


Dear Santa,

I have escaped somehow today! You know that I can love none other than you! You are my first love! You gave me the first feeling of true love! You gave me my first Kiss! And it will be you who will be my first again! I will not allow anyone to touch me! I won’t give my virginity to anyone!

I am virgin for you! And I will lose my virginity only to you! I know you will keep your promise, you have always kept! I will look forward to next Christmas.

Your and only yours


Third Party POV--

12th January, 01.00 pm.

“How many times will I have to tell you? I am not hungry! Leave me alone!” Olivia yells at Rose, who retrieves in fear closing the door.

Olivia cries like a helpless child sitting at one corner of the room on the cold floor. She is starving since more than twenty four hours! She even hardly drank some water. Running away from the house didn’t help and all her plans failed!

She rests her forehead on her folded knees and tired from crying she falls asleep.

After a long time she wakes up to the ringtone of her mobile. She lazily gets up from the floor. It is dark and empty inside the room. She doesn’t bother to turn on the lights. She picks up her mobile which was lying on the huge king sized beg and seeing the name of the caller, disconnects the call. It was her so called Mom. She hates her from the bottom of her heart and after what she has done to her own daughter, Olivia won’t forgive her.

Olivia sits on the bed and takes the glass of water from the side table. Her throat is dry and burning because of all the screaming and crying. Yes, she has screamed and protested and cried for long hours, but all in vain! She drinks the whole glass of water and keeps the glass on the side table.

She slowly walks to the attached bathroom. She doesn’t even bother to lock the door as she seems to be in a trance. Her life has changed forever!

She heads to the washbasin and looks at the mirror. She can’t recognise her ownself! Hair all messed up, the eye liner and mascara smudged because of the tears she had shed, lips swollen, puffy eyes and dark circles, make her look older and shabby.

She turns on the tap to fill warm water in the bath tub and slowly strips herself off all the clothes that covered her body and along with that all fears and emotions. She is naked and at the same time void of any emotions. She looks and feels like a soul less body.

She sighs deeply and looks at her dress lying on the floor like her reaped and tattered soul. The Golden Wedding Gown, the heels and even the precious Diamond and platinum jewellery were all lying on the floor where they belong.

Olivia’s POV—

These expensive clothes and jewelleries mean nothing to me! I have been reaped off my love, my happiness, my soul! I look at myself once again and as I walk towards the bathtub, I notice the shining rock on my finger and a sharp pain and disgust takes over me! I immediately take it off my finger and throw it on the pile of clothes without a second of hesitation.

I am now devoid of all these materials associated with the awful memories of the previous day and also at the same time I am devoid of any feelings for anyone! My only goal is to save my virginity and stay away from the cruel world. It is a matter of 347 days and I will do it!

I step into the bathtub and dip myself in the warm water completely. I spend almost two minutes holding my breath, with my eyes closed and me completely dipped in the water. I feel as if I am in a different world, far from the cruel people and their malicious intentions.

I think of him, I think of my Love! My Santa Clause!

First memory- 10 years back – Olivia’s POV--

I turned 10, last April 20th. I am happy today because tomorrow is Christmas and I will ask Santa Clause to help me get rid of the ugly giant, Ryan!

“So, what is my little girl doing?” Nanny Agatha has come with a glass of milk.

“I am writing my wish Nanny Agatha. I will ask Santa to send Ryan away so that he won’t trouble me anymore and I can freely play around with April and Bony.” I say excited about Christmas.

“Aww.. But that is not a good wish to make, isn’t it?” Nanny Agatha gives me the glass of milk.

“I know. But that Ryan is very cruel and he tortures me Nanny!” I complain.

“No Olive, he may be rude and arrogant but he is not cruel. I understand that he doesn’t treat you quite well but you should not think this way. You are a good girl!” Nanny Agatha runs her hand on my hair and says politely. 

I don’t say anything more and I finish drinking the milk.

“Where is Mom Nanny Agatha?” I ask. It is already my bed time and Mom promised that she will come home early and tell me stories.

“She is not home yet Darling. She has an important gala today. She will be late!” Nanny informs and my face drops.

“She always has important things to do! Am I not important?” I start crying.

“Awww…come here baby!” Nanny Agatha makes me sit on her lap and caresses my hair, “You know you are the most important thing in your parent’s life. Only that they are busy in making a good future for you. But they do love you.”

“No one loves me other than you, Bony and My Santa!” I immediately say wiping my tears.

“Oh! Is it now?” Nanny chuckles and says smiling while wrapping her arms around me from the back, “My Olive is a good girl and that is the reason Santa loves her. And one day Santa will also find a very handsome Prince Charming for my little princess and then my child will have her happily ever after!”

“Oh No Nanny Agatha! You don’t know anything! Why will Santa find a prince for me? Won’t he be jealous?” I slap my forehead and say.

“Oh! And why will he be jealous now?” Nanny Agatha makes a curious and confused face.

“Because he himself is my prince charming and I will get married to him! He has promised me last Christmas!” I said nonchalantly and Nanny Agatha frowns, “Isn’t he too old to marry a young beautiful girl?”

“No Nanny! Santa Clause is not old! He is young. He never gets old. He has told me.” After pausing for a minute I ask Nanny Agatha, “Tell me Nanny Agatha, if Santa grows old then why his pictures of this year shows the same Santa as few years back?”   

“Hmmm..” Nanny thinks with her finger on her chin and then says, “You do have a point. We are seeing him to be the same since years. So maybe it is all our imagination!” then she puts me down on the bed and says, “Now you should sleep, else how will Santa come?”

“Wait I will have to keep the letter in the letter box first! He told me to do so!” I start getting down with the sealed envelope which had my letter to my Santa and Nanny Agatha ruffled my hair, “My Olive and her imaginations!!”

“It is true Nanny! You will see when Ryan disappears!” I say happily while running out of my room with the letter in my hand and I could hear Nanny Agatha’s laughter behind.

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