
Chapter 7

The next morning I woke up hearing Luisa, she had already woken up and was lying between Ale and me, I get up and put a pillow so that the baby does not fall while I went to the bathroom, Alejandra and Matt were still asleep and not I wanted to wake them up, because that night we had gone to bed very late. When I get out of the bathroom I take Luisa and change her, once she is ready I leave the room very carefully so that the boys do not wake up.

When I left I find myself in the house in complete silence, it seemed that everyone was asleep, I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Luisa, I was already hungry and I was going to take advantage of preparing something to eat for Matthew, Ale and myself, but I stop short when I see that there was an older woman with a girl walking from here to there preparing food, when I was about to turn around the young woman notices my presence.

"Good morning, miss," the girl turns to me. "How can I help you?"

"Good morning," I greet you, "ah ... I came to prepare Luisa's food but I didn't know you were here."

"Don't worry," says the lady, "we are taking care of preparing everyone's breakfast since we work here."

"I didn't know you had service here," I say sadly, "but if you want I can help, there are a lot of people here and I see that they are very busy."

"Don't worry miss," the lady replies, "you don't need to help us, this is our job, plus you have your baby."

"Oh no, she's not my baby," I tell him quickly, "she's Matthew's daughter."

- Is this little Luisa? The girl asks, amazed, "but how has it grown!"

"Yes, this is Luisa."

- And since when are you and Matt dating? —The young woman asks very curious— you can see that you have time because the girl gets along very well with you.

"Nosy girl," the lady says to the girl, "that's none of your business, leave the young lady alone."

"Oh no, Matt and I are just friends, we don't have a lot of time knowing each other."

"You don't need to explain us," the lady tells me, "here is the food for the baby, a sandwich and an orange juice for you."

- I can sit here? I ask, pointing to the table in the kitchen. "I don't want to be alone in the dining room."

"Yes, of course, no problem."

I sat down and got ready to feed Luisa first and start a conversation with the lady and the girl who were there, they were very sociable women and you could see that they liked their work, they had already been working there for a long time. I was very calm talking when suddenly I feel like a kiss is planted on my cheek.

"Good morning princess," says Matt, sitting next to me, "did you sleep well?" 

"Good morning Matthew," I reply with a smile. "Yes, I slept very well."

The girl for the moment stared at me with an astonished face, the lady noticed it and called her attention to continue with her work and stop being aware of us.

"I see that this mischievous woke you up," he says, referring to Luisa, "you were called to me so that I could attend to him and that way you would be asleep a little more."

"Don't worry," I reply, "anyway I don't wake up late, I never get past seven in the morning on my days off."

"Give it to me for breakfast," he says when he sees the plate with the sandwich on the table, "you've already done a lot."

We had breakfast and left the kitchen, we went for a walk in the garden, we were talking about different things and at the moment Alejandra and Gustavo were approaching us.

"Good morning guys," Alejandra greets with a smile. "They left me alone in the room, they woke me up."

"Good morning friend," I approach her and hug her, "I didn't wake you up because I know you hate it." He squeezed her cheeks.

"Oh ya Abby," she says laughing, "I'm not a girl, let my cheeks and, well you're right," he touches my nose with his index finger, "you know me very well."

"Good morning Ale," Matt greets him.

"Good morning," she replies with a smile, "and are you princess, how did you wake up?" —It refers to Luisa who had Matthew in his arms— can I carry her?

"Yes, of course." Matt passes the baby to Alejandra.

"I'm going to go with Gustavo for a walk." Ale leaves with Luisa and Gustavo.

- Do you want to go horseback riding? Matthew asks me.

"Yes, I love horses."

We went to the stables and Matt had two horses saddled.

- Can you ride? Matt asks me before getting on.

"Yeah well I'm not an expert, but I know the basics."

"Okay, then let's go for a walk around."

We left calmly, the horses were walking little by little, meanwhile Matt was explaining to me everything around where we were passing, it was a perfect day, besides being beautiful, he was having a good time with Matthew. 

"Look," he stops, in front of us was a river. "This is the river where my cousins ​​and I almost drowned," he lets out a laugh.

- Really? - I ask impressed when seeing the width of the river, it was something big, and more for some children.

"Yes, that day was terrifying," he says, still laughing. "I thought I wouldn't live to tell about it."

"You are adventurers," I tell him with my gaze fixed on the river.

"Yes, you're right, but this time we were young inventors, and we weren't thinking."

—I never dared so much, I have always been one of those who see both sides of things.

"It's good to be like that," he says, looking at me, "because that day when that scare took me, I told myself that I was going to be more cautious and think before acting."

We continued talking as we walked along the river bank until my horse lost control because he saw a snake that was crossing the road. I held on to the bridle and squeezed my legs so as not to fall from the horse, it was running uncontrollably, I was very scared, I already saw myself lying on the ground, I thought I was going to fall, I never liked running on horseback because it always gave me afraid of falling and this day was no exception, although in this case it was not my choice.

- Matt help me! I yelled at him as I tried to stay on the horse.

"I'm coming after you Abby, hold on tight," Matt said to me.

I felt like I couldn't hold out for much longer, my legs were already hurting and this horse, no matter how hard he tried, didn't want to stop, Matt was coming behind very fast, but it was difficult for him to get to me, for a moment I thought about throwing myself but I It was very scary, I didn't want to hurt myself. When I felt like I couldn't take it anymore, that I was going to give up, Matthew was finally able to catch up with me and take the reins of the horse and it finally stopped.

As soon as I felt that the animal stopped I immediately got off and fell to the ground, my legs were shaking and they were weak, Matthew approached me and tried to calm me down, my fear was on the surface.

"Abby, Abby," she called, "take it easy." She hugged me, my tears starting to come out.

"I was very scared, Matt," I told him in my shaky voice.

"Easy, it's over," he told me over and over again, passing his hand over my head, caressing it.

We spent several minutes sitting on the floor while my nerves calmed down, until I was finally able to calm down, I took a deep breath and finally my body was calm, my legs stopped shaking and I tried to stand up.

- Are you sure it's okay? Matt asks me worriedly.

"If I'm fine now," I show him a smile to calm him down, "let's go."

—Ok, let's go —he helps me to get up— although we are far from the farm, we have to go back on the horses.

"It doesn't matter," I say something dubious, but what was I going to do? We were very far away and if we were walking we would arrive very late.

- Safe? He stops to think for a moment. "I know, we'll go together on a horse, to prevent that one from going crazy again."

I agreed and got on the saddle first, while Matt sat further back and was taking the reins of the horse, I felt more secure with him, plus I liked that we were practically hugged, I could feel his warmth and I could inhale his smell, I closed my eyes and let myself go, Matt kissed me on the cheek and placed one of his hands on my waist.

"Tell me Abby," he says, breaking the silence, "why didn't you stop the horse?"

"It's just ..." I opened my eyes and turned my head a little so I could see Matt's face. "That moment transported me to an accident that I had a long time ago, and it was on a horse."

- What happened? He asks me, I rejoin.

—When I was about twelve years old, a cousin went to visit the farm where she lived with my parents, she likes horses very much and she likes to ride them to run, I never liked to run on horseback, but that day I rode together with her in one, since it was the visit and I wanted to make her feel good during her stay - I pause - the ride was going well, the horse was walking but she thought we were going very slowly and suddenly she starts running the animal, I held on tightly to her, because I was going behind, she is very scared and I asked her to stop, but she did not want to and she even called me a coward, then the horse took a sharp curve in a corner of the fence and my knee hit her , the pain I felt was horrible, they had to take me to the hospital because my knee deviated and they had to take it back to its place,since that day he had not wanted to ride a horse anymore.

- And why didn't you tell me before? It was not proposed to you to ride.

"Because I thought I was over it," I told him, "it's been eight years since that time."

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