
Chapter 6 - Troy

~Alice’s Point of View~

Why did he have to smell so good? Oh and he had on a tight shirt that showed off every bulge, every ripple. I was already feeling a thousand degrees and I’d only been sitting next to him for ten minutes. His large frame filled the seat so much his thigh was touching mine. Sure I could cross my legs but then I’d lose his warmth. 

I also refused to move from the arm rest and he did the same, so our arms touched. I closed my eyes and had a flash of his full weight on me, full skin to skin contact. He’d be gentle with me … until I begged him not to be. He’d be slow at first, until I screamed for him to--

“Popcorn,” he asked, practically shoving the bucket at me.

“I don’t eat that,” I quickly said, interlacing my fingers and rolling my thumbs.

“Why not? Popcorn is the best,” he said, in a whisper. 

“It’s full of fat, all that butter,” I said, as if it should be obvious.

“You’ll just run off when you shift,” he said, just as obviously.

That would be true if I shifted a few times a week like everyone else. But I was far from everyone else. Now that Colton was off the table I had to scramble to find a suitable replacement. It seemed an impossible task and I couldn’t lose a few nights a week to scampering around in the woods.

“Don’t concern yourself with my diet choices,” I said, practically in a huff. 

I wasn’t going to let this … this … whatever he was try to change me. I took in his earthy cedar scent and found myself relaxed, suddenly forgetting my Colton debacle. I tried to clear my mind and when I did I found myself almost drifting. I felt tired as the events of the day caught up with me and before I knew it my head was on his shoulder and my eyes closed, welcoming sleep. 

Turns out trying to control the world around you is exhausting. I don’t know how long I was out but I had the most vivid dream. 

I was running, in my wolf form and something was chasing me. My heart raced, pure adrenaline coursed through my veins, willing me forward. The fear was all over, not just in one location. How could it surround me like that?

My heart beat like a war drum in my ears, BOOM BOOM BOOM. The wind picked up, all the hair on me moved in different directions. My entire body was gripped with fright, with panic and the feeling of impending doom. 

I fell over something in the earth, my legs crumbling beneath me and giving out. Suddenly ice cold hands held my snout and chin, my eyes dared to look the creature in the face. His icy blue eyes turned bright red right before me and his teeth drew out … no! Fangs! He was a…

“Time to get up Alice,” a voice said, making me jump.

I flew out of my chair and to my feet, my breath catching in my throat, my heart racing. I gripped the back of the seat in front of me and leaned over.

“Are you okay,” Troy said, his hands circling my waist. He wasn’t cold now, he was warm and he felt so incredible. He felt … safe. Part of his hand touched my midriff and it instantly soothed me.

I turned to look at him, completely shaken and confused. I’d never had a dream anywhere close to that. My dreams were that of basking in the sun, beaches and tasty drinks. I felt stunned, stopped dead in my tracks. I felt … as if I were being hunted. What the hell had come over me?

“It was so real,” I blurted out, before I could help myself. 

“What was,” Miranda said, suddenly appearing in the row of seats in front of me. 

Troy looked at me with concerned eyes and I shook my head. 

“Just some weird dream that’s all. It’s over. Let’s get out of here,” I said, bending to pick up my bags.

“I’ll help you,” Troy said, taking them from my hands. 

“Thank … uhm, thanks,” I finally managed to blurt out. So the mangy animal had manners.

Since we’d taken a taxi to the mall and dough boy had an whole limo we rode back with the males. Troy didn’t say a word to me the entire time and I was grateful. I didn’t know what to say. I was never speechless yet he just had this … power over me. I absolutely hated it. 

“So party at our place later, huh,” Jesse said, stretching his arm out over Miranda’s shoulder. 

She giggled and blushed. 

“We have homework,” I blurted out, before I could help myself. 

Miranda’s bubbly face instantly paled and she looked down. 

“I mean it is a school night,” I said, trying to further explain myself. 

“Yeah I have a lot to do, especially now that I have to figure out how to use this computer, “ Troy said.

“Oh? I’m good with computers. I could help you,” Kylie offered. 

A fire suddenly consumed me and I opened my mouth to insist that I would be the one to help him … but I quickly closed it. What the hell was I doing? I couldn’t possibly waste the night punching keys and teaching an illiterate mutt how to use technology. 

“We’ll all help,” Jesse said, as he went on to invite all of us over.

I sat back in my seat and cursed everything. Two days ago my life made sense, I had proper goals and felt they were well within my reach. Now, nothing made sense, my life was utter chaos and that was unexceptable. I had to find a way to take back control.

Hours later my house was pure madness as all the females ran around trying on clothes, throwing around make up and blaring music. How could I possibly concentrate with these idiots around!

I grabbed my laptop and headed toward the library. I found a private room and threw myself into it. I quickly pulled up the lists of different male sports teams and began writing down possible candidates. I then researched their families and made notes. After about two hours I had whittled my options down to three. There was no way I’d end this school year without a ring on my finger. I had to get serious or else my parents would probably arrange a marriage for me.

Suddenly the door flew open and there stood Troy, my jaw dropped but I quickly recovered and stood. 

“May I help you,” I said, putting my hands on my hips. 

“Oh, I was uhm … just looking for a free room, I’ll try another,” he said, turning to leave. 

“Weren’t you having a party,” I said, rather loud. Not that I’d need to, his wolf hearing could probably pick up a whisper.

His head jutted back into the door frame just a bit. 

“It was a bit too much for me. I like it quiet, I’m used to quiet,” he said, turning to leave again.

“Wait,” I said, jumping from my cubicle and stepping forward. 

He was already out the door. I got him just as he was entering the room next to mine. 

“Did Kylie help you with your computer,” I asked, totally unsure why I cared.

“She was the brunette,” he asked, trying to remember. Good, she must not have been too memorable. 

“Yes, the short one,” I said, knowing fully well my physique was far superior. I loved my long legs.

“Nah, she got cuddly with some guy and the music was just too loud I had to bail out of there,” he said, sitting at the desk.

“What is it you need to do,” I asked, now standing over him. His eyes went to my chest then quickly looked away. I grinned.

“I have to create a small business model, uhm, proposal. I need to learn uhm, excel its called. I mean it's not due until next week but it's probably going to take me that long to figure it out and it's important to me to get it right,” he said, trying to start his laptop.

He quickly dumped some papers on the desk and I shook my head. The male was obviously in over his head. I turned to walk out, went back to my room and got my computer and my chair. This should count as enough do-good work for the rest of my school days.

I dragged the chair next to him and he looked surprised to see me. 

“You asked how I was useful,” I said, giving him a serious face.

He grinned and looked away. Was he blushing?? I’ll show him what I can do!

“My father is big in the tech world and he’s taught me what he knows, I’m a fast learner. Just because I don’t have any desire to run a company doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be damn good at it. Now let’s get started,” I said, picking up some of his papers.

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