

"Yes, it's a constant process. But we're getting over it little by little. "I said, trying to change the subject. “I think I'm going back to the room and try to sleep again.

Bernardo agreed with a nod and accompanied me back to the room. Although I was not yet ready to open up completely, something inside me began to consider that maybe he could be someone I could trust and find support, even if we needed to keep our distances for now.

The next morning, the sun began to illuminate the sky when I was awakened by a loud moan near the bedroom window. My heart raced for a moment, but I soon realized that I was just one of the animals on the farm, and I laughed at myself for scaring me.

When I looked at the beds next door, I noticed that Gina and Gabriella were not there. I was surprised, because we usually woke up together, but I imagined that they were exploring the farm or enjoying the beginning of the day in some way.

I decided to get up and get ready for the day. I brushed my teeth and, following the inviting smell, went to the kitchen, where I met Gina, Gabriella and the mother of the men in the house.

“Good morning, Giulia! "They complied in unison.

“Good morning! Sorry, I got lost in something and ended up waking up late. Where were you? "I asked, curious.

Gina gave a naughty smile.

“We woke up early and took the opportunity to take a walk around the farm before breakfast.

"Yes, it's really a charming place," Gabriella added, excited.

The mother of the men in the house, Mrs. Lúcia, who had a welcoming look, offered me a chair.

“Come, dear, sit down and have some coffee with us. I just made coffee made with rapadura and cheese bread. "she said, friendly.

I sat at the table, and they served me. The aroma of coffee and cheese bread was irresistible, and I soon found myself savoring that delicious meal.

While we were eating, they started talking about the routine of the farm and its daily activities. Dona Lúcia told about the affection they have for animals, the tasks of taking care of the land and how the farm was passed down from generation to generation.

Gina and Gabriella, who seemed very comfortable, also contributed with their impressions and stories of the morning walk.

While listening to the lively conversations, I realized that the atmosphere in that kitchen was welcoming and familiar. That simple and distant place from the hustle and bustle of the big city began to become more and more special to me.

Little by little, I let myself be involved by the stories and smiles present at that table. There was still a lot to discover and share with that family, but I felt that the seed of a genuine connection was beginning to be planted at that moment.

After breakfast, I decided it was time to explore a little more of the farm and join my sisters in this unique experience.

While we were exploring the farm, my sisters and I found Bernardo taming a horse near the stables. He was shirtless, showing his athletic form, and wore a cowboy hat that gave him a charming and rustic look. I noticed that my sisters seemed impressed, but I felt a strange discomfort to be seeing it that way. I wasn't used to being attracted to someone so quickly and that left me a little disconcerted.

While Bernardo was busy with the horse, my sisters and I tried to keep up with his activities. However, I soon realized that there was something that bothered me on the farm: the strong smell of shit from the animals. I wasn't used to that rural environment, and the smell made me feel a little nauseous.

Gina and Gabriella, who were more used to life in the countryside, walked barefoot naturally. I, on the other hand, was reluctant to take off my shoes, fearing to step on something unpleasant.

“Come on, Giulia, it's much nicer to feel the grass under your feet! "Encouraged Gabriella, smiling.

I shrunk a little, hesitant, and said:

"I... I don't have the courage, I'm disgusted with the smell of animals.

Gina and Gabriella laughed, understanding my aversion.

"Oh, Giulia, you'll get used to it. And soon you won't smell it so intensely anymore," said Gina, trying to reassure me.

While they followed barefoot, I walked with caution, trying to avoid the mounds of shit from the animals. I wanted to enjoy the experience on the farm, but my city nature was revealing itself and making it difficult to adapt.

Throughout the morning, I participated in some activities, but I preferred to watch closely and keep a certain distance from the animals. I tried not to let my discomfort spoil the special moment my sisters were living.

Meanwhile, Bernardo continued to deal with the horses with skill and passion. His connection with the animals was evident, and the way he caressed them with affection showed how much he loved the farm.

Eventually, I decided to sit in a more distant place, where the smell of the animals was not so intense. I watched the quiet scenery of the farm, the vibrant colors of nature and the laughter of Gina and Gabriella as they interacted with the animals. I tried to appreciate that rustic beauty that meant so much to them, even if my reality was still that of the big city.

While I felt torn between my sisters' love for the farm and my discomfort, I knew that this trip was transforming me in some way. Maybe I was discovering new aspects of myself, facing fears and aversions that previously limited me.

While I was still sitting, watching the farm, a curious scenario caught my attention. Some cows approached a hose and started eating mangoes directly from the foot. It was a funny and unexpected scene, and I couldn't contain the laughter. That seemed to be typical of the farm and, somehow, it made me more relaxed and happy.

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