

Selena’s POV

There is silence for a few seconds and I count the seconds that will no doubt lead to my death.

She's going to tell Tristan. Spin the lies so well, it's going to come out like the truth and Tristan is going to murder me.

At that, Karla arrives, a keen smile on her lips. She is dressed in an elegant silvery white dinner dress, her hair styled to perfection and when she sees me, her smile turns absolutely venomous.

"Ugh. What's that awful smell," she cries, pinching her nose, "I swear, somebody forgot to take the trash out. There's a stench coming off of her."

The other women laugh at this and I pray to the goddess to deliver me from this torment.

She looks me up and down, sneering at my outfit. "Looks like you missed the dress code memo, Selena," she sneers. "You really do stand out like a sore thumb."

I try to ignore her, but she just keeps on going. "I mean, really, jeans and a t-shirt? Did you think you were coming to a barbecue or something?" She laughs, and the other
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