering I once enjoyed their company. But amidst these two-faced companions, there's only one genuine friend, Matt. He's the guy who's always there to steer me right, offering up life lessons on respect.

As I made my way towards Matt's car, surrounded by the fake crowd, I couldn't help but smirk. I greeted him with a hug, "Hey, Matty."

"Again?" Matt rolled his eyes and shot me a disgusted look, swiping a long hair off his t-shirt.


"You did it again, but this time, on a college campus," Matt sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Technically, it happened in my car, not on campus."

"You're unbelievable... Forget it. Can't you show some respect for where you're studying?" Matt gestured towards the building ahead.

"Oh, come on, Matty. The only reason I'm here is for you, and these girls are just my sidekicks," I chuckled.

"Seriously? Xan, I'm warning you. If you fall in love with a girl, it'll bring a curse upon you," Matt cautioned.

I kept walking, completely brushing off Matt's words.

"Don't start this again. Women are only for my enjoyment. I'm not the kind of man who falls in love with any of them. I'm like a predator claiming every prey in his domain," I retorted.

"One day, even the mightiest predator falls for a particular prey, mark my words," Matt countered.

Matt persisted in urging me to value the women in my life, a college bus pulled onto the campus, and a voice called out from behind me, "New batch."

As the new college year kicked off, high school graduates streamed in to embark on their first year at our prestigious institution. Some exuded confidence as they entered the campus, while others were gripped by the fear of encountering me, fully aware of my reputation. For freshmen, discovering they were assigned to the same building as the seniors, and myself, was perhaps their worst nightmare.

Among the bustling crowd of fresh faces, there was a girl who stepped off the bus, casually swinging her bag onto her shoulder. She sported blue jeans and a simple white tank top, her eyes scanning the surroundings with curiosity. As she inhaled the crisp campus air, she couldn't help but whisper to herself, "Finally."

I was deep in conversation with Matt when the girl walked past us. For a brief moment, I sensed something, but then I quickly immersed myself in a heated verbal exchange with Matt.

"Time for some banter," a voice chimed in from the side.

That reminded me of the new group of students who had just arrived, ready for us seniors to establish our expectations. As we were about to head over to greet them, the dean appeared to welcome the newcomers, momentarily pausing our plans.

I observed him as he greeted the group with a casual "Good morning, everyone," before guiding them on the college tour as part of the orientation. It didn't take long for them to start asking questions and noticing our presence following along. I even overheard one of them inquire about bullying on campus, referencing the college's somewhat tarnished reputation in that regard. The dean, whom I find utterly worthless, reluctantly acknowledged the issue, fully aware of his inaction. He's afraid of me too, and rightfully so.

"So here are your class schedules, and yes, beware of our seniors. They might come to pull a few pranks, but you need not worry. Our college has strong policies against bullies,” he lied, before making eye contact with me and then dropping his gaze to the ground. With that, he left the new class to our mercy.

Meanwhile, all the students looked around at each other before introducing themselves. The first day seemed encouraging, and the professors were amiable. However, the reality was far from comforting. Despite the assurances from the dean, there was an undercurrent of fear among the students. They knew all too well that the college's policies were powerless against the true threat lurking within its walls—Xander Baston.

Their precious dean, as well as the chancellor, trembled at the mere mention of Xander's name, and that’s exactly how I wanted it. Those who knew me understood that resistance was futile. Surrendering to my will was the only path to avoid the torment I could inflict upon them for the next few years."


As the class began, our professor, Mason, entered and introduced himself. I sat beside a girl whose name I had seen on her notebook. We exchanged a few smiles, and I leaned in to introduce myself first.

"Hi, I'm Luka," I said.

"And you are... Aoife, am I pronouncing it right?" I asked, a bit confused.

"No," she smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I read it on your notebook," I replied.

She smiled and answered with a cute voice before rolling her eyes.

"You're not the first person to pronounce my name incorrectly. It's Ee-fa. I always wondered why my mom chose such a hard name for me."

The connection was instant; she seemed nice.

"So, Aoife, do you know anyone else here at the college?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm new in town," she replied.

As the day progressed, we found ourselves bonding quite well. While other girls were preoccupied with applying another layer of makeup, Aoife and I engaged in lively conversations about our favorite subjects, movies, and future plans. 

As lunchtime approached, I extended an invitation for Aoife to join me at the cafeteria, where seniors were already enjoying their meals. Without hesitation, we gathered trays filled with fresh slices of garlic bread, salsa, apple juice, and a packet of Doritos, and settled at a corner table.

While we were engrossed in conversation about our first day, a senior whispered, "Newbies, Xander," as he observed us. "They must not know the rules," he remarked to his friends. 

Soon, seniors surrounded us, invading our personal space while their leader watched on with amusement.

"Are you guys new here?" an unfamiliar voice interrupted Aoife and me. We turned to face the source.

"Yes, we're freshmen," Aoife replied casually.

"Do you know the rules of this college?" a female voice echoed.

"No, but I'm certain we haven't broken any," Aoife answered confidently.

I sensed the tension escalating, but Aoife seemed oblivious when she mentioned she was new in town.

"Sorry, sir. We were just leaving. We were hungry and decided to grab a bite here. Apologies for not greeting you first," I said, recalling the rumors swirling around the campus. Aoife gave me a confused look, wondering why I was apologizing.

"Did we do something wrong?" Aoife asked.

I furrowed my brow and gestured for her to stay quiet, noticing her clenching her fists.

"Your boyfriend's got it, baby girl," another male voice piped up from the left.

Aoife glared at him over the rims of her spectacles. First, they invaded her personal space, and now they were making assumptions about her.

"He's not my boyfriend. And don't you dare call me baby girl," she snapped, tightening her fist. I noticed Xander, the familiar figure, seated towards the back of the canteen. Sensing the tense atmosphere, I instinctively took a step back. Without pause, I reached out to take Aoife's hand, silently suggesting we leave the scene unfolding before us. "Let me go!" she screamed, yanking her hand away. It was clear she didn't appreciate being controlled by boys.

"What are you doing? I was trying to protect you," I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "These people could make our lives miserable. It's best not to provoke them. Just keep your head down and don't engage."

Aoife looked perplexed by the idea, her expression questioning whether this was a college or a military camp.

"Do you understand?" I pressed, as the seniors closed in.

"Yes," she whispered, realizing the danger she was in. She didn't want any drama on her first day. Her focus was on excelling in her studies and fulfilling her dreams. Earlier, she had confided in me about her aspirations to open her own company. Coming to this college to study business, she vowed not to let distractions like this derail her. Having already spent too much time mourning her mother's death and enduring the foster care system, she found little hope until earning a scholarship for this college.

When she finally agreed to leave with me, we made our way to the courtyard where other students were gathered, chatting, studying, and enjoying their lunch. Finding a spot beneath a tree, we settled down. Just then, a sweet blonde girl approached us. 

"Hey guys, I'm Clara. I'm new here," she chirped, extending her hand. There was an instant connection between us all, and I found myself unable to take my eyes off Clara. Aoife sensed the chemistry between us and we engaged in lively conversation


Observing the arrival of the new couple in the canteen, I couldn't help but feel intrigued. After they departed, I decided to distance myself from my friends and observe them from across the courtyard. Understanding my adversaries is essential when rules are breached. 

While my friends questioned them at the lunch tables, I discerned that the boy appeared timid, whereas the girl exuded a certain charm. Despite not seeing her face, it was evident she could benefit from some guidance. It's important to uphold the rules, and she needed to learn that.

Meeting this new acquaintance is going to be interesting. I'm eager to show her the results of bold actions.

Let the game begin!

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Janine Andrews
Hahahahaha wow the first few lines were enough to tell that this is a waste of time

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